Game Development Mad God

Vol 9 Chapter 1: 41 Handicap Strategy, Alien Pet

"It's incredible!"

Liu Hua stood up, only feeling that the soles of his feet were erratic, and his body seemed to be filled with thick fog.

After moving his muscles and bones slightly, he barely expelled the tiredness in his body.

After confirming that his archive was uploaded to the database cloud of Burning Sky's official website, Liu Hua shut down and deleted the game-he did not intend to abandon the game. This behavior was only to prevent Fatty Gong from routinely checking his computer.

Last month, a newcomer was deducted from his salary for a whole month because he downloaded a small game on his computer.

The lesson from the past, the teacher from the latter.

Anyway, as long as Liu Hua's Burning Sky account is not lost, after returning home, he downloads his personal archive from the cloud database, and he can continue to fight on the previous progress!

Seeing the fat manager walk in, Liu Hua greeted him quickly and complained of bitterness: "Manager Gong, I have tried my best. There is too little time reserved, there is really no way..."

This is also the "wisdom" and "experience" Liu Hua has accumulated over many years of work. He knew exactly what the other party wanted.

If at this moment, he really handed in a complete copy of the work plan, I am afraid that the other party will immediately turn his face, pick his nose and eyes, and pick bones in the egg.

Liu Hua had heard too many things like "I finished it so soon, I must be dealing with it!" "Too many mistakes, redo!".

What Fatty Gong needs is not an excellent subordinate, he just wants to taste the feeling of beating Fang Qiu and controlling others, so as to satisfy his humble sense of accomplishment and value.

Seeing Liu Hua's pale face and apparently staying up all night, Fatty Gong nodded very satisfied: "Huh! You are pretty sensible."

When he opened the file, he saw the market survey summary report made by Liu Hua recently:

"In the age of materialism, people don't have many ways to get spiritual pleasure, they can only spend money to buy pleasure.

"Shopping can temporarily stimulate the brain's reward mechanism and make people feel happy. But it's like drugs. Soon people need to buy more to make themselves happy, so many modern people are slowly becoming material slaves."

"People are getting richer and richer, but happiness has not improved or even decreased. This is the famous [Esterlin Paradox]."

"The same is true in the East. Between 1994 and 2005, the real income of Oriental citizens increased by 2.5 times. However, a Gallup survey of 15,000 Orientals found that the life satisfaction of the respondents did not improve."

"The German scholar Brockman's research found that the proportion of Orientals who think they are'very happy' dropped from 28% in 1990 to 12% in 2000."

"The impact of materialism on mental health is most obvious in the West and the East. In the past 50 years, the incidence of depression in Westerners has increased tenfold. World Health Organization survey report, data around 2012, psychology of Westerners The disease has the highest incidence rate at 26.4%, followed by Orientals, with 15.3%."

"So, the company's latest cosmetics marketing and promotion strategy needs to be fine-tuned..."

Fatty Gong nodded in satisfaction, with a red light on his face: "Yes, this time even if your kid passes."

In fact, the content of the document he read today is exactly the same as the previous day, without a word change. Only his mood changed.

"Good manager, the manager has worked hard."

Suffocating the inner taste, Liu Hua poured herself two cups of instant coffee.

Sitting at the computer desk, his brain was in chaos.

Strictly speaking, the company has nothing to do for him now, but to show that he is working hard, he is indeed valuable. In order not to appear on the company's layoffs list, he must sit here and never leave early.

Liu Hua opened a WPS document boredly, and was about to pretend and fight hard as usual, suddenly a flash of light in his mind.

The four words "Monster" are shining brightly before my eyes.

Words are like a fountain, and inspiration is like a diabetes collapse!

His fingers fluttered on the keyboard like a butterfly, brushing out afterimages.

Amidst the crackling sound, lines of text emerged in the document:

"Hello everyone, I am Ahua, this is my first game strategy and evaluation, I hope everyone will like it."

"The game "Monster" pursues a real hunting process."

"In the game, it is impossible for the players to hold a big sword to make a sudden attack, nor can they make a double jump with a hammer, let alone use a ghost hand to pull the dragon to the ground. "

At this point, Liu Hua felt unusually excited, his fatigue receding like a tide, and his state reached its peak this year.

Indeed, "Monster" can be called an extraordinary mudslide in this action game that pursues coolness and excitement.

Everything in this game seems to be based on real people in reality-the game character's endurance is reduced and needs to be supplemented by food, otherwise it will not be able to make smooth hunting movements.

Drink hot drinks when it's cold, otherwise the rate of endurance reduction will be unbearable.

Drink a cool and refreshing drink if it is too hot, otherwise the blood volume will gradually decrease.

You need to hold a torch in a dark place to see the road ahead, and people and monsters sleep. Even when monsters are weak, they will actively prey on weak monsters to restore their physical strength.

The details are real, and the more you experience it, the more people feel that "Monster" is like a real world.

"A player who slashes and slashes with a weapon cannot become a good hunter."

In "Monster", Liu Hua deeply understands the weakness of human beings.

To fight against advanced monsters, players must learn to use the power of props and their own wisdom.

Hard, there is only a dead end.

Dyed balls, sonic boom jade, traps, stool jade, cave traps, explosive barrels...

Everything in the game exudes a real feeling. After experiencing the initial resistance, the players experience the fun of hunting in nature...

"...In addition to these five easy-to-handle weapons, [Big Sword] has obvious correction values ​​for slicing monster parts. In the early stage, no solid part of the monster can withstand its three charged slashes. A wasteland artifact!"

"To sum up, I strongly recommend everyone to use [Tachi]."

"Compared with other weapons, Taito does not have any advantage at all, but it has an extremely huge advantage, that is..."


"Anyway, being abused is the eternal theme of this game. Even a talented and enchanting player, when facing a new little boss monster, at least two or three cats will sit in the car to thoroughly explore the attack mode of the prey. Therefore, it seems to me that there is no big difference in what weapon to use. It is better to choose which one you like.

"After all, transformations, second-stage transformations, and rages are commonplace for the monsters in MH. Except for the big prophet of the unknown prophet, no one can pass the game without injury when they first come into contact with this game. "

"As a handicapped player, my only advantage is patience. I have accumulated a lot of experience and experience after more than a hundred cats and carts. Here I will mainly share with you nine early BOSS hunting strategies..."

When Liu Hua came back to his senses, he found that he had typed out a manuscript of more than 20,000 words, and there was a slight tingling between his fingers.

Pain and happiness!

For the first time in so many years, he felt fulfilled and happy during working hours.

Even if this strategy is not accepted by any player and the reader is only him, it can be regarded as a record and an insight.

That's enough!

Liu Hua sent this manuscript directly to the [Hunter Zone] of Burning Sky's official website, and randomly set a reading price of 0.5 money.

In this post, he described in detail the strategies of nine BOSS monsters, including Big Wild Boar King, Blue Bear Beast, Golden Retriever Beast King, Sound Wolf, Burst Wolf, Bobo King, Blue and Red Double Beast Beast, Salon King, and Water Dragon King. And material production.

After confirming that the post had been uploaded and backed up, Liu Hua deleted the local document, leaned on the work desk, and fell asleep contentedly.


The Blackstone Apartment has now been purchased by the umbrella company, and the entire building has become Lin Yan's forbidden.

The harassment of paparazzi and reporters has long since become a thing of the past because of secret management, and there will no longer be any idlers coming and going here at will.

Ke Lin Yan still lives in Room No. 2 on the seventh floor.

He is an old man.

Rubbing the skull of a void predator like a puppy, Lin Yan carefully felt the cold and smooth touch between his fingers, which was similar to metal, but with the characteristics of a biological material.

The void predator named "Alien" let out a refreshing grunt, and two sharp purple-black sickles were put into the sheath, and they rubbed Lin Yan's calf incomparably.

It enjoys this mode of getting along with the owner.

At this moment, a dark figure suddenly appeared on the LCD screen.

He glanced at the alien with admiration, and withdrew his gaze without a trace.

Immediately, the secret tone said solemnly: "Humam, the real murderer behind the shooting of the umbrella staff has been uncovered. There are thirteen response plans to choose from...", ....

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