Game Development Giant

Chapter 161 Claudia’s Sorrow

However, acknowledging their understanding of the game style does not mean that he approves of the games they submitted to him as alternatives.

The biggest gap between current American game designers and Japanese game designers is not in technology. Even technically, the American design team is even better than Japan. But why did the entire eight-bit computer era, throughout the sixteenth century, In the bit computer era, throughout the 32-bit computer era, European and American game manufacturers simply cannot compare with Japanese manufacturers?

Nothing more than an understanding of the game and the purpose of playing the game.

After rejecting all four alternative game plans submitted by Will Wright, Jester called the flight attendant and asked for a few more pieces of manuscript paper. Before he actually started writing, he frowned. To be honest, future generations of Nintendo It can be said that there is no dead end in the development of the image of Mario. Even AVs with Mario as the protagonist have not been spared... I am going too far. I am talking about games. There are various types of games with Mario as the protagonist. But there are not many that are suitable for him to learn from now.

After thinking for five or six minutes, Jester finally decided to choose two Mario derivative games. One of them is that these two games are either simple and easy to play, or they are fun and extraordinary in gameplay. Of course, the name will definitely be changed to "Doctor Balotelli".

Another game is a game that plays a decisive role in Mario's entire gaming career. This game is recognized by countless game media and countless game players as the best party game, not one of them. This is a game that the whole family, young and old, relatives and friends of all ages can enjoy at the same time.

Yes, this game is Super Mario Kart.

Countless subsequent games have borrowed ideas from this game. And this is not a serious racing game, and it is relatively simple to make.

Therefore, Jester began to write down the framework and settings of these two games on the manuscript paper. As for the specific details, he is not too involved now. Teachers are no longer what they were at the beginning when more than half were rookies. No matter how much I interfere, it will be very detrimental to the growth of these people. It only took a short amount of time to complete the framework, general setting, and a few sketches. When it was all completed and packed up, I realized that the entire journey was only halfway through, and it was through the porthole. Looking at the dark night sky outside, Jester couldn't help but laugh at himself.

"Why do you have to work such a lifeless job? Now I can't even spend all the money I earn."

But after finishing the taunt, Jester shook his head again. In the end, I chose to close my eyes and rest my mind. Sometimes people are very strange. Before closing their eyes, they feel that they are not sleepy. Very awake, but after closing your eyes, sleep will come quickly.

When Jester wakes up. I was woken up by the stewardess because we were about to arrive at Heathrow Airport and we needed passengers to wake up and fasten their seat belts.

Jester could already clearly see the slightly decadent modern city of London through the plane window.

Jester has been to London before. To be honest, he doesn't really like this metropolis that was the center of the world hundreds of years ago and is still the world's financial center because the atmosphere here is too old-fashioned. I like the American feeling of being trendy, fast, and needing to be tight all the time.

However, London's status as the world's financial center will not last long. Judging by the time, the financial giant who has already attacked Mexico may be ready to turn his attention to the pound.

After getting off the plane, Jester clearly saw Claudia in the airport lobby holding a sign waiting for him near the exit. She came alone, wearing a brown windbreaker and a pair of sunglasses. When he saw Jester, he waved.

After walking over, Jester clearly felt that the other party's mood was not high, and Claudia looked at Jester and hesitated to speak.

He and Claudia walked to the parking lot in silence. Jester hesitated for a moment. He thought it would be better for him to take the initiative to ask. After all, his time here was limited and the research and development of "Fire Emblem" was still limited. There are a lot of things that need to be dealt with by oneself, and not much time is spent on this.

This time Claudia changed a car. It was no longer the black Bentley before, but a RR that was more famous than Bentley. However, although this RR was well maintained, it could still be seen. You can tell this is not a new car.

After getting in the car, Claudia drove slowly out of the parking lot. Jester took the initiative and asked: "Do you... have anything to say?". Jester's voice was not loud and gentle, just like a chat between close friends, but it was obvious that after Jester asked this question, Claudia's body visibly shook. .


Her tone was a little unusual, very similar to the last voice on the phone. It seemed to have a hint of sadness and a little bit of choking.

"Has she cried?" This thought appeared in Jester's mind inexplicably. To be honest, for such strong women, crying is unbelievable, because they hate crying more than men, no matter how many years men and women in this era have been clamoring for Equality, but in fact men and women have always been unequal, so women who are originally in an unequal position and want to prove that they are better than men, crying is absolutely impossible for them to accept.

After hearing Jester's question, Claudia just shook her body and responded. She just concentrated on driving, but Jester didn't pay attention. Although he didn't know the specific situation, according to his previous analysis, something must have happened to Claudia's father.

Sure enough, he stopped in front of a coffee shop, found a parking space, parked the car, and then greeted Jester and walked in.

After they both sat down and each ordered a cup of coffee of their choice, Claudia finally spoke for the first time after seeing Jester - not that she hadn't talked to Jester before, but Really chat, not just respond.

"My father died."

When Claudia said these words. The tone is very calm, but there is an unexpected sense of sadness.

Moreover, when she said this, Jester could clearly see that her eyes were moist, but she held it back and did not let the tears flow. Jester had experienced this in his previous life. It feels very, very, very unbearable.

Faced with such a problem, Jester didn't know how to interface. After all, this is the other person's private matter, and how can I comfort him? The other person who passed away was his father, who could even be said to be the closest person in the world. Although they may have had some conflicts before, they were just conflicts.

So, after a long silence, Jester just squeezed out a few dry words.

"Cry if you feel sad."

But Claudia just shook her head. He took out a tissue from his handbag and wiped his eyes before continuing to speak to Jester.

"Actually, what I said in the restaurant in Los Angeles was half-truth and half-false. I was indeed kicked out of the house by my father. But my father has loved me since I was a child, and the reason why I left him is also very old. It's not news in the British aristocratic circles, but he wanted me to marry a certain family, but I refused."

Hearing what Claudia said, Jester just nodded. This story is indeed old-fashioned, but at the same time, similar plots are happening every moment.

"He was still in good health when I left. When I received the news that he was critically ill yesterday, I flew back from France as soon as possible. I saw him for the last time in the hospital. At that time, my two My brother is also there. When they see me coming back, they look like a shepherd seeing a wolf entering the flock. It seems that in their eyes, I am here to seize the family property. But only I know that I don’t care about it at all. Rare."

Claudia spoke unhappily, and Jester could clearly feel the sadness in her words.

"At that time, my father asked everyone to go out, leaving me alone in the house. He held my hand and looked at me, but didn't say a word. This continued for more than ten minutes before he followed me. I said the first thing, and I was alone with him for more than half an hour. He told me a lot of things. He said that I was the one he was most worried about, but he was also very worried when he saw that my current affairs were so dramatic. Happy, he said he also bought the card game I sold and played it with his friends. It was very interesting..."

Jester was just quietly being the listener Claudia needed. As she spoke, Jester saw a few tears she couldn't hold back sliding down her cheeks and onto the table, but she didn't cry. With a sound, Jester picked up the tissue she put aside and handed it to Claudia's hand.

She took it, wiped her tears, said thank you, and then continued talking.

"I asked the doctor when I came out of the ward, and the doctor told me that I had returned to normal now, and he couldn't guarantee whether I would be able to survive until night... Sure enough, it was just as the doctor said, my heart rate also disappeared at night, and then I was rescued. In the end, I failed... At that time, I felt that my dearest person in the world was gone. I was lonely, empty, and void. It seemed that the whole world was leaving me. At that time, I really wanted to find someone to talk to... I didn’t know what to think, so I called you.”

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