Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 1213: Chinese Parents (1)

Looking at the red light in front of him, Lin Yan had to stop the car and watch the scenery outside the car through the car window, passing the boring time.

‘The building in front of me should be a school’ Lin Yan guessed in his heart.

This familiar combination of iron fence and trees has passed through the gaps between the trees, vaguely seeing the outline of the playground.

At this moment, two boys, about fifteen or sixteen years old, walked across the zebra crossing while smiling.

Looking at the big letters on the back of these two clothes and the same clothes, we can conclude that the two boys are students in a certain school.

With his enhanced hearing, Lin Yan heard the reason for the two boys' laughter.

Because the two boys achieved a relatively good grade in the exam they just took, they were much better than their previous grades.

With their test scores this time, they also got the rewards they had agreed with their parents before, which is why they smiled.

Looking at their sincere smiles, Lin Yan casually recalled his school days.

When I was a student, just like them, I met things I liked, but when I was incapable of buying.

Just make an agreement with your parents about how good you want to get in the next exam, or which place you want to be in the class or grade.

When you have completed your goals, your parents will not break their promises, and will definitely buy the items agreed upon before.

When the items you like arrive in front of you, you will surely smile with satisfaction.

With the end of my school days, this kind of thing will never happen again.

In the years that followed, I got my favorite items again, and I no longer felt the joy that I used to be.

After Lin Yan recovered, the time for the red light just ended.


After Lin Yan arrived at the company and returned to his office, he felt that there was such a clue in his mind about the school days he had just recalled.

This slight clue reminded Lin Yan of his previous game, which was titled "Chinese Parents".

The game "Chinese Parents" can be said to be a kind of development game.

In the game, the player needs to make a decision for each choice in the game. This decision determines the various attributes of the character, which will eventually lead to different results.

In Lin Yan's memory, in this game, the most attractive place at the beginning was the setting of the game theme.

As can be seen from the name of the game, this game is adapted from things in life, and I found some sense of identity in this game.

What I did when I was a child, I experienced it again, but my position was different from before.

Before, I was in the eyes of my parents as a child, but now that I have experienced this childhood, I naturally have a different view of the problem.

Faced with the problems in the game, it is time to make a choice.

Suddenly, I felt that for my parents who did not understand what they did before, they were actually doing something for their own good. Sometimes parents really have no choice but to make some choices that are bad for them.

The choices they made were all decisions that they had to make for a better life. It was just that they were relatively young at the time and did not understand the painstaking efforts of their parents.

After playing this game, I felt that some of the decisions my parents had made before, I felt that they did it right for their own good.

The game "Chinese Parents" tells a story about cultivating children.

From birth, the child was raised up by himself, and in the game, the role he played was the child himself.

You can control everything in the game and choose the various problems your child encounters in life.

At the same time, the game will give you some options, and these different options will have different consequences for your attributes.

The attributes of the child will affect the child's learning ability, and ultimately, will lead to the level of the child's score in the exam.

In the game, players will encounter many choices, these choices will be related to the child's attributes.

At the same time, in different rounds of these choices, the options and attributes given are not the same, and the increase in the children's attributes is also different.

These rounds are roughly divided into the stages of kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and high school. In these stages, the choices given to the player are all choices made in line with this age group.

In the game, players need these choices and make better choices, and only in this way can the children's attributes be higher.

As a result, the child's learning ability and test scores are at a relatively high level.

The ultimate goal of this game is to make the child get a good score in the college entrance examination, and then get an admission letter from a certain university.

The scores obtained in the college entrance examination will be based on the choices made by the player before in the game and the attributes of the character.

In this world, the education received by every child after birth is similar to that of Lin Yanyuan's world.

Moreover, in the student experience, the most important thing is the step from elementary education to higher education, that is, from high school to university.

As for the teaching materials, according to Lin Yan's understanding, it was about the same as his original time.

Before university, all students received the same education, and the textbooks may be different, but the knowledge points in it are the same.

This is also to screen out the best talents among many students to receive the highest education.

However, there will be some bonus projects, such as: dance, sports, art...These are the same in this world.

Regarding the theme of the game itself, Lin Yan does not need to worry about whether it can make this world.

After all, the general system is the same, at best there are some differences in the details.

These discrepancies will not affect the player's experience of this game.

When designing the game, you can modify these small bugs, but the game as a whole does not need to be modified.

After all, no matter in that world, the knowledge learned is gradual, starting from the simplest, and slowly upgrading to advanced.

After recalling the general gameplay of this game, Lin Yan decided not to continue to recall the details of the game.

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