Originally, Chen Feng was also worried that Luo Hao would make some excessive demands.

But when Luo Hao said what he thought in his heart, Chen Feng knew that he had completely thought too much.

Luo Hao's request is only 2 points in total.

Point 1: As long as the company still has the ability to make profits, that is, to make money, then Luo Hao has a veto power!

As the largest shareholder, Chen Feng can put forward his own requirements and ideas, and can make decisions, but if some decisions touch Luo Hao's bottom line.

Luo Hao can use this right and refuse it directly.

Point 2: If the company loses profitability, the company must not cancel the road of office mobile phones.

At that time, either reduce the research and development funds, or let Luo Hao leave with the employees in the office mobile phone research and development department who are willing to go with him.

In simple terms.

Luo Hao's two points only ensure his most basic and core interests in the company.

The second condition is to ensure that his original idea of founding the company and stepping into the mobile phone industry is not trampled on.

Mobile phone office.

The first requirement is not so much a request, but rather a military order that Luo Hao has set up for himself.

As long as he can be sure that the company will make money, then his authority in the company will not be low.

Therefore, in order to ensure their status and rights in the company, no matter how idealistic and how to play their ideas, they must ensure that the company has the ability to make profits.

Even if the profit is very small.

In this regard, Chen Feng had no opinion at all!

Even if Luo Hao is likely to maintain the company's low profits for his idealized ideas, to make the mobile phone he wants to make.

But Chen Feng's original purpose was not to make mobile phones, he just wanted his mobile games to have a better platform.

It's just that you just happened to come across such an opportunity to invest in the mobile phone industry and make some money.

After all, every large capital company, in the end, must expand its own industry.

The larger the stall, the stronger the ability to bear risks and the stronger the ability to make money.

Moreover, Chen Feng also happened to have a way to perfectly deal with Luo Hao's idealization.

Can let this mobile phone company, even if there is Luo Hao such an ideal, just want to be the president of office mobile phones.

But it's still a good way to guarantee profitability!

He looked at Luo Hao, nodded and said, "I agree with both of these points, but at the same time, I also hope that you can agree to one of my requests."

"Mr. Chen, please say." After hearing Chen Feng's agreement, Luo Hao became even more respectful.

He knew that if nothing else, he might have to follow Chen Feng for a while in the future.

So his mentality changed very quickly.

"My request is simple." Chen Feng said, "I want to increase investment and subdivide another area into the company's existing product planning."

I call this classification as gaming phones.

That is, a phone made specifically for mobile games! "


The result of this negotiation.

It was Chen Feng who bought all the craftsman mobile phone companies and the remaining mobile phones in the warehouse.

At that time, Luo Hao, who was still a newcomer, firmly believed that his mobile phone would be able to catch fire as soon as it was launched.

Therefore, 1 million units were directly ordered on the production line.

So far, in addition to some friendly gifts at the press conference and a few units sold when they first went live.

There are still more than 900,000 units, piled up in the warehouse and no one cares.

A large part of the money Chen Feng bought from the Craftsman Mobile Phone Company was these more than 900,000 mobile phones.

This is naturally not a cheap number.

But compared to finding someone to spend money and time, and then re-customize a chip, it is still much cheaper.

The main thing is to save time.

Moreover, Chen Feng's acquisition of these mobile phones is not directly discarded as garbage.

Instead, I plan to use it again!

In this way, there is no need to painstakingly redevelop another one.

However, this mobile phone still has many shortcomings after all, and it has been eliminated by the market once, and the company has collapsed once.

So the price is naturally not expensive.

And it is more likely that even if the price drop is very strong, the mobile phone still cannot be sold.

Because, for today's mobile phone consumers, there is still no demand for this kind of mobile phone.

However, Chen Feng did not actually plan to sell these mobile phones directly.

Many times, you take things out and sell them yourself, and consumers will pick and choose and not want to buy them so much.

But if you do it another way, you may be able to make consumers spend money and time, and be very happy to get what you originally planned to sell into their own hands.

Of course...... The price is still not too high after all.

These more than 900,000 mobile phones, in the end, can still earn as much as they can, more or less return a little money.


In the end, the launch time of the Onmyoji game was not affected.

Now it just takes to wait until all the outsourcing is done and the game itself is completely ready.

You can submit it to the Game Authority for review and go live directly.

The production of the Warcraft game is also progressing steadily.

Wait until "Onmyoji", after it has been online for a while.

Warcraft will also be released online, and it will be launched simultaneously worldwide.

This is what makes single-player games better than online games.

Online games must find an agent, otherwise they will have to do this agent themselves.

Because the server of the online game must be operated, it also needs to be maintained by many technicians.

It's like going to a hot pot restaurant to eat hot pot, even if it has already been eaten, you still have to keep adding dishes to it, and at the same time, you have to add water to it.

But that's not the case with single-player games.

As long as the single-player game is made and packaged, it can be like a packaged takeaway.

After paying the money, you can directly take the takeaway and leave, whether you want to eat, when you want to eat, how you want to eat, it is completely up to the player to decide.

Game companies, if planned, or if necessary, can do some, fixes and updates.

But for most single-player games, it's a one-shot deal.

From the moment it is done, it is a complete and perfect product.

Of course, this example is limited to the different ways in which the two games are sold.

It naturally has nothing to do with the content of the game.

As long as Chen Feng can take out "Warcraft", the version of various countries.

You can directly package the game body on various national or international game platforms.

Let the player make a purchase.

Although the employees of Platinum Company were a little nervous, their lives were full and enjoyable after all.

At the same time, on the web.

The promotion of "Legend of Warriors" is still in full swing.

Goose Factory does everything possible to attract and retain players.

The conspiracies and conspiracies that were brought out did have some effect.

Plus Legend of the Warriors, which is a free-to-play computer game in its own right.

And the quality of the game is passable.

So there are indeed more and more players, and the popularity and evaluation of this game have always been high.

While affecting Dungeons & Warriors players.

The impact on another game is also high, not low.

That is "The Legend of Sword and Fairy"!

The reason why Chen Feng is not afraid of the danger caused by "Legend of Warriors" to "Dungeons and Warriors".

It is because of "Legend of Warriors", the real competitor of this game, but "The Legend of Sword and Fairy"!

No matter how the goose factory touches porcelain publicity, after the players themselves have experienced the game and returned to the taste.

It is still possible to find out.

Because of this, more and more players are comparing "The Legend of Warriors" and "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" together.

Coupled with "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", it is indeed a point card charging game in essence.

Therefore, during this time, from "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" to the players in "The Legend of Warriors", there are more!

Even Chen Feng himself didn't expect it.

With computer games, and free games, one big killer after another, he has laid down the current land.

But today.

His own paid games have also been revolutionized by other companies' free games!

However, due to the excellent plot of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", as well as the world view and game culture.

Most of the players are die-hard fans, or die-hard fans.

Even though many people left, it still did not have a fatal impact on this fairy game.

Instead, it is some game anchors who have become famous with "The Legend of Sword and Fairy".

During this time, it was more affected.

Especially Liu Yu, who is the most popular.

This ruthless killer who once killed his sister!

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