Game Development Giant

Chapter 166 Archiveable Cassette

After taking a shower, Jester came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe and holding a towel in his hand to wipe his wet hair.

As he walked towards the kitchen, he was still thinking about the game he thought of while taking a shower. The more he thought about it, the more reliable the idea became, but because his game was regarded as a creative reference, it was Cairo Games' "Comics" Except for "Oku no Hosōdo", the rest are all original creations by him. Basically, there are no similar games that can be used as reference for the games he made before.

Of course, it may also be that Jester was not exposed to this type of game before his rebirth.

Sitting down on the kitchen chair again, Jester nodded to Claudia, and then he began to think about this game about an ordinary person becoming a chef.

Perhaps the only thing we can learn from is Kazuyuki Usui's "Manga Oku no Hosomichi" about how a person needs to gain experience in the process of growing up, and how to experience the system. In short, what can you do to achieve success? The protagonist improves his ability in a certain aspect, for example, a chef. Under what circumstances can he improve his knife skills, improve his ability to control fire, improve his ability in whitening, improve his understanding of various dishes, and even go further? Improve understanding of different ethnic groups, different countries, and even dietary taboos.

This is what players need to do in the game.

When Jester first conceived of this game, he did not want to limit it to Chinese cuisine, because Jester, who is very familiar with the cooking industry, has a far less narrow vision. He has seen countless delicious foods. Except for the United Kingdom, basically every country has its own uniqueness in cooking, and every cuisine has its own famous chef.

In fact, British food is not without merit, at least their desserts are indeed outstanding.

At the beginning of the game, the player can set his own name, choose gender, nationality and even which cuisine he most desires to be a chef.

Don't look at this setting that has become obsolete in later generations. The earliest game that allows players to edit their own names is "Dragon Quest" which has not yet been born, and has not even been put on the development schedule. It is precisely because of the content in dq This setting greatly enhances the player's sense of immersion. Although dq's great success is the reason for the extremely high quality of the game, this setting is a great setting that can significantly improve the quality of the game.

Then Jester continued to think about making such a game. In fact, it has a lot of similarities with the "Fire Emblem" he is currently working on - to be precise, the game he is about to make is also a game. A non-standard simulation strategy role-playing game.

Of course, compared to "Fire Emblem" which places equal emphasis on both, this game is more important in role-playing.

This type of game has a very important feature. Jester did not explain it to his R\u0026D team at the beginning, just because it was not the time yet and the overall framework of the entire game had not been set up yet. There was no need to explain it. Too deep, as time goes by, these talented or experienced designers will naturally find this loophole that is not a loophole.

That's the archive.

In fact, at the beginning of the development of video games, because the game was simple and the plot was crude, it would not take long for players to play it once, so no one would consider the issue of archiving, because a game that is not used for an hour would not be used for a long time. What about saving files? Even if you don’t finish playing it once, you can just play it again later. However, with the development of electronic games, a game has more and more plots, the system becomes more and more complex, and the capacity is getting larger and larger. When players cannot clear the game in a short time, and every time When you need to play it all over again, archiving becomes something that both players and designers must consider.

…Of course, the current development of video games has reached a critical point where designers think of archiving as a way to enhance gameplay. It is precisely because of the emergence of many large-capacity RPG games including DQ that will explode from next year that the emergence of the The concept of archiving has also made this concept a feature that a designer must take into consideration when designing future games.

Jester is not clear about the world's first save game, but as far as he knows, at least for now, he has not heard of any game that uses this feature. You know, this is not the future, there are There are perfect mobile storage devices or technologies, and the current game consoles are relatively primitive. Even he himself cannot add storage hardware to the Dreambox.

Jester had discussed this issue with people in his hardware R\u0026D department before, and Jester also used an example of the success of Nintendo in later generations as an explanation. Can a battery and a very large battery be added to the game cartridge? A small-capacity writable memory chip allows the cassette to have the function of storing data?

After some argumentation by people from the hardware department, they felt that Jester’s proposal was completely feasible. However, because the research and development had just begun, Jester had not seen the sample yet, but according to the person in charge of the hardware department, , this is not a too difficult R\u0026D project, and the results will be available within a month or two at most. Even if no difficulties are encountered during the R\u0026D process, it is possible to produce samples within a week.

Jester didn't have any doubts about this. After all, it was a technology that Nintendo could handle at the same time - Nintendo could handle it, so there was no reason why they couldn't handle it.

Originally this technology was prepared for "Fire Emblem". Now that Jester has thought of this game to be produced for Sega, of course he can continue to use it, and Jester is also planning to use it. This game is extremely well-made, and he is not worried about increasing sales for Sega because the game is so well-made, because although this game is released on Sega's console, the copyright is in his own hands.

In other words, I can just take this opportunity to release a sequel on my own game console and attract a large number of Sega gamers.

For a niche game like this, the least thing to worry about is players’ loyalty to the game.

When he was thinking about things, he couldn't feel that time passed quickly. Although Jester looked at the clear soup being brewed several times during this period, after he had gone through all the feasibility of the entire game in his mind, he was sure that this After it was confirmed that the game could be produced, Jester, who felt a little tired, stretched and glanced at the time displayed on the watch on his wrist - more than two hours had passed since he came out of the bathroom to take a shower.

Then, he turned his head and looked out the window again. There were no stars in the dark night sky. London was nicknamed the Smog City more than a hundred years ago and was deeply affected by smog. Although it has been improved in recent years, Still not very effective.

Before coming to the soup pot again, Jester glanced at the slightly yellowed clear soup that had been cooked inside. He estimated that the time was almost up. Although a good pot of clear soup needs to be simmered for more than twenty hours, This includes the time for making soup. Jester roughly calculated the time it would take for him to make soup three times. Adding in the time spent on making soup before, more than 20 hours is the minimum.

In Chinese clear soup, there are two most important factors that determine the quality of the clear soup. One of them is the cooking time, the control of the heat during cooking and the materials used for cooking. The second is the quality of the soup.

The top-quality clear soup must be as clear as water. Many people will definitely wonder, how is this possible? How can the soup made from chicken, duck, fish, ham, various seafood, scallops and other ingredients be as clear as water? This is true. Even if all the ingredients are taken out of the freshly cooked clear soup and then filtered with a filter cloth, it will inevitably leave a lot of residue that cannot be filtered out. The so-called soup is made with A special method adsorbs all the impurities in the cooked clear soup together, making the turbid clear soup clear.

...In this way, both in appearance and taste, there will be a geometric improvement.

While thinking this, Jester picked up the soup pot and used tools to take out all the ingredients inside. In fact, the best ingredient for making clear soup is old hens. The older the better, ducks are preferably female. , it is best to add ham and scallops, then the soup will be extremely delicious.

After taking out the cooked ingredients, Jester poured the pot of soup onto the filter cloth he had prepared in advance. Under the filter cloth was the container, and then used a spoon to skim out the floating oil. Some people think Floating oil will smell fragrant, but this is actually wrong. These floating oils are not fragrant. Instead, they are sticky and greasy, which greatly affects the color and taste of the clear soup, so it must be removed.

Next, is the soup.

The clear soup that is finished with soup also has another name, called top soup - as the name suggests, it is the top clear soup.

The so-called soup is a process of boiling it again with other materials that can absorb various residues in the clear soup that affect the color and taste. Each family has different ingredients for the soup. According to Jester I heard from my grandfather that their group has several completely different soup recipes depending on the dishes they want to make. Each different way of cooking the soup can produce a completely different soup. Taste.

What Jester chose was the most commonly used soup method for making boiled cabbage, chicken minced soup.

It sounds very simple. In fact, you just chop the raw chicken into minced meat, add onions, ginger, cooking wine and appropriate amount of water, soak it, wrap it with gauze, put it into the prepared soup and continue to simmer it. Of course, the process of making the soup is Zhongshang also has requirements for heat and techniques, which will not be described here.

Just as Jester adjusted the fire temperature and stirred slowly, the light suddenly went out.

At the same time, Jester also smelled a nice fragrance on the tip of his nose. It was the fragrance similar to shower gel that he smelled on Claudia just after she took a shower.

Then, Jester felt two warm arms hugging his neck from behind.

A pair of sweet lips kissed her own mouth. r1152

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