Game Development Giant

Chapter 163: Boiled Cabbage

Because this cooking competition was a trial, and the supreme ruler of this decadent empire also made her request, every chef who entered his kitchen was rigorously searched to ensure that these No one carries any prohibited items with him, that is, all kinds of meaty food or materials.

If he was found out after being brought in, it would mean bullying the emperor, a serious crime that would implicate the nine clans.

Everyone else was in a nervous mood, but Huang Jinglin was the only one who looked calm and seemed not to take this matter seriously at all. This also surprised the guards who were searching and guarding.

The kitchens are all independent, and the ingredients inside are also placed in categories. Of course, they are all vegetarian dishes, which are prepared according to the requirements of each chef.

Huang Jinglin was unhurried inside. He didn't do anything. He just picked out a big cabbage from the pile of vegetables, then tore off all the cabbage gangs, revealing the yellow cabbage core inside, and then he ordered I started the stove, poured a large pot of water in, and started boiling the water.

Then he did nothing but neatly place the peeled yellow and tender cabbage cores in a soup basin. Then, with a shake of his body, he took off the overalls he was wearing, revealing a wrinkled waistcoat.

Huang Jinglin took off the wrinkled waistcoat and tossed it. I threw this dry and wrinkled waistcoat into the boiling cauldron, and a strange smell immediately emerged from the boiling water in the pot. The smell was very light. It was only when Huang Jinglin's waistcoat first entered the water that there was a very faint trace, and then as time went by. This extremely special and extremely delicious flavor also disappeared.

He just held one end of his waistcoat and swung it in the boiling water with one hand. The boiling water was still steaming, and the color of the water did not change at all, it was still clear and transparent.

After shaking it like this for almost a quarter of an hour, Huang Jinglin felt that it was almost done, so he took out the waistcoat and put it in front of the stove to dry. Then he took a spoon and scooped a spoonful of clear and transparent hot water from the pot. Sighing at the heat, he took a slight sip, and after tasting it carefully, he nodded, with a look of extreme satisfaction on his face. After two ladles of "clear water" were poured down, the entire soup plate became full.

Seeing that his dish of cabbage couldn't be simpler, Huang Jinglin nodded with satisfaction, picked up the lid on the side and covered the whole dish, and then looked at the wet waistcoat beside him. He didn't mind if it was too wet, so he put it on directly, and then he picked up the ordinary stove pot that was still left. Directly pour out the remaining 'water' in the pot.

After doing all this and cleaning up the scene, he opened the door and shouted to the guard patrolling nearby to indicate that his dish was finished.

The time Huang Jinglin finished was neither the fastest nor the latest, so he didn't attract the attention of others.

But when the eunuch who was responsible for delivering the food came to serve the food, he probably knew that Huang Jinglin was a new Sichuan chef, so he asked curiously: "What kind of delicacies does Master Huang make?"...

After hearing what the little eunuch said, Huang Jinglin just smiled. He showed an embarrassed smile and said with shame: "It's just a very ordinary vegetarian dish. The question asked by Lafayette this time is too tricky, and I am very inexperienced. I really can't think of any good ways to make it, so I can only use it because of my childhood. My family is poor, so my mother prepared a dish to satisfy my craving and presented it to Lafayette."

Huang Jinglin spoke very respectfully and answered appropriately, which did not arouse the little eunuch's suspicion, because Lafayette was not satisfied with the dishes that were served before, including Shandong cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine and other major cuisines. Since these people are not good at it, let alone the inferior Sichuan chef in front of him, the little eunuch just nodded and then served this dish that Huang Jinglin called a very simple vegetarian dish. Cai, hurriedly ran toward Cixi's Luan Jia.

After the little eunuch left, Huang Jinglin immediately left the imperial dining room, returned to his room, picked up the luggage he had packed long ago, left a letter without saying a word, and left the capital.

By the time the dishes carried by the little eunuch were weighed in front of Cixi, the old witch, Huang Jinglin had already run out of the capital.

Cixi was extremely dissatisfied with the meatless ingredients she had eaten earlier, although she now realized how unreliable the restrictions she had mentioned before were, otherwise it would not have been possible for so many famous chefs to cook them. There is not even a piece of food that can be considered delicious to her, but she is a high-ranking Lafayette and the emperor's wife. Naturally, it is impossible to say that it is her fault. It can only be said to be the cooking skills of these royal chefs. Not good.

When the little eunuch presented the soup plate to Ci Xi, Ci Xi just shouted absently and showed it up without expression. When the lid of the soup plate was lifted, Ci Xi saw that there was only water floating in the soup plate. Picking up a few yellow cabbages, her color suddenly changed. Her face instantly turned red, and her body even started to tremble with anger.

Although the dishes made by the previous imperial chefs were not very delicious, it was because of their own limitations. But even though they were not delicious, the difference was only in taste. In terms of the five characteristics of evaluating the quality of a dish, color, flavor, and image are also It's just that the taste was not up to standard, and this dish turned out to be...just cabbage in boiling water! This is simply unreasonable!

Just when she was about to get angry and send an order to the guards to arrest the imperial chef who made this dish and kill the nine tribes, Cixi, who was extremely smart, immediately had a completely different idea, and then a suspicious look appeared on her face. With her expression, she is good at reading people's hearts. She knows better than anyone how much her minions are afraid of her. These people have absolutely no guts to fool her.

Thinking of this, Cixi became curious about this simple-looking dish. She thought that if the cook did not focus on the color, aroma and shape, then this dish must have outstanding taste. ?

Now that she thought of this, Cixi became even more curious about this dish. She asked someone to taste the dish first to see if it was poisonous. After confirming that it was non-toxic, she asked someone to soak the simple dish in water. The cabbage was brought to her. Although it didn't look very good, Cixi, driven by curiosity, picked up a piece of cabbage with her chopsticks and put it in her mouth...

At this point in the story, Jester showed a mysterious smile on his face, and then stopped telling. This made Claudia, who had been fascinated by his story for a long time, frown, and her beautiful eyes suddenly looked up. Xiang Jester, his eyes full of doubts: "Why don't you continue talking? What was the final result? How did the chef surnamed Huang cook this dish? I know the key is his On the clothes called waistcoats, although it sounds a bit disgusting, I still don’t know how he did it..."...

Hearing Claudia ask him a series of questions about the story it just told, Jester still smiled and didn't say anything clearly.

He just said in the same mysterious tone as before: "Of course we can't tell you the last part now. Now that I've said it, what else do you expect from this dish? Moreover, the process of this dish is very complicated and takes a very long time. , it will take at least twenty-four hours, so at this time tomorrow, before actually eating this dish, you should retain a little curiosity. Let me first experience your cooking skills that will make you reach the sky. "

There is no need to cook too many dishes for two people, so Claudia’s main dish is a medium-rare steak made with her secret recipe, using the tenderest tenderloin on the beef, and the selected beef is also The beef from the Pampas that was just slaughtered no more than 24 hours ago and was airlifted from Buenos Aires. Although the UK has just finished the Falklands naval war based on Argentina, this does not affect Argentina. The world's largest beef exporter exports the world's top beef to other countries.

Other dishes include cheese-baked shrimp and fried bacon. Although the dishes are very ordinary, they are quick to make and use a sauce that Claudia made privately, so they taste very delicious.

Even Jester, who has very picky tastes, was full of praise for it.

And Claudia is also proud to say that her secret sauce was developed and prepared by herself. It is her secret that is not passed down to anyone except her father and Jester. The third person who can eat it, Jester doesn't know whether Claudia's statement is true or false, but according to his understanding of Claudia, there is no need for her to deceive herself in this regard.

After finishing the meal, Claudia, still hesitant to speak, asked Jester what the name of the dish in the story just now was.

There is no need to hide the name of the dish, Jester. This dish has a very high reputation among the eight major Chinese cuisines. Anyone who has a little knowledge of Chinese cuisine has never heard of this Sichuan dish. The name of the product.

Therefore, Jester just answered Claudia in a very calm tone.

"The name of this dish is very common, it's called boiled cabbage."

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