Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 1233: Paratroopers (9)

Currently, what job is the most profitable? Of course it is the game industry. Now people’s living standards have gradually improved and people are rich. Of course, sometimes there is plenty of time. So when they are bored, both adults and children like to play games and so on. Therefore, the game industry is the most profitable, and the game industry has greater progress and room in the future.

Whether it is role-playing games, shooting games, strategy games, these have a bright future in the game industry. Because of the arrival of Lin Yan, the game industry has never had such a strong vitality in history, produced by Fen Tian. The game can be said to be a strong leader, and is constantly leading the entire game industry forward.

In an industry, no matter what you do, you need a strong competitor. This will bring pressure to the surrounding peers, so that everyone will work hard. Remember the old saying, "The rich first leads "Post-rich" is not just empty talk, so because of the existence of Burning Heaven, the quality of the game industry has improved little by little without knowing it.

As an industry leader, Lin Yan, whether in the eyes of his peers or in the hearts of players, Lin Yan is the existence they most respect and look up to, and now the "Airborne God Soldier" produced by Lin Yan will definitely be A special hot game, and both players and game experts have high expectations for Burning Sky's game.

In fact, in this game, Lin Yan also combined the latest movie, "Resident Evil", so in this game, Lin Yan also set up some zombie-type monsters in some levels, and burned before that. Tian Game has launched a series of zombie games including "Resident Evil" and many other masterpieces, and they have achieved very good results. Although this game is somewhat different, it still deals with monsters.

And even though the content of "Airborne Heroes" is more **** and disgusting, isn't this thing that players love? It's better than some games that are very fake, without any special effects. Lin Yan thinks that his production is very comprehensive, and it is not much worse than those popular shooting games before.

This kind of shooting game is very popular. If you compare it with other games, there will be a big gap when it first goes on the market. And this game that Lin Yan released is also a shooting game. Although Lin Yan has launched a lot of shooting games before, but after such a long time interval, players must be impatient to wait.

In fact, Lin Yan originally planned that in the short term, he didn't want to make a game like "Airborne God Soldier", but due to the constant urging of players, and this kind of game is relatively popular in the market. Therefore, in order not to disappoint the players, Lin Yan made the game "Airborne God Soldier" this time, mostly for the players.

In the short period of time after this game, Lin Yan does not intend to continue to do it. Therefore, for this game, Lin Yan believes that this game must be refined, done well, and thoroughly done to ensure that in the next few months Even for a year or two, the passion of this game in the hearts of players has been retained.

But Lin Yan looked at the production plan of "Airborne God Soldier" in front of him, but always felt that something was missing, and always felt that it was still lacking to a certain extent. In the "Crossing the Line of Fire" produced by Lin Yan before, It is also a game of fighting monsters and zombies, biochemical mode and the like, in which there are four players in the challenge mode, but in "Airborne Shenbing", Lin Yan also wants to do the same.

In this game, Lin Yan intends to add some new elements. Although this game is an online game, Lin Yan wants to divide it into single player mode and multiplayer mode, so that players can not only play by themselves, but also Carry out a slaughter with teammates, but in this game, Lin Yan plans to have multiple people online, rather than four people fighting together like "Left To Survive".

Although this game adds more talents to be able to connect, it is also quite good. This game is not that difficult, but if two people are online, the plot must be much more difficult than one person, but it is much more difficult. It feels better to slaughter a good friend together than one. In "Legend of Survival", players especially like it, and I believe players will love this game even more.

So after Lin Yan finished the design, he felt much better, but don’t underestimate this small change, but the changes that need to be changed are also very complicated, not only adding a plot, but also creating monsters. Templates, firearms, etc. After Lin Yan’s changes, in the multiplayer mode, multiple players need cooperation and control. Cooperation and control are actually a very important part of any game, especially for this kind of multiplayer. For a game played in a mode, cooperation is more necessary. These things are directly related to whether the player can survive in the game. One can imagine the importance of this.

For any online game, the player has no cooperation in the game, only knowing that the indomitable hard hitting is just a way to die, so the player’s ability to cooperate in the game is very important. For example, in "Airborne Heroes", the player needs very superb operation and two people's cooperation to kill the monster. After all, there are enemies that may rush out at any time in the surroundings. It is impossible to solve it by one person. of.

And in these shooting action games, especially in the online mode, this is even more so. Not only is the difficulty increased, but the monsters’ attack power is stronger, and the actions of these monsters are more agile, so you can imagine, promise If there is no strong control ability and coordination ability, then the player is likely to hang up directly.

And it's okay to say that a simple game like this is just the cooperation of two people. If there are multiple people, it is difficult to pass the level without a kind of heart. However, the specific degree of cooperation and control are different from person to person. Maybe some players don't like to listen to the command, just a person alone. In the past, it would be difficult to do, so for most of us, our own ability plus command ability reflects the player.

. And even for some powerful masters in control, when facing a new game, it is difficult to quickly get started in a short time, and all those who can get started quickly are geniuses.

Lin Yan thinks that the game "Airborne Heroes" is almost complete. After seeing so many designs, Lin Yan believes that this game will definitely make players crazy, and hope that this game will make players crazy. Always interested in proceeding.

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