Jackson glanced at the comment, and the word count was a bit high.

The pinned comment is written like this.

"Dear players, this single-player game is a game specially produced by the game company of the Great Xia Kingdom, which contains strong Western magical elements. As you can see, the CG of the game in this game is made up of such beautiful graphics.

"Don't be surprised, such a game CG, if it were a movie, I would like to believe it." Of course, you don't need to ask me where the whole content of the video is, I haven't played the game yet, naturally it's not clear.

"Of course, if you'd like to dive deeper into this video, you're welcome to find and try out this single-player game."

"Finally, there is unfortunate news to tell everyone.

"That is this game of the Great Xia Kingdom, there is no English version, and it is currently only available in the country of the Great Xia Dynasty."

After reading this long comment, Jackson frowned for a while.

His eyes were full of doubt.

After thinking for a while, he came back to his senses and exclaimed in surprise.

"Impossible, such a beautiful game, actually produced by the Great Xia Kingdom Game Company?" "I don't believe it!" "

Such a beautiful picture, as well as an epic super plot, just by a small Great Xia Kingdom Game Company?" Although

previously, Jackson clearly saw that in that video, not only the subtitles, but also the narration voice in it, were all in the language of the Great Xia


But no matter what, it is very difficult for a proud Westerner to admit that such a beautiful game picture was born from the Great Xia Kingdom instead of his own!

So, with a skeptical look on his face, Jackson slid his mouse and began to read other comments below the video.

Watching these comments, Jackson discovered one thing.

That is, there are many, many people who have the same reaction as themselves

! "It's impossible! Why doesn't this kind of game have our language!" "

The Great Xia Kingdom can still make such an epic game?

That's right, I've been paying attention to the goose factory in the Great Xia Kingdom, but I haven't found that they do such a game.

Maybe a video like this is a gimmick!"

This game should be released soon, or a new game made by top game manufacturers, first use some video and game graphics to test the waters!"

"No, maybe it's a potato factory, after all, their family is still good at this type of game."

"There is also a possibility, maybe the stupid donkey company!" Of

course, except for these tall and short people who do not believe that this game was made by the Great Xia Kingdom.

There are also some people who have a clearer mind.

"Don't be too proud, there is an old saying in the Great Xia Kingdom, there is a sky outside the sky, there are people outside the people, maybe the Great Xia Kingdom can make such a beautiful game.

"That's right, I saw the logo of the familiar platinum company, the dungeons and warriors launched by their family before, I also started to play, it is indeed very good, you still don't come out and talk without brains

!" "I also know this platinum company! This is a company in

the Great Xia Kingdom!" "Just went to check the information, I searched for this company on the website of the Great Xia Kingdom, and their newly released game, what the upstairs said is indeed correct."

"Hehe, even if this game is really released and put on the shelves by their company in the Great Xia Kingdom, but I guess that the main designer of this game is definitely not from their Great Xia Kingdom?"

"That's right, it must be because they, the platinum company, have recruited a lot of game designers from our West!

Just like that group of stupid pig-like Daxia people, it is impossible to make such a game full of strong Western elements!" "

God, I believe your words, I watched the video twice, the plot of the game, as well as the specific setting, and some plot directions, all of which are closely related to our West!

I agree, otherwise there is no way to explain the various cultural elements in this game.

"That's right, such a strong Western element, only designers who have been living in our West and have received our Western education can make it, otherwise there would not be so many elements from our ancient history."

"Don't argue anymore, I'm the designer in the potato factory who specializes in the plot. Let me briefly analyze it for you.

At present, this game, whether it is the internal game logic or the external game plot framework, including various character settings, even all the designers in Western game companies I know at present, can not reach such a level. Jackson

swiped the comment for a long time, and he couldn't help but have a clear thought in his heart.

Whether he believes it or not, I'm afraid that the game video I saw before is the game released on the shelves of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Moreover, it is also a single-player game specially produced by their domestic game company.

Thinking of this, Jackson's expression suddenly changed.

After a few moments, he said just do it, and immediately began to search for the game Warcraft in the web page.

At all costs.

He plans to buy the game first and have a good time.

That's right.

Warcraft is a game that players in any country can buy.

They also don't need to enter the network of the Great Xia Kingdom.

After all, this Warcraft is just a single-player game.

It's not like an online game, because it has operational requirements and requires certain agents.

Otherwise, just throw the game over, there is no way to update in real time, there is no way to do activities.

Definitely not.

But stand-alone games are different from online games, after all, this is a hammer sale, as long as there is no ban, players in any country can buy.

Not only Westerners can buy domestic games in Daxia, but also gamers in Daxia can easily buy Western single-player games.

For a long time, the single-player gamers of the Great Xia Kingdom have also done this.

Of course, it is precisely because of this, if, if some Western single-player games, there is no translation of Daxia language, or a Chinese group....

The experience of players playing games in the Great Xia Kingdom will definitely not be very good.

So all along, if you encounter some very good quality, very classic single-player games, but there is no Chineseization.

Many players of the Great Xia Kingdom are almost completely unable to play.

Otherwise, it can only be guessed with a hood, and you have to guess from beginning to end.

But in the vast majority of cases, such behavior, it is difficult to make your own gaming experience become good.

Also for this reason.

General game manufacturers, before putting on the shelves of the game, will definitely prepare some mainstream common languages, so that players in various countries can face their familiar languages when playing games.

In this way, you will not lose some of the player's gains.

But Chen Feng, although made a foreign language version.

But it wasn't put up.

As a result, now, all players in the entire world, once they buy "Warcraft", the version they can play is only the text and language of the Great Xia Kingdom!

Not long after, Jackson found the game "Warcraft" in the game store.

At first glance, sure enough, there is only a Chinese version.

Jackson wasn't surprised.

After all, he was already in those comments and knew this information.

What really surprised him.

is the gaming platform for this game.

In the mall, the bottom of the game "Warcraft" is very clearly marked with the six words "computer stand-alone game".

When Jackson saw these four words, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Computer single-player games? What does that mean?"

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