Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 177: Secrets, subversive events!

Min'an City.

It looks like a deep mountain and a deserted place, but there is a small military base.

"The player cut the Crimson Wolf, confirm to go offline..."


The Red Wolf girl turned off the computer directly, and ate a cup of fruit oatmeal brewed with honey water in her left hand, and a sharp, handleless dagger that was as thin as a willow leaf shuttled back and forth between her right fingers like an arm.

To her, driving a dagger seemed to be an instinct to eat and drink, and the others in this base seemed to be accustomed to it, and did not feel particularly handsome or amazing.

Her gaze fell on a young woman who was holding a rock v handheld and not letting go, she couldn't help but curl her lips: "What's so fun about the scum monster legend. Shanshan, come together to fight the Devil World. ...It's cool to kill the Alliance Dog!"

Pei Shan looked at her in surprise, and pushed his glasses: "You are a natural warrior. If you don't kill for a few days, you won't get used to it. I'm a writer, and I prefer a casual game like "Youkai Biography"."


The Red Wolf girl glanced at her contemptuously: "Your liver is about to explode for this broken game these few days! I don't know what magic Lin Yan used to this game, so that even people like you can attract?"

"There is no magic in this world, only science is real. In addition, I'm just studying the random number setting of this game. It's really...very interesting."

"I feel like there is a genius who is not inferior to me in IQ, making changes to its random numbers every day, making this game more uncertain and interesting."

The voiceless young woman said indifferently: "However, that genius's comprehensive ability is much stronger than me. Both will and physical strength are far more than me. So I don't quite understand why a game developer in Lin Yan district can hire To this kind of talent."

"Dark?" The red wolf girl reminded her eyes brightly.


Seeing the other party's lack of interest, the Red Wolf girl leaned forward with no shame, only to find that the other party was using the wireless keyboard to write something on Rock V.

""SSR Style God Draw Card Secrets", "How to Obtain EX Grade Monster Biography"...Hahahahaha! Shanshan, you are really talented! Haven't heard of [Xuanbu Save Fei]?"

The Crimson Wolf laughed and leaned forward and backward, and finally his sight fell on the sales of this so-called secret book on the official website of Burning Sky. The laughter stopped abruptly, as if someone was stuffed with a super spicy Mexican chicken and rolled into his mouth. same.

"This kind of metaphysical stuff that deceives people can sell more than 50,000? Does this group of people have a lot of money to spend!!"

Pei Shan shook his head, and the lens on the bridge of his nose seemed to emit a faint light: "It's not metaphysics, it's science. The pseudo-random probability of "Youkai Biography", the judgment of the prize pool, the timeline and channel selection all have some influence on the card draw. influences……"

"However, I am a little bit interested in Lin Yan now. When will I find an opportunity to get in touch with him?"

Hearing this, she couldn't help but think of the "Wooden Flame" who had abused herself thousands of times, and the red wolf girl's complexion suddenly turned dark: "Go by yourself, don't hold me."

She is a little allergic to this name now.



A newspaper was thrown on Wan Chengqian's body. He lowered his head and glanced at the newspaper, and immediately turned into a partridge.

"The newcomer took over the Wanshi industry and actually spent 30 million Kryptonium Monster Biography. Is it self-destructive craziness or something else? 》

Anyway, the news media have been reporting on this matter recently. The reporter who wrote this report is still more conscientious, at least the headline is not too dark.

He is not the kind of high-level non-chief that is rare in the world, and he often issues SSR cards. He had just entered the pit for less than three days, and he was directly drawn to the BUG-level "Youkai Biography" known as "Tiangang in hand, nothing else." The protagonist of the plot [Prophet Yuan Tiangang].

Most of the money spent by Wan Chengqian went to Yuhun.

The 30 million dollars that I smashed at the beginning was not just for my own use, but because I was teased and dialed by the female anchor named Feng Timo in the live broadcast room of Burning Tian’s official website. After a wave of riches, more than 500 players were given SSR Shikigami and EX+ protagonists for free to install this big B.

What can he do?

He is also desperate!

There is no regret that medicine can be taken...

And to be honest, if it weren't for his father's broken thoughts and slabs, Wan Chengqian felt that what he had done was quite satisfactory.

The 30 million smashed out really made Wan clan a wave of presence and slapped the faces of several second-generation B kings in the East and the North who had been pretending to be in the circle of friends every day.

Even Chen Fusheng, who didn't look good at him and faintly looked down upon him, Zhang Mangong, Sun Ying and others all shouted one by one, making Wan Chengqian feel happy.

"You prodigal! Cheating stuff!"

Laodou's crazy roar made Wan Chengqian come back to his senses, and lay flat and flogged.

As the only Miao Miao of the ninth generation of the Wan family, Wan Chengqian knew that as long as he didn't talk back, his father would spray fiercely on his mouth, and he would naturally lose his temper after a while.

This is a secret book shared by my mother. It is said that when he was not there, no matter what disaster the old man caused, as long as he was pitiful, the grandfather would not be willing to deal with him...

Seeing his son's behavior, Wan Fugui was even more angry.

He thrust his waist, his beer belly towering: "I'm going! I'm going! I'm going! How can I let Laozi worry about throwing the family business to you!"

"How long have you taken over, you have done this for Lao Tzu! Your grandfather took a whip to the victim, and now your father's **** is swollen, you know?!"

Wan Chengqian forced a smile, and said: "I'm sorry Laodou, I'm too capricious! But this time, I also seized the opportunity...Because of the thirty million, I also met with Lin Yan. Well... He is really interesting. He doesn't take drugs, drink, or prostitute women, or play golf, but he..."

"Enough, you rebellious son! What is Lin Yan, is he the supreme leader of the East or the governor of the West? The 30 million is to see him? Ah?! You really want to **** me off!" Wan Fugui said angrily. Yong, the liver is shaking.

Thirty million is not too much for him. The key is that his son's nonchalant attitude is simply a fighter in the prodigal son.

He knew that because of his son's actions, Wan Shi got a chance to cooperate with [Shenluo Animation Film Company].

But Wanshi has been on the market for many years and has long been among the world's top five hundred, and he does not like Lin Yan, a nouveau riche.

Just as Wanfugui was furious, he suddenly received a call from his secretary.

"...That's it. According to the estimates of the finance department, this cooperation with Burning Sky Game Company and Shenluo Animation Company can generate at least an additional 90 million yuan in gross profit, which is also great for our Wanshi's reputation. Helpful."

Wan Fugui sounded dumbfounded.

After recovering, my **** no longer hurts, and the suffocation in my heart has dispersed.

He gave his son a show of what is called face-changing skills in Sichuan opera, and his face was red in the blink of an eye:

"My good boy is really grown up! He has the foresight and is better than your old man! When I was your age, I didn't have your skills!"

"Thirty million is a big deal! If you have any good projects in the future, you will smash it hard! For the spicy next door, thirty million yuan is also considered money?! I can make an investment that is more than that!"

Seeing his father swollen his face to fill the fat man, Wan Chengqian couldn't help but laughed out: "That is!"

What I said was a little guilty in my heart, but I still had some confidence.

No matter how much you say, it's better to do it.

Wan Chengqian could see that Lin Yan was different from those **** capitalists who always kept saying "let profit and let profit" but actually wanted to take all their wealth into their own hands.

Lin Yan's eating meat will at least give his partners a mouthful of broth.

Anyway, following Brother Lin, it must be correct!

The old man left the villa and continued to work on business. Wan Chengqian picked up the newspaper and prepared to throw it aside, but he caught a glimpse of the first page of the headlines.

After checking the authenticity of the news on the Internet, Wan Chengqian's hands with the newspaper trembled slightly.

His eyes were full of horror, and the slight trembling tone when he was talking to himself made himself startled.

"This TM cliff is subversive... a super big event!"

Wan Chengqian’s political sense tells himself that it is impossible to say that the whole world will change because of this incident...

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