The auditions were conducted online and ended quickly.

This edition of the competition has produced a lot of newcomers, esports is like this, players have a particularly short peak time, and if you are not careful, you will be eliminated by newcomers.

Kong Lu is such a newcomer, he successfully entered the main competition with his superb hand speed.

"Come and see this news, a certain fish won the profession for 30 million, and the broadcast rights of the league dungeons and warriors are too generous. I

don't know when, Kong Lu came to Sun Long's side, and looked at a piece of news excitedly.

Sun Long didn't care about this, he looked at Kong Lu: "This level of event can't be a single big one, there must be other media and platforms to broadcast, this time, President Chen should be able to make some money." "

Sun Long still knows some about these things.

Although there was a goose factory "Legend of the Warriors" before it was making trouble.

But this time, the broadcast rights of the entire game were still sold for more than 100 million, which can be regarded as a big stop to wave loss.

After all, this is a multi-national world competition.

Naturally, many live streaming platforms from other countries will participate.


The forum is also full of discussions, most of them are discussing the champion of this professional league, who will end up in the end, and some of them discuss the broadcast platform.

Sure enough, a certain tooth appeared, and this platform even won the broadcast rights of the official professional league of Dungeons and Warriors for a million, and it is being hyped.

Looking at the voices on the forum, there are also constant, many of which are discussing the broadcast of things.

"This professional league is really hot, even if it is a game at two o'clock in the night, I have to keep watching.

"Come on, basically the competitors are all players from the Eastern Hemisphere, and it is impossible to get up in the middle of the night to give you a race." "

A certain fish didn't even win the broadcast exclusivity of the live broadcast. However

, the matter of broadcast rights is not the most important, Sun Long wants to see if there are any newcomer masters in this year's players.

So he opened the tech sticker instead of the gossip sticker.

Kong Lu on the side smiled and said to Sun Long: "Are you a newcomer to watch this competition?

Sun Long smiled: "Aren't you a newcomer? It

just so happened that the first piece of news on the post was:

[Best Rookie! Female gunsmith or a strong contender to become a professional league champion!]

Isn't this Kong Lu?

[There is a dark horse killed in the qualifiers, that is, a female gunsmith named a cute little rookie, it is said that she is still a beauty, but she has not gone offline, and everyone has not seen his appearance, but according to the rumors of the great god, this person is extremely fast, and hopes to win the professional league championship, and we will follow up as soon as there are relevant reports. ] Such

a post caused controversy, some people said that it was a boast, how can a female player have such fast hand speed.

However, there are also people who are skeptical, thinking that it does not matter whether this is male or female, and that there is nothing wrong with this person being a strong contender for the championship.

Kong Lu said a little embarrassed: "These people have not seen it, do I know that I am powerful? But

Sun Long is still very serious.

"It's because you're awesome that discussing your posts comes first.

Sun Long read a few more posts, everyone bragged about everyone, mainly focused on a few characters.

For example, a qigong master who was with him in the last session, the player's name is Shen Pingzhi, and there is another player who was defeated by Kong Lu, Lin Baojun, his profession is a martial god.

However, Sun Long is most concerned about the players on the other side of the stick, and their country has a very good e-sports plan, so they can be a strong contender for the Huaxia Kingdom.

The dungeons and warrior forums of the international network were opened, and the sticks in them were very arrogant, but Sun Long was also used to it, because they had always been like this.

Many Chinese people have a war of words with them inside, which is very exciting.

One of the posts caught Sun's attention, saying that he posted to celebrate the qualification.

The first half of Tiezi was still relatively normal, but the second half of the painting style turned to Sun Long.

[The main purpose of my post is to want to laugh with Sword Dance Hongyan, PK If anyone loses, they have to call each other three times dad, I see Sword Dance Hongyan smile, dare not fight.] [

As evidence, if Jian Wu Hong Yanxiao does not dare to fight, then he is a shrunken turtle.]

This person's arrogance is very arrogant, and although Sun Long has seen many people who provoke him, there are few people as arrogant as him.

However, this very controversial post, there must be countless Chinese people to refute him, so Sun Long pulled down the comments on the post.

One comment was actually pinned.

[Require Jian Wu Hong Yanxiao to accept the challenge within three days, otherwise it will be a shrunken-headed turtle, and you Huaxia people will all be shrunken-headed turtles.]

Sun Long smiled, this comment is the landlord's, but this also attracted Sun Long's attention, because the landlord of this post has just registered, and it is obviously rhythmic.

So Sun Long watched it with interest.

Here are a few comments from Huaxia people.

[It's so shameless that this unilateral declaration of war is equivalent to moral kidnapping, isn't this something you stick often do.] [

If we accept your challenge, it is equivalent to entering your trap, and if we do not accept the challenge, we are called a shrunken turtle, which you call shameless.] [

This is not something that normal people can do, they stick like this, if you are more serious with them, you will lose.]

Sun Long shook his head, such posts were all over the street, if he really wanted to be more real, he couldn't get it.

"Come and see, Brother Sun, there's another post here, which has just been put at the top. Sun Lu was also looking at this forum, and there was another post on this international forum that was topped by the speed of light.

[It was revealed that the person who provoked Sun Long was Park Guochang.]

Every time Sun Long refreshes this post, there are thousands more people who view it, and it seems to be very popular.

[This new number is actually the pink trumpet, he is here with the rhythm, it is really disgusting, I will now give you all the things he has done and say, each in detail] This

post is obvious, it is for Sun Long's name, which tells in detail about this person named Park Guochang, his life experience, and many of his ugly things are also said in great detail, causing people to laugh.

The comments below are all laughing at this Park Guochang.

Even the sticks themselves are laughing at this person, because there are so many ugly facts that this person has done.

These comments spread overwhelmingly to every corner of the forum, even. Park's own posts are also full of his own scandals.

When Sun Long clicked on his account again, his account had already been cancelled.

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