Game Development Mad God

Vol 9 Chapter 1: 50 Lin Yan and "Magic Century"!

Blackstone Apartments.

Lin Yan threw the Rock V handheld machine aside.

Calculating the time, almost a month has passed since the national e-sports competition.

During this period of time, the sales volume of "Monster" has reached 3.75 million copies, and even the hot selling trend has not stopped at all. This number is skyrocketing every minute and every second.

As a game developer, Lin Yan is the human being who knows every detail of this game best on earth.

Lin Yan knew every monster's attack movements, skill routines, and characteristic settings in MH, and he had easily cleared the explosion machine a few days ago.

Although in Lin Yan's view, the real charm and fascination of this game lies in the network communication and free world after the clearance, but now he is the only person who has cleared the clearance, and no other players can interact, so a lot of fun is lost. .

Just a few days later, it was the release date of OKX's new tour.

Lin Yan took out the manuscripts and materials he had prepared for a rainy day from the folder, and after scanning them through ten lines, he slowly closed his eyes.

Game development artifact, start!

"Please determine the size of the game."

"Large-scale game."

"It takes 10 million money to develop a large game, and the funds have been automatically deducted from the host's account."

"Please determine the type of game."

"Massively multiplayer online role-playing game!"

"Please imagine the details of the game in the host's mind. This artifact will assist in completing the development work, greatly reducing the time and energy consumed by development!"

Lin Yan's eyes dimmed slightly, and deep in his mind, his thoughts flickered like electric flint.

Azeroth, the invasion of natural disasters, Illidan, Arthas, the Frozen Throne, the Lich King...

Durotar, Thrall, forgotten Sylvanas and the orcs, tauren, troll tribes. Stormwind, the alliance of humans, elves, gnomes and dwarves...

Free adventure, mission system, explore the unknown, defeat the enemy...

The three windrunner sisters, the legendary blade Quelzaram...

PV copy system, PVP system, prestige system, background story...

"The shamans of the tribe found that the elements on different sides became unstable, and the source of everything was directed at Blackstone Mountain-where the king of the Dark Iron Dwarves during the War of Three Hammers, King Thaurissan, summoned the Balrog Rag. Naros’ place."

"It seems that everything is beginning to develop in a bad direction. So the adventurers of the Alliance and the Horde are ready to go, heading for the Blackrock Tower, Blackrock Abyss, Molten Heart, Blackwing Lair..."

The bits and pieces of the game details were gradually compiled and constructed by Lin Yan.






"Congratulations to the host! The game was successfully developed! Please confirm the name of the game."

Lin Yan groaned for a while, and her voice looked a little hoarse: "World-of-Warcraft! "Magic Capital Century"!"

"The correct translation of World-of-Warcraft is "War Workshop", not the magic capital century. Are you sure?"

Faced with such doubts, Lin Yan gave an affirmative answer without hesitation: "OK!"

Demon Capital World, WOW, Yamaguchi Mountain, these are things he is unwilling to modify and precious memories.

"The capacity of this game is 35G, is it compressed?"

"of course!"

When Lin Yan made the game, he strived for perfection in all aspects, unconsciously, he expanded the game capacity too much.

You know, this is only the initial version of the 45/60 level cap. As new expansions are added in the future, I am afraid that the capacity will reach an exaggerated and terrifying figure. Therefore, the extreme optimization from the beginning is the most The best choice.

"Extremely optimized data core algorithm, compression costs 5 million dollars, which has been automatically deducted from the host account, compression is in progress..."

"Complete compression! The final capacity of the initial version of "Madu Century" is 13G!"

"This game is automatically compatible with all platforms! The source files and installation package have been transferred to the host computer, please confirm."

Looking at the two extra icons in the PC, a complex color flashed across Lin Yan's eyes.

Parallel world, www. registered users reached 100 million, and the highest simultaneous online users reached 10 million.

However, no matter how large a team is, it is not an opponent of time.

Players failed to defend Azeroth, and countless old users have AFK. The dominant online game back then, inevitably ended sadly. (1).

This time, will "Devil Century" usher in its new life?

As soon as he thought of this, the little hostility in Lin Yan's heart gradually dissipated.

Originally, he made "Magic Capital Century" in order to show muscle strength to VB company, and at the same time completely defeat its subsidiary OKX.

Thinking about it now, there is no need at all.

Comparing WOW with the games of Chaoyue Kingdom is not only an insult to WOW, but also an insult to oneself!

Lin Yan has no card time to keep up with OKX's new tour.

Because there is no need at all!

After figuring out this joint, Lin Yan calmly uploaded WOW to the major game platforms.

Any user can download this game for free and try it out, but after reaching level 15, they need to recharge point card or monthly card to continue.

30 gold, 2700 minutes of game time can be recharged, and a monthly card, only 75 yuan, you can take risks and travel in the magic city without any hesitation.

This kind of setting is praised by players all over the world.

After all, everyone's tastes are different. Even if it’s a masterpiece called "Monster", which is known as double platinum, many players regret it after buying it.

The level 45 capped closed beta version of "Magic Capital Century" and the previous LOL mode of operation seem to be that players who purchase the genuine Burning Sky game will automatically be eligible for the closed beta.

After the game was released, Lin Yan registered the first game character of Magic City.

Looking obsessively at the role selection interface, Lin Yan chuckled and sang the battle song composed by a versatile female mascot player of the Glory Guild in front of the AFK:

"No one will understand how painful you are."

"No one will understand how you want to continue living."

"No one knows what kind of life you have experienced."

"No one knows how to motivate the pain hidden behind your tears..."

"No one knows. When you wanted to cry, you realized that there were no tears."

"If you are not strong, who will be brave for you?"

"If you can still stay strong in the face of thousands of obstacles."

"I am proud of you."

"I am a singing bird, and I remain in the beautiful world."

"Don't cry in front of my tombstone-I'm not there, I don't sleep forever."

Song bi.

Lin Yan pursed her thin lips, her eyes filled with a gleam of faith.

He is the first player in this game and will be the last watchman.

Whether it is as high as a cloud, or as turbid as mud.

Never give up. ,, ..

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