Game Development Mad God

Vol 9 Chapter 1: 46 Dear Jiapan players

Many Jiapan players with deep-rooted minds cannot accept learning Chinese, and directly use the automatic translation function of the search engine under the official website of Burning Sky Game [Hunter Zone] to scream crazy.

"The customer is God! Don't you Easterners understand this at all?"

"It's really a demeanor company. It's really that difficult to build a Japanese system if I don't believe it!"

The summer sun shines on Lin Yan's face through the clean window, the light and shadow intertwined, reflecting a playful smile.

His attitude is very obvious, and it has been shown in the official website announcement just now:

[Producing the Jiapan language system for "Monster" will be a long-term project, so our company does not plan to make related language patches in the short term. 】

[Here, I sincerely wish all "Monster" players enjoy the highest level of enjoyment and joy during the hunt. 】

[This announcement and all contents of "Monster", the final interpretation right belongs to Burning Sky Game Development Co., Ltd. 】

In fact, because of the [Patch Pack] function, Lin Yan made a Japanese system specifically for MH, which would not consume too much time and energy.

Finding the top language teachers to learn Japanese on a one-on-one basis, brushing the game from beginning to end, and translating Japanese text, can take up to one month.

However, Lin Yan was unwilling to do this.

He has an ambition--

Even the current self feels a bit whimsical ambition!

Lin Yan wants game players all over the world to learn Chinese and to speak fluent Mandarin as the highest honor!

But now it seems that there is still a long way to go to achieve this goal.

As soon as this declaration was issued, the comment area below immediately exploded, and even after the three-time update of the website server, it was slightly stuck.

"This announcement... is absolutely absolute!"

"Hold me and go, what do you see? In this announcement, I only saw one sentence-‘Dear Jiapan Player!’"

"Haha! Why am I so happy!"

"It used to be that Jiapan game developers couldn't speak Chinese, but now the Feng Shui turns around, until they beg us!"

"Back then, they played the games of Century, Ren Hell, and Sony, and they were madly to death! They just refused to publish Chinese, so I could only look up the meaning one by one in the foreign language dictionary. Now it's our turn to feel good!"

"The thief who did this to relieve his anger! Great God Lin Yan is a fan of life!"

Some Eastern netizens are applauding, and naturally there are Jiapan players who are singing bad words.

"Huh, arrogant Oriental! A developing Oriental family dare to treat us like this!"

"If you offend the sponsor, I want to see how your company develops!"

"If there is a kind, don't sell Fentian company games to Jiapan in the future!"

After these Jiapan players protested to no avail, they asked for returns.

Burning Game is full of credibility-if the goods are sold, if they are not satisfied, they will be returned within seven days. Lin Yan will never do anything about this.

However, Lin Yan also arranged for someone to express his attitude on the setting of the return application page.

Refunds are okay, just because the difficulty of the game is not in harmony with your own, everyone can get together, and the follow-up games of Burning Sky are still welcome.


As long as any insulting words appear in the reason for the refund, the game accounts of these people will be permanently banned, and Burning Sky Games will never open to them!

No matter how much those players regret in the future, or annoyed because they failed to convert the Burning Coins into cash in time, they clamored to go to court with Lin Yan...

Lin Yan's attitude will never change——

If you want to fight, then fight!

A lawsuit? can! As long as someone dared to send a lawyer's letter to Lin Yan, even if he directly took out half of his wealth, he would have to smash a transnational super lawyer team.

Although Lin Yan’s announcement indicated his tough attitude, after all, many Jiapan players still had a little fluke, self-comforted, and insisted on their own ideas.

A country that has no defense against competitors will not suffer and it is absolutely impossible.

Eastern players will see Lin Yan's firm and respectful stand; Jiapan players who are kind to Eastern will feel that there is still room for recovery.

Everyone can get the answer they want, and everyone is very satisfied.

Because of Lin Yan's declaration, the Jiapan players began to fight.

Naturally, Lin Yan was pulling sideways.

All Jiapan players who expressed kindness to the East during this scolding battle have an extra blueprint called "Hero's Blade" in their "Monster" accounts.

According to this blueprint, it is possible to make a great sword that is equivalent to the early wasteland reclamation weapon. In the detailed introduction of the equipment, it is written "This sword is dedicated to all peace-loving hunters, the enemy of mankind, and it is by no means human itself."

This bowl of spiritual poison chicken soup was poured down, and many Jiapan players screamed with excitement, and they were immediately bought by Lin Yan.

But in the online world, these "pacifists" can at least increase their combat effectiveness tenfold! ,, ..

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