Through this ephemeral CG.

Discerning people can see that in this continent called Azeroth, humans and orcs are fighting endlessly, and the former is even more invaded, with heavy casualties.

In the continent, there is also a plague that makes people palpitate, but the source is unknown, and it has begun to spread.

At this time, in the palace of the Terran king, a prophet Medivan who could turn into a crow came to warn the old king....

It's just that the old king did not pay attention to this matter, and even vaguely expressed his dissatisfaction with Medivan.

Wang Feng thought for a moment in his heart, and after browsing the various game modes on the screen, he clicked the story mode directly.

That's right, as a single-player player who pays the most attention to the story of the game.

He naturally wanted to experience the plot of the game "Warcraft" first!

After a short novice tutorial.

Wang Feng gradually saw the style of this Azeroth continent, and the power of this game Warcraft!

"It's amazing, the quality of the promotional video is really similar to the quality of the game graphics!"

Wang Feng was playing, and couldn't help but be surprised to speak.

"It's just a little weird, is this 3D modeling? Why does it look like the characters are a little weird? Wait, it should be my sight problem! "

After all, he is an old player, and he immediately found the problem.

Obviously, in the whole game, all the modeling is 3D.

But he's playing from God's perspective.

"Doesn't that lead to us not feeling the excellence of 3D modeling? Why did Platinum design it this way?

Wang Feng was surprised.

You know, other game companies, do 3D, are eager to make it first-person.

Because that's the way you can be most immersive.

Let players experience the reality and delicacy of 3D modeling.

But this "Warcraft" is completely the opposite!

"Is it because the modeling of this game is not exquisite? No, it looks good.

Why would you want to do that? Is there anything to say?

Wang Feng was thinking about it, and suddenly found another question: "Wait a minute!" The character I actually used was Alsace! Handsome!

It was only after a moment that he reacted, "Wait, my mount and my weapon, Frost Sorrow, are gone?" "


"Groove? Can I not walk the plot alone and break into the world! How can I order minions? And still direct them forward, stand by in place, attack, patrol? What is this, this... This TM, I became a general!

Wang Feng's eyes lit up, and he was completely shocked by these complex commands in the game.

More importantly, this feeling of being able to command multiple people at once suddenly piqued his interest.

To know.

Every man has the dream of killing enemies and becoming a general!


"I didn't expect that there was a personal hero skill!"

"This Alsatian ... It seems to be responding to my instructions! Soon

, Wang Feng found a new way to play.

He immediately controlled the character and constantly carried out various commands.

Then listen to the in-game characters react to these commands.

For a while, it's fun.

"I've never seen this kind of gameplay! Yes! Worthy of platinum! Wang

Feng played for a while, and after being completely familiar with the operation of the game.

The plot officially begins.

Then, he was soon fully immersed in the plot.

No more complaining.

Wang Feng has played countless single-player games, and the simpler story mode is naturally not difficult for him.

He keeps moving into new chapters for the rest of the story.

As you complete more missions, you progress more and more to the game.

Wang Feng became more and more aware of the entire Azeroth continent.

Regarding Alsace, as well as the alliance of the Terrans, and the various relationships between the orc tribes, he gradually became clear.

Moreover, it is crucial that

in the process of plot progression, there is corresponding CG content in every part of the plot.

These CGs are not short!

Not only that, but each CG in it can be compared to a big-made animation that is enough to be brought to the screen!

At least it seems that this company must have thrown money, and also threw a lot of money!

This fully shows how much Platinum invested in this game!

Just these CGs.

It's already expensive!

With the end of the new chapter.

After a brief black screen, the screen lights up again.

Is the new game CG!

"Absolutely! It's really amazing, at least in the CG piece, other single-player games can't be compared with "Warcraft" at all!

Wang Feng's whole person has been shocked and numbed by these countless CGs: "General single-player games, even those abroad, at most it is good to do an opening and ending CG, and in the middle for the main characters to introduce CG or something."

"But this Warcraft, there are actually a few minutes of CG to watch every few episodes!" Moreover, the quality of these CGs is not reduced at all, no different from animated movies!

How much did this TM cost? When

Wang Feng was shocked in his heart, he couldn't help but have more expectations for the next game.

These CGs are one after another, and in addition to quality, they are also extremely functional.

Each time it appears, it summarizes many previous plots and leads to the next plot.

Fill players with a sense of anticipation.

Wang Feng thought in his heart.

At this moment, the screen in front of me went black, and after it lit up again, another game CG slowly played.

It just so happens that this CG has something to do with the previous opening CG.

In the story of the game.

Although Medivan warned the Terran king, he did not receive enough attention.

The Terran king was obviously not willing to accept his suggestion.

And also threw him out.

It was still in the Terran palace where Medivan was.

There was a tall, amazing, imposing figure slowly striding from outside the palace.

This person wore heavy armor, like mountains and rocks, leaving a black shadow on the ground, almost blocking out all sunlight.

He was the son of the old king of the Terrans, Alsace.

In the entire capital of Lordaren, countless Terran people gave the warmest applause and thunder to Alsace and the people behind him.

Along the way, there are also many petals used as greetings.

As for Alsace, whose figure was all covered by black robes, he suddenly raised his head slightly at this time.

Then he stretched out his broad palm and watched the flower fall into his hand.

The blooming flowers became a rotting mass of ashes in the palm of Alsace in the next second.

Alsace didn't look at this either, just walked forward, looking indifferently at this high Terran palace!


Before the royal palace, the heavy gate was slowly opened, and Alsace, dressed in heavy armor, slowly walked in.

The weapon in his hand also fell on the floor.

The careful Wang Feng noticed at this time that Alsace in front of him was no longer holding the sacred war hammer.

On the contrary, the weapon in his hand is the favorite one in the hearts of all players, Frost Sorrow!

The tired old king was extremely happy to see his son.

So he immediately stood up and walked towards his son, wanting to greet him.

However, in the next moment, inside the palace, indifferent words came.

"You don't have to sacrifice for your people anymore!"

"You don't have to bear the burden of the crown anymore!"

"I've arranged everything!"

The evil aura was awe-inspiring, but the incomparably cold words entered the ears of the old king, and also sounded in the ears of Wang Feng.

Clenching the frost sorrow in his hand, Alsace slowly stood up, and then strode towards the top position, and the broad palm grabbed the elderly king on the throne in the next moment.

Then, the screen shakes.

In front of him, there is only Alsace and the shadow between the old king, father and son.

"What are you going to do! Son!

Alsace ignored the panicked old king, but calmly and coldly spoke, "Inherit the throne, Father." Fang

finished speaking.

The tall shadow, the weapon in his hand, sent it forward!

This is Alsace using his frost sorrow to send into the body of the old king!

Kill your father, kill the king!

Blood was scattered.

A muffled sound, accompanied by a scream.

High on the throne, there was a crown full of blood, which fell and rolled until it reached the stage before stopping.

This means that the supreme ruler of today's human kingdom, the old king, has died!

Alsace, already affected by evil, became the kingdom of mankind, the new king.

A thick and evil voice came slowly at this moment.

"This kingdom will fall..."

"But from this ruin, a new order will be born!" He will shake all the fundamentals of this world! "

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