Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 1187: Strong Army (10)

In fact, in Lin Yan's psychology, the player is his own god, and now God is also treating himself as a god, and respect is mutual. Lin Yan respects the player while also gaining the respect of the player.

Time is losing rapidly, and Lin Yan is constantly refreshing the messages in his mailbox. Almost an hour after the announcement, there are mailboxes from all over the world appearing in Lin Yan's mailbox. It is written in Chinese, English, Arabic, and the most rare thing is that it is written in Mongolian.

So when looking at the names of these applications, Lin Yan's first task was not to screen them, but to translate these works first.

This is actually a huge amount of work, but Lin Yan himself can be regarded as a very patient person. Besides, these things may not need to be done by himself, so Lin Yan has the time and resources to translate these works.

But Lin Yan still underestimated the players who signed up. By 8 o'clock the next morning, more than 4,000 registration information had been accumulated in Lin Yan's mailbox. Of course, here, not all the players who signed up. , There are some who want to talk to Lin Yan by the opportunity, but the first thing Lin Yan needs to do is to translate these works.

Until 12 o'clock at noon, Lin Yan couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to let the people under him screen. Of course, there are still players sending mailboxes constantly.

I remember a master in the industry once said that the life span of an average game is less than two years, and there are only a handful of works over two years. Why does this happen? It's just that although these games themselves are excellent in terms of what they are, they do not have enough to attract players, causing the phenomenon of lack of follow-up.

In fact, the simple point is that behind the unsuccessful and weak vitality of these games, the operators or producers themselves have insufficient ability to introduce new ones. Maybe some games will make small changes in some places, but It may be due to limited funds. Such changes are generally relatively small, far from reaching the feeling of making the player's eyes bright, so many games have actually been in a state of not retaining players.

In Lin Yan’s previous life, the best in this situation is still the Tencent, which has been criticized as **** by countless players, because the success of Tencent’s "Cross Fire" is not only due to the excellent production of the game itself, but also It is this ability to innovate from the old to the new is very strong. New guns, new characters, and new battle modes will be launched every once in a while, which constantly gives many players a different experience.

Because of these different experiences, although "Cross Fire" has a lot of players lost at all times, the number of replenishing players far exceeds the number of lost players. The magic is one foot high. Yizhang tall, it is well interpreted.

Therefore, "Crossing the Line of Fire" is very successful. His vitality is definitely not only one year, but has continued to be popular for nearly ten years, and has even continued to be popular. It can be called an evergreen tree in the entire industry, and even many Online games are far inferior to "Cross Fire" in terms of player reserves.

Imagine that there are more than three million players continuously active online every day. This is a miracle created by "Cross Fire". Many games have not reached this level before.

And now, Lin Yan’s "Crossing the Line of Fire" has even reached a terrible number of 5 million on average every day. This is a new record in the world, and it is far higher than the original record, even every day. The average number of online players has reached a terrible number of 5 million, which has set a new record in the world and has almost become an insurmountable peak.

The influx of a large number of players made the entire game platform instantly become popular. It is almost on the front page of the search page of many websites that the news of Burning Sky Battle’s new work "Strong Army" is on the building battle platform.

With the passage of time, more and more players experience the fun of the game "Strong Army" online. Soon the background statistics of the number of people online at the same time will come out. In just six days, I will write The total number of registered IDs has reached an astonishing hundreds of millions. At the same time, each person has played more than 20 games. The consumption figure in the game mall has reached an astonishing 180 million yuan in one night. Individuals spent more than four yuan less than five yuan.

This is already considered a very high income from the listing. You must know that it has only been less than a week since the game was officially launched on the battle platform. Although it is not very good, it is definitely not bad. And compared to the revenue of the entire platform, this money is actually only a small part. The daily sales of the entire platform can exceed 100 million. The revenue from the battle platform is also a very important source of income for Lin Yan. It can be said that the battle is a very important source of income. For Lin Yan, the platform is now a cash cow that can make money quickly without having to shake it. Although there are many large and small battle platforms, there is no battle platform comparable to Lin Yan. After a period of fierce competition, Lin Yan can now be said to have basically determined his dominant position in the market.

The e-sports industry is definitely a very profitable industry. It can be said to be the most profitable category in the entire industry, at least for now, and the development of this market is far from sufficient. If this market can be fully developed Lin Yan believes that in the future, the rewards for himself will definitely be much more generous than now.

Lin Yan, who has seen the hot e-sports industry in the past life, now looks at the current world e-sports industry because of his own existence, is just beginning to sprout Your own existence is just beginning to sprout, which can be equivalent to a wasteland, but on this wasteland full of weeds, it is actually a fertile soil, and now only one developer is needed to develop this wasteland, then this The wasteland can produce countless grains, and these grains are wealth.

Similarly, the e-sports industry is now such a fertile ground in the industry. Lin Yan does not believe that no one can see that the huge value of the industry’s potential is just that Lin Yan is now first to be better, and before others have time Huge funds and resources have been invested to race the fertile soil and occupy half of this fertile soil.

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