Game Development Giant

Chapter 171: Full Score Game

"What's going on? Are you so angry?" Jester was furious when he saw the two Japanese who arrived first. According to his understanding of these two people, they are both good-tempered and very humble standard Japanese. Even if Even when he had a dispute with his colleagues, he just laughed and argued, rarely getting angry. This was the first time he had seen him get so angry like this.

Hearing Jester's question, before Yuji Naka said anything, Yasushi Matsuno, who had a slightly more impatient temper, unhappily opened the "Famitsu" magazine he was holding in his hand, and then turned to one of the pages. , wanted to show it to Jester, but he immediately thought that his boss didn't understand Japanese at all, so he could only smile awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Jester also smiled. At this time, other members of the development team also arrived one after another. They were also curious about what Jester, Naka Yuji, and Matsuno Yasushi were talking about.

"Tell me briefly, is Famitsu spreading rumors again?" Jester asked with a smile.

Matsuno Yasushi nodded first, then shook his head. He still said with some indignation: "It's not true that they are spreading rumors. We sent them a lawyer's letter before when they wrote false articles about us. After they apologized, there was no such thing. However, they recently interviewed several designers from the Nintendo Information Development Headquarters and talked about their "Legend of Zelda". Originally, it would be nothing to talk about their own games. We will treat it as information and say Maybe we can get some inspiration from it, but it’s really too much for them to criticize our game for no reason.” Jester was still a little angry about this. However, he still took a breath and asked in a deep voice: "What does "Famitsu" say?"

Matsuno Yasumi still had an angry tone. He heard Jester's inquiry and continued to speak angrily.

“The two designers from Nintendo’s intelligence headquarters who were interviewed by Famitsu, one is their main programmer and the other is their text planner. In the interview, they first boasted about “The Legend of Zelda”. , anyway, it is the most powerful RPG in history, and it was just a joke to slander "Witchcraft", "Genesis" and other bragging claims. However, the reporter who interviewed suddenly asked, is it better than the "Fire Emblem" we are currently producing? 》When the two Nintendo designers knew nothing about it, they said that American companies can only make RPGs like "Ultima" that not many people play. No matter how good they are, they are just replicas of "Ultima". This backward-era thing is not worth mentioning at all and cannot be compared with their "Legend of Zelda". They also used the combat system as an example, saying that our combat system is turn-based, while theirs is real-time. It's like being completely ahead of our time..." Instead of quarreling with Nintendo and leaking the details of his game, it would be more fun to compete after the official release.

Moreover, Jester was not opposed to all the views expressed by these two Nintendo designers. He also agrees with the part, in his eyes. Based on DND rules, the game must be made too DND-oriented. It is indeed something that should be eliminated. Some things in dnd can be used for reference, but some should obviously be discarded. dnd is a set of rules. This set of rules can perfectly build a magical world, but making games is not building a world. , when giving a player experience, he does not need to be so complicated - the rules that require rolling a dozen dice even for a walk are stupid and boring, and the most important feature of the game is to be interesting.

For example, his "Fire Emblem" only borrowed some of the things that he thought DND should learn from.

There is also the view that these two Nintendo designers said that the real-time combat system is far superior to the turn-based combat system. This is also what Jester agrees with. In fact, the turn-based system only appeared because technology did not allow it. Under the conditions of real-time combat system, some of the effects that designers want to achieve cannot be achieved, so they choose turn-based system. Every designer knows the superiority of real-time system, but the superiority also depends on the hardware conditions. There is no possibility of perfection.

As far as the eight-bit computer era is concerned, in full-scroll games, for a game designer, the turn-based combat system obviously has more advantages than disadvantages compared to the real-time combat system.

Of course, in the future, when the real-time system can fulfill all the designers' original design intentions, the turn-based system will become more useless.

Therefore, Jester did not want to refute the views of these two Nintendo designers. For him now, the most important thing is to make "Fire Emblem" well. Although this game has a long history. is just a relatively niche game, while "The Legend of Zelda" is one of the top ten FC games in total sales. However, there is no comparison between the two, because "The Legend of Zelda" was released in In 1986, it was the originator of arpg and even Japanese RPG, but "Fire Emblem" was born after 1990. At that time, the three major Japanese RPGs had been born. No matter how outstanding "Fire Emblem" was, But they have made some minor innovations based on the foundation laid by the three Japanese giants.

If "Fire Emblem" had been released at the same time as these three giants, relying on some settings that game designers completely surpassed this period's understanding of RPG games, coupled with the strength of his Dreambox in North America, Jester believed that it would be It is enough to compete with the legendary game "The Legend of Zelda". As for whether he can win, although Jester is somewhat confident, he does not dare to make a conclusion. This is a matter of comparison.

Of course, one thing Jester is very sure about is that whether his game can beat Nintendo's "The Legend of Zelda" in terms of sales, the reputation of his "Fire Emblem" will definitely win.

Therefore, after Jester comforted and encouraged his employees, and then discussed today's R\u0026D plan, he let everyone go to work.

And everyone is very motivated, wishing that "Fire Emblem" could be completed ahead of schedule. Only by completely defeating "The Legend of Zelda" in a head-to-head confrontation can the hatred in their hearts be relieved. The thought of "The Legend of Zelda" being able to be completed ahead of schedule They will be on the market for at least two months, allowing them to be more beautiful in advance. In the eyes of these Mars Entertainment designers, it is as uncomfortable as eating Xiang.

After the meeting, Jester also returned to his office. He had nothing to do. It would be a good effect to use this incident to boost morale. After all, no matter how high the morale is, no matter how eager he is to complete this epic game with his own hands. , after insisting on this for more than three months, there will still be some breaks. From time to time, I can find some excuses to boost the team's morale. The overflow to the entire R\u0026D team is obvious.

After arriving at his office, he received a sample of the next issue of "Game" that will be published soon. Generally, before "Game" is officially published, the magazine will send the sample to Jester in advance, although Jester Jester said that he would not interfere with the magazine's affairs, but doing so was just a sign of respect for the magazine's owner, and Jester had indeed never interfered with the magazine as promised when he founded "Game" any decision.

"Dawn" has been produced before. As the first super large arcade game launched by Mars Entertainment, both Jester and everyone in the company have high hopes for this game. Since Atari decided to return to the game industry , and after the failure of their new eight-bit model of 7 launched at Christmas, they became even more eager to cooperate with Capcom on the "194" arcade project.

Moreover, the great success of "194" arcade in the Japanese market has also given Capcom enough confidence. There is even Mars Entertainment, which started from arcades and became an industry giant in just one year. Tsujimoto is a role model. It's impossible for Kenzo not to be tempted.

And "194" did not disappoint Atari, who had high hopes for it. This Capcom masterpiece they represented was highly sought after by players as soon as it landed in North America, and even surpassed the popularity to a certain extent. "Chief Balotelli", second only to "The Avengers" which was given a score of 39 points by "Game" magazine, could only sell 10,000 substrates in a month.

"Game" magazine also gave it a 35-point rating.

The release of "Dawn" is to recover the lost ground lost by vertical scrolling shooting games. The date is set in half a month, but before the official release, it will definitely need a hype, such as letting "game" conduct a preliminary review.

This review of "Dawn" is in this sample issue of "Game".

Jester picked up the sample issue of this issue and couldn't wait to turn to the game review page. He had never intervened in any review before, so he didn't know the result. There are three games reviewed in this issue of "Game", two of which Jester has never heard of. The third one is his Mars Entertainment's "Dawn", and on the side of the score, behind "Dawn" There is a number that is highlighted in large font.

Forty points!

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