Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 1249: Fight creeps

The secondary map of this game is a side mission, and there are many monsters that can be attacked.

You only need to kill wild monsters to get some benefits. After beheaded, wild monsters have a chance to drop items.

Among those items, there are some experience items that are suitable for two people to develop wretchedly, so that two people can improve their own strength.

"It's been a long time since I played this game. I want to try the feel of this game. Maybe it's better than you. I just didn't see anything for the novice mission!" Hei Ye said arrogantly.

Although the other party is his own idol, it is not completely surrendered to the other party when speaking.

After all, Dark Night is still a spine young man, and his choices in this regard are also quite special.

I want to challenge my idol, take the other person as a signpost, and use this method to guide myself forward again and again.

Lin Yan has already begun to choose the monsters to challenge. After all, the two are newcomers, so the selection must not be too strong.

Otherwise, for the two of them, there will be even greater harm. What is needed now is stable development.

"Let's not be too awkward, so as not to have any bad consequences. We still do things step by step. I know the settings of my game. It is more important to choose the one that suits us best."

Hei Ye already had a heart of challenge when he watched the game, and planned to take this opportunity to challenge the other party.

Isn't it just a perfect challenge now?

"Let's take a challenge and give it a try? Now we can compete. I want to see who of us is better!"

Now it’s playing wild monsters outside, can this also be a competition? Lin Yan was really surprised when he heard it.

I have never seen such a competition mode before, and this does not support PK between two people.

The mutual harm between players is actually quite small, and there is no way to reach a certain scale. In this case, PK is performed, and I really don’t know how to proceed.

Lin Yan's curiosity was hooked up by the other party again. Is there any other gameplay on this game?

Can game users still develop their own gameplay? Maybe there are unexpected easter eggs.

"Is there anything we can compete here? Isn't it just a jungler? After we hit it, we will be able to improve our strength. Don't you say that the competition is for us to see who has more strength next?"

Heiye used to be a diehard user of this game, plus some of his own habits, so he is particularly concerned about the scoring mechanism of this game.

When I first came in, I knew that they had points for playing wild monsters on the side map. Sometimes the points can also be exchanged for things.

In addition to the display effect of the points, it can also be seen that the two of them played more powerful monsters. You can also use this point to compete and see who is better.

"Maybe you forgot something, isn't this also a competition? There are points here, why can't we compare points?" Hei Ye said actively.

Lin Yan understood the meaning slightly after hearing the other party's prompt.

Whoever has more points on the standings will win.

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