
eleven o'clock in the afternoon

, there are only half an hour left before Platinum's new games "Diamond Farm", "Diamond Ranch", "Diamond Landlord" and other casual mini-games are launched!

Many players and game designers have rushed in, started downloading the Diamond game platform, waited for the game to go online, and started playing directly!

Beautiful country, Chinatown.

A spacious and tidy rental house.

A young man under the age of thirty was sitting in front of the computer, staring at the download progress bar on the computer screen in a daze.

This young man's name is Li Xinghan, and he is a native of the Great Xia Dynasty.

He studied at a university in China, and came to the beautiful country to pursue graduate and doctoral studies.

Li Xinghan studied game design, and during his study abroad in Beautiful Country, he worked part-time in several well-known game companies in Beautiful Country.

Even, he has participated in the design of a sci-fi VR single-player game that has swept the world.

Now, Li Xinghan is also about to graduate, although his resume is very good, even in the beautiful country, he can join the top game companies, but this is not Li Xinghan's ideal.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, Li Xinghan was preparing his own game.

He wanted to make a VR parkour game, but Eternal's VR game engine was too expensive.

Even though he has earned a lot of money part-time in some large game companies over the years, the latest VR game engine he wants, Eternal Company has sold 20 or 30 million, and Li Xinghan can't afford it at all.

Therefore, retreating to the second place, he could only set his eyes back on the Great Xia Dynasty.

It just so happened that this time the Platinum Company and Ding Shell Company joined forces to create a VR game engine, and there was a lot of noise, and Li Xinghan set his sights on this game.

Because now there is still half an hour left before the game starts.

He installed the Diamond game platform on his computer and studied the game composition of Platinum Company first.

"Platinum Game Company really deserves to be a domestic game company giant, and its games are all boutique!"

Li Xinghan secretly sighed while looking at the games in the diamond game platform.

He has been abroad all these years and does not know much about the domestic gaming industry.

The previous understanding of platinum only stopped at the game "Warcraft".

Because of this game, it is very popular in the beautiful country where he studied.

Even many game designers around him were hooked on the game.

Li Xinghan is also a platinum game company that knows because of this game.

At this moment, looking at the games on the diamond platform one by one, Li Xinghan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Legend"! Dungeons & Warriors! "The Legend of Sword and Fairy"!

Although Li Xinghan has not played these games, he has heard of them all!

Legends, the world's first computer game!

"The Legend of Sword and Fairy", set the history of the most popular game online at the same time, and its adaptation of the TV series has also achieved great success.

Not to mention Dungeons & Warriors, which pioneered the esports of gaming.

As for those single-player games, let alone that.

What Li Xinghan didn't expect at all was that these games were all created by Platinum Company!

Platinum Game Company, really powerful!

However, Li Xinghan also found a problem, until now, Platinum has not actually made any VR games.

"Platinum is great at computer games and mobile games, but ... Will they make VR games that won't be good? "

After all, VR games require VR game engines.

If the performance of the game is not good because the engine is not good, even if the creativity of Platinum Company is good and the game designed is highly playable, players will not pay for it.

Of course, if its VR game engine can't work, Li Xinghan will definitely not play, after all, he came for this engine.

There are still a few minutes left until the game goes live.

Li Xinghan got up and went to the study, opened the VR game cabin, and imported the game data of "Diamond Farm" into it first.

Then, he entered the game cabin and connected the equipment.

At this time, "Diamond Farm" was officially launched!

After entering the game, there is an opening animation.

The first thing that appears in front of the player's eyes is a huge farm.

Wide and fertile fields with a wide variety of plants planted.

The foliage of these plants is flourishing, delicate and gently swaying with the wind.

Next to the field, there is a clear pond in which small fish with charming scales swing their tails and swim among them.

The whole picture is extremely clear and very realistic, giving people the feeling of being on a farm.

The picture quality is also very good, and the details are handled perfectly.

Li Xinghan even saw the veins on the branches and leaves of those crops in the land.

Such details feel similar to Eternity's latest engine, UE8.

Seeing this, Li Xinghan's face was full of shock.

This is a VR game engine made by Platinum and Dingshell?

How is that possible?

Such clarity, such quality details, is this really what a domestic VR engine can do?

Immediately afterwards, the picture flowed, and next to the farm, a huge pasture appeared, and in the pasture, there were all kinds of animals.

In the distance, there are small towns and cities, but because they are too far away, the picture gradually fades and returns to nothingness.

At the end of the animation, the shock in Li Xinghan's heart gradually dissipated, replaced by a huge surprise.

In fact, before playing this game, he lowered his expectations very low.

After all, Platinum has never made a VR game.

Moreover, many game manufacturers in Daxia rely on the purchase of Eternal Company's UE series engine to make VR games.

It is enough to see that the VR game engine technology in Daxia is not very good.

Unexpectedly, after playing it now, I found that the VR performance of this "Diamond Farm" was so brilliant!

If the domestic VR game engine has been developed like this, then you can buy a domestic engine to make your own parkour game!

Moreover, before looking at the official Weibo of the Ding shell company, this kind of engine, they seem to sell very cheaply, at most two or three million can be won.

With this little money, Li Xinghan is completely able to find a way to pull investment and make it up!

With the VR engine, I can officially launch the game design plan and make the parkour game I have always dreamed of!

During this time, the problem that had been bothering him was finally solved, Li Xinghan's mood was very good, and he couldn't help but praise in his heart: "The platinum company is awesome!" Ding Shell Company is awesome! Hahaha! At

this point, he completely let go of the burden in his heart and decided to experience this game well!

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