Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 168: Guardians of Azeroth, unusual data

Passionate noises and roars rang out outside the Internet cafe.

That is the joy of comrades in other Internet cafes.

In the Blue Sky Internet Cafe City, the players could no longer hold back their inner emotions, and also roared loudly.


"Win! We won!"

"I'm going to TM! We won! I seem to be swearing what to do, hahahaha! Can't bear it, what image, let it go to hell!"

"I am happy today. I have all the internet fees and cigarette drinks for everyone!"

This is not a victory for one person, a small group.

This is the culmination of the hard work and hard work of all the players in the East!

This moment, this day, will be remembered by them forever! It has become an eternal souvenir and can no longer be forgotten. Even if it waits for many years to be old and gray-haired, it is still possible to proudly tell the glory of the original in front of children and grandchildren!

The reason why the Olympic Games has become an obsession with so many people is precisely because it is an event that people from all over the world participate in.

In the Olympics, everyone is in the same hatred. The opponents are no longer the Orientals around them, but the opponents of other countries. The self-esteem of the people and the sense of national honor are all inspired.

This time [Angela Invasion] had a similar effect.

Even, because every WOW player has participated and put in hard work and hard work, their participation is higher, and their sense of substitution and resonance is stronger!

This collective sense of honor and pride makes many passersby who don't play games feel inexplicable and incomprehensible.

However, while they smiled on the surface and expressed that they didn't care, a trace of envy and yearning really emerged in their hearts.

In the 21st century, it is extremely rare to be able to make the most joyous roar and cheers like this.

In addition to the false emotions of the MLM team, I am afraid that only fans who watch the football league and NBA in the bar have had a similar experience.

It is a pity that because of the well-known reasons of the Oriental Football Association and the Basketball Association, the Oriental has not had a very good team performance in the international arena in these two areas.

This disappoints, hopes, and then despair.

Therefore, even the fans in the bar may not have had such a joyous roar and cheering for many years.


In the hot summer, the air is almost scorched and distorted, and the cement pavement exudes an amazing hot temperature, especially on the cover of a sewer manhole. When you hit an egg on it, the high temperature will heat it up immediately, and even directly bake it!

Among the blue sky Internet cafes.

Wearing white short sleeves and shorts, Song Xiaojie looked at the display screen in front of him, with a look a little disbelieving: "Congratulations to the player [Xiaojie]! Because of your excellent performance and contribution in the Angela invasion, you have won [Azera] Guardian of Sri Lanka] limited title! Please keep working hard and climb the peak! Create glory!"

During this period of time, Song Xiaojie worked extremely hard to collect materials and perform tasks in order to help the Eastern server first open the door of Ahn'Qiraj, without leaving a piece of cloth on his account.

But he knows very well that as a junior high school student party, he can only participate in the game for two hours every day at noon and three hours before finishing his homework at night and going to bed.

In "Magic Capital", players who play for 16 hours a day abound, especially after the [Angela Invasion] campaign started, many players pursue the title of this global limited edition of 300, even two or three. Small partners work together, change people without changing numbers, and are synchronized online 24 hours a day.

No matter how he thinks, Song Xiaojie feels that it is impossible for him to get this title!

He didn't know how Burning Sky Company calculated this contribution.

"Is it because I sold all the valuable items in the warehouse and on my body and replaced them with materials? Isn't that impossible? Burning the official GM will be so boring to notice the actions of a small 0-krypton player of mine?"

Even though he thinks so, Song Xiaojie feels that compared with other players, this is the only thing that makes him stand out.

Three days ago, in order to gather the last supplies of Dongfang clothing, he went to his head and threw the five thousand new year's money he had accumulated in previous years and all the valuable items in his body and warehouse into the auction house, replaced with materials, and donated free of charge. .

Song Xiaojie regretted it on impulse, but now it seems that everything is worth it!

What he didn't know was that the official Fentian Supreme GM was really so boring...

Whether it is Lin Yan or An, they are always paying attention to the words and deeds of the players in the world of Enchanted City. Although 99.9% of the workload is on Anan, the similar characteristics of the two are vividly demonstrated in this matter. .

There are 300 limited titles, 150 of which will be given to the top 100 players who contributed, and the other 150 will be given out to players who have performed well in this campaign after a dark evaluation.

Be helpful, teamwork, leadership, clean up the game environment...

WOWer didn't know that their words and deeds would have an extra or a negative effect on the player archives of the magic city built by the dark.

[Congratulations to the guardian of Azeroth "Little Jie"! Your guild "Don't take the name of the guild too long, otherwise it will be discovered by the alliance after hiding from the tree on the battlefield" has been upgraded! 】

"Wow! Our Blue Sky Internet Cafe actually produced a [Guardian of Azeroth]!"

"This little brother, are you under sixteen? Do you use your father's ID card? Or do you use your brother's ID card?"

"Ask for a guild quota! I want to join your guild, but I am not in the middle?!"

"I announce that starting from today, Mr. Song Xiaojie, all future consumption in this Internet cafe will be completely free! Whether it is Internet bills, water bills, or snacks, they will be free forever!"

"Don't compare anything! Nima is so wild!"

"I'll go! The announcement said that this time the monsters may have a limited edition of the best equipment that is even better than the [Wind Sword] and [Fire Hammer]! Brothers go in a group! Get out the equipment ROLL point demand, OK? "

"Come on! Have a good fight!"


"The increase in registration for "Youkai Biography" has obviously slowed down, and the negative review rate has increased by three times. Has it reached 0.5% now?"

Lin Yan frowned, and a dumb color flashed across her eyes.

The Monster Legend game does have flaws that are hard to make up for, but it will take at least half a year for that flaw to be revealed...

"Is the competitor from Jiucheng messing around?"

"The data feedback is indeed abnormal. According to the summary and analysis of my survey, 98% of the possibilities are the work of Chu Zhengsheng, CEO of the Ninth City, and Jiao Kuangyin, the head of foreign affairs."

In the dark tone, there also seemed to be a little bit of faint anger: "Is it necessary to collect more evidence to completely lock the opponent?"

"no need……"

Lin Yan sneered, and there seemed to be a terrible abyss conceived in the deep black pupils: "Knowing that it is them is enough. I am not a superintendent, what do I want evidence for?" ...

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