Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 157: Depress, vent

"Selling blood to play in the magic capital world" didn't talk nonsense, and indeed found his brother——

This is a little orc warrior from the tribe, whose ID is called "Crimson Wolf".

This red wolf can only reach level 40 now, and is currently considered to be at the end of the second echelon among players.

This person is well-known among players for his passion for wild PK, or notorious.

Although his reputation is not very good, Crimson Wolf, as a PK madman, is currently a rare technical player with fast hand speed, good consciousness, and stable output methods, so that many players with high levels can only be killed after being killed. Pinch his nose to admit counseling.

"Things gather by kind, people are divided by groups. The ancients sincerely don't deceive me..."

Looking at this little soldier who appeared, Lin Yan couldn't help but laugh.

"! Human mage has a fart in addition to being attractive. You can't be stunned by playing a hunter, it's a shame!" After the Crimson Wolf arrived at the scene, the first sentence was a crazy criticism of his comrades.

However, the strange thing is that the "Selling Blood and Playing the Devil's World" are better than him in terms of level and equipment. It seems that he is really the spiritual support. At this moment, he doesn't refute, just waving the longbow in his hand and facing Lin. Yan Yan grinned.

"Come on! Dad won't bully you! Get on 1V1!"

Less than ten seconds after saying the words of the Crimson Wolf, he lay on the ground waiting for rebirth.

"GOOD-GAME." Lin Yan typed out such a line with a smile.

Objectively speaking, the PK technology of Crimson Wolf is at least three grades better than that of selling blood and playing the world. It is a pity that this level and equipment are not very wonderful, so in the hands of Lin Yan even better than his little friend The persistence time is still short.

Selling blood and playing with the devil world screamed and rushed forward, and he lived and died with his brothers without hesitation.

Once, twice, three times...

Ten times, twenty times, thirty times...

The crowd of onlookers who ate melons changed several batches, and the world of selling blood and playing demons finally knocked out those three words in despair.

"You are awesome (crying

The little friend no longer picks up the corpse, but the Crimson Wolf is still struggling desperately: "Cry, don't be stupid! Pick up the corpse, dad will take you to pretend and force you to fly!"

This time, the Crimson Wolf was not killed.

After Lin Yan passed the transformation technique, he saw the Crimson Crimson Wolf turned into a slow, harmless little sheep.

"Are you going to die until you are old? Don't play with you, goodbye you!"


Three days ago.

Qinghe High School, five classes in three years.

In the corridor, there is a group of waste paper.

Wang Zhong discovered its existence, he bent down, ready to pick it up.

It is everyone's responsibility to care for the environment. Even if he didn't lose this thing, it's really an eye-catcher just lying in the aisle.

The head teacher just came over at this moment.

His face was full of discomfort, and he seemed to be a little angry with other people, with a strong smell of gunpowder in his tone: "Why litter?"

Seeing the hostility in the class teacher's eyebrows, Wang Zhong faintly felt bad, and immediately whispered: "I didn't lose this."

The head teacher sneered, like a famous detective in the movie, giving his own inference domineeringly: "You didn't lose it, why did you pick it up?!"

Wang Zhong completely lost to this logic.

Isn't this the same gangster logic as the Nanjing Pengyu case that once made a lot of noise? ——You didn't knock down the person, why do you need to help? If you help, it means you are the perpetrator!

He was silent for a while, hesitated for a while, and said honestly: "Can I be kind?"

"If you make a mistake, you must correct it! Why quibble?!"

The head teacher rolled up the textbook and drew it directly on Wang Zhong's face.

Young people who don't love face?

When Wang Zhong saw the head teacher treat other people like this, he only felt that he was worried and did not dare to speak up. Now it fell on him, but he was angry from the ground.

The **** Wang Zhong immediately threw the garbage back to the ground, his neck stalked: "Then I won't pick it up!"

The surrounding suddenly became quiet.

There was no sound, and the needle dropped.

The classmates looked at each other, no one dared to speak for Wang Zhong.

The teacher seemed to be even more angry, with white smoke in his nostrils and bruises on his forehead, as if he had suffered a great humiliation: "Pick it up!"

"I didn't lose it."

"You didn't lose it, so you won't pick it up?"

Anyway, the other party was justified, Wang Zhong was kind enough to provoke a commotion, and suddenly became angry: "I'll be nosy, okay?"

The impulse is refreshing.

In the following three days, Wang Zhong never stepped into this classroom again.

He was first called to the office, a bad curse, plus a 3000-word review book, was the price of talking back to the teacher.

Because he didn't write, the head teacher called Wang Zhong's parents over.

After listening to what happened, Wang Zhong's parents also felt that what the teacher said made sense, and immediately staged a mixed doubles game, dubbed "A filial son under a stick".

Wang Zhong is going crazy!

Because he refused to write a review, he should have taken a school-wide notice of criticism plus a punishment of staying on school for probation. The reason is simple, there is only one:

Talk back to the teacher.

Wang Zhong chose to run away from home.

He was penniless, but with a fairly flexible mind. There are many ways to make money in the 21st century. If you are willing to do things, you will not starve to death.

As a healthy teenager, Wang Zhong used his own capital to take a shortcut.

He found a "sperm bank" and decided to use his physical strength and life essence in exchange for compensation.

Although he was a senior in high school, Wang Zhong was just over 18 years old this year because he went to school. He ignored many tedious procedures and was soon welcomed by the staff.

"What is your sexual orientation?"

"Gender is male, loves female."

"Do you often drink and smoke?"

Wang Zhong felt that he didn't need to lie in this regard: "Occasionally smokes, but not addicted to cigarettes, but sometimes feel bitter in my heart, I want to find a way to vent. Besides, I don't drink."

"Why do you want to donate sperm?"

"In order to play Magic City Century."

For a second, Wang Zhong saw from the opponent's face the most complicated expression he had ever seen in his life!

sorrow? happy? There is also a little empathy.

Regardless, Wang Zhong received the first "work pay" in his life.

The quality of his sperm was judged to be 2A. It was only a small tube and sold for a high price of 6,500 money.

The money came quickly, but Wang Zhong always felt a little weird.

He doesn't plan to live on this, but is ready to use these six thousand yuan as capital to make a career of his own!

First of all, we must be financially independent, and then we must be independent of personality!

Unwilling to be inexplicably wronged and humiliated anymore, Wang Zhong decided to find his best friend "Red Wolf" to start a business together!

Although he has no social experience, he believes in the character of Red Wolf and the potential of "Devil Century".

In this game, he must be able to make a lot of money!


Manipulating his game character "Selling Blood and Playing the Devil's World" on his way to Stormwind City, Wang Zhong saw an Alliance human mage standing still.

The opponent is well equipped, the level has reached the top 45, and the game ID is "Wooden Flame".

This made Wang Zhong's heart immediately angry.

There is a wooden character in the name of that **** class teacher!


Shouldn't it be the duty of every tribal warrior to kill these alliance dogs?


Shoot with precision! Thunder strike!

Arcane shooting!

Watching the dazed Human Race mage fall, Wang Zhong felt extremely refreshed...

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