Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 181: Doctor player, life philosophy


Taihe Hospital.

Cardiothoracic surgery operating room.

Finger knife doctor Huang Bo moved the knife expressionlessly, and his subordinates kept chatting in his ears.

"I should be fine today, right? I still want to go home and play "Monster". The day before yesterday I made an appointment with a few foreign friends to go hunting in the over-spec Makarov Snow Mountain..."

"Play a ghost! Staying up all night! It's true that I will go home and have a good night's sleep!"

"Don't worry, there will never be the next operation today!"

"I don't believe in evil anymore, it's half past six in the morning, and I can come to the emergency room!"

"My "The Legend of Monsters" released [Xianqin Alchemist-Xu Fu] yesterday. I heard that it is a very powerful protagonist, and he has not had time to train... Ah, I'm sorry, forgot you don't play this game... Change another Let's talk about it... It seems that people haven't died recently?"

"It's all this kind of minor surgery, how could death be possible!"

Listening to the discussions of these adorable doctors and young nurses around him, if it wasn't for worrying about contaminating the gloves, Huang Bo could not wait to plug these guys' mouths!

Chatting during the operation is very normal. After all, an operation takes several hours or even tens of hours. If you don't find something to do, it is possible to fall asleep half of the operation.

However, the chat content is optional!

I think back then, when Huang Bo just started working, he was also a believer in evil, always loving a similar FLAG.

However, the lesson of blood and tears told him that some things cannot be said!

The longer the doctor is and the more patients he encounters, the more superstitious he is.

Lying on the operating table is a 39-year-old patient with appendicitis.

Originally, the operation was almost over, and the needle and thread were sewn. Before the effect of the anesthetic dissipated, this person could get out of bed and jump around. As a result, he grunted at the last moment and passed out his eyes on the spot.


"I'm going! What are you guys doing when you look at me! Shangxin Sanlian! It's the opposite!"

Being stared at by a group of young nurses and interns, Huang Bo was sweating profusely, and said angrily: "Mom sells batches and tells you to compare, and see if you still have a FLAG next time!"

A group of subordinates could not lift their heads reproachfully, and hurriedly injected adrenaline, lidocaine and atropine into the patient's blood vessels.

The heartbeat returned, the breathing was still close to nothing, and the patient's complexion was cyanotic and looked terrible.

"Go to Lobelin and return to Suling! Another 500 cents of colamin..."

"No! This person is very light, 300 mg of colamin, intravenously, fast! Fast! Fast!"

The assistants hurriedly delivered Nicosamide and other drugs to Huang Bo.

Rescue, invalid, try again...

A few minutes later, it was confirmed that the rescue was ineffective, and the patient died.

Huang Bo slumped to the ground sadly, feeling that the whole world was beginning to collapse.


Ha ha……

This TM is a minor operation that even a fifth-year intern can perform, and it is shocking that they have killed them!

There is no rejection, no mutual accusations, anyway, he is the chief person in charge.

Huang Bo didn't know how he spent more than ten hours after the operation. He felt as if he was standing against the wall and time passed in the blink of an eye.

"Congenital coronary artery defect, sudden myocardial infarction during the operation..."

After the autopsy report came out, Huang Bo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He always thought that he would only catch a glimpse of this kind of case when the medical textbooks and old professors brag about B, but he did not expect to encounter it.

In this case, it is not a medical accident.

In this matter, the hospital will have a special person in charge and the patient’s family to negotiate compensation.

Suddenly, Huang Bo, who was originally exhausted to death, returned home without any sleepiness.

Turn on the computer and browse the web boredly.

The few novels that I often follow, only update one or two chapters a day, are so horribly slow that he can't wait to send the blade over.

Being extremely boring, Huang Bo suddenly flashed a thought in his mind.

"Those little nurses and interns from the affiliated medical university, it seems quite interesting to talk about burning the sky every day..."

Enter the words "Fentian official website" into the Baidu search bar, and Huang Bo found many related items.

In addition to the official website, there are also related evaluations of major platforms.

He clicked on the second page.

That was a game review by ste, and the title was very attractive.

"Fusion of War, This is the Greatest Game of the 21st Century"

"The structure of this game is very special. It is a completely different compound game consisting of day and night parts."

"During the day, the game showed the characteristics of a simulation work that focuses on detail management. Players not only have to issue orders to find supplies, but also make items for the leftovers hiding in the dilapidated building."

"At night, the stealth gameplay of this game becomes the highlight. Players must carefully search for supplies for survivors through abandoned buildings. The contrast gameplay of morning and night shows the extreme darkness of the game, and at the same time, it also improves the game's playability. Sex..."

This gold medal game reviewer named [Tianle Lotte] has a very concise writing style, which makes people wonder if he has ever engaged in other writing work.

Subconsciously stuffed a caffeine gum into his mouth, Huang Bo slid the mouse roller and read down.

"...In many games, there are many dialogues or behaviors that allow players to choose independently, and these choices will more or less affect the development of the game characters and the subsequent plot, but the decisions and choices of the players are not good or evil. At best, the result is different."

"Although it has to be said that the [choice] system has greatly enriched the experience of many games, but "My War" is completely different from them. The game settings will allow you to be in the game for the first time. Desperate: If you don’t rob and steal or even kill, you may really starve to death."

"Here, there is no [choice], only [do] and [do not]."

"It is these choices linked to morality that greatly deepen the sense of substituting the game's plot. When players realize that their actions are truly affecting the lives and deaths of the people around them, this kind of direct human torture can erupt. ."

The strong cinnamon smell of the caffeine gum dissipated, and the mouthful of strong bitterness came.

Huang Bo recovered and gave himself a scratch.

"I really owe it! Isn't this looking for trouble!"

The central nervous system began to excite under the action of caffeine, sleepiness was dispelled, and physical strength seemed to have recovered a lot.

Huang Bo spit out the tasteless gum rubber filler, his face was melancholy.

"I can't sleep at all, just download the game and play it..."

Even from a theoretical and legal point of view, Huang Bo did not need to bear any responsibility for the patient, but he was very suffering and blamed himself.

He doesn't want to go to sleep now, or rather, dare not go to sleep.

Although Huang Bo tried his best and was still unable to catch up, he subconsciously believed that his hands were stained with innocent blood.

The capacity of "My War" is not large. After the optimization of the body program, it is only 1.8G.

The game is quickly installed.

Huang Bo noticed that this game is rich in strategy, full of content, simple loading interface and the music called "heal-the-world", which gave him a very good first impression.

Before he knew it, he was immersed in the game.

Almost all the subsystems of this game are developed around the theme of "survival", and the various paragraphs are linked together, including staffing, material search, facility construction, article production and so on.

The types and uses of the props are very clear, and the items needed for survival, such as food, medicine, and tools, are fully classified, which makes people unconsciously immersed in them.

"The war is over, the dead are gone, and the survivors usher in a new dawn."

After watching the ending of the three survivors, Huang Bo's heart was surging and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

As a doctor, the more deaths he has experienced, the more he contemplates on life. The feelings of these years have gathered together, and a strong desire for catharsis and expression. Hope condenses his heart, and he is unhappy with some words.

"No wonder so many people like Lin Yan now."

Sigh with emotion, hesitate again and again. Huang Bofu thought about it, and finally opened a WORD text and wrote a game essay...,...

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