Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 192: Burning Sky Lawyer Group, Zhu Li Theory

"Supplied for free to those in need?"

Who in this world needs ether holy water more than those who are severely ill, dying and hanging in the hospital?

Seeing these anti-intellectual remarks, Lin Yan couldn't help but sneer.

If they donate selflessly and give them the etheric holy water for free, I am afraid that they will immediately take back the previous slander and even begin to sing praises.

They are obviously selfish, but they have to pretend to be good for the country, the people and the mankind, which is simply disgusting.

For these remarks, Lin Yan only uttered two sentences to express his attitude.

"Standing on the moral high ground, won't you feel cold?"

"Before speaking, ask your conscience first."

All the identity information and transaction records of the navy were dug out.

These people were immediately listed on the official websites of Burning Sky, Umbrella, and Shenluo by Lin Yan and included in the permanent blacklist.

Lin Yan would take out 100 bottles of Ether holy water for charity every month, and anyone on the planet could get its help.

However, those who have been blacklisted have permanently lost this qualification.

When they encounter the moment when they must use the [Ethere Holy Water], they can only spend hundreds of thousands of times the premium to auction and snap up.

In fact, it is impossible for these naval forces to afford this price.

Even under Lin Yan's signal, these people were directly charged with the crime of spreading rumors, personal assault, and spreading rumors, and the court immediately tried the summons.

You know, the lawyers hired by Burning Sky are all elites in the industry!

As the saying goes, "raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while", if you don't take them out for a walk, I'm afraid the skills of the lawyers will be trendy.

Originally, this kind of civil lawsuit was detained for up to 30 days, but these Burning Sky lawyers absolutely didn't know what it meant to be "showing mercy", and they wanted to put the other party to death.

Everything is to earn Burning Staff Points.

After finally encountering a task, the Burning Lawyers felt that they had not performed beyond their level, and they were so sorry for the conscience of Heaven and Earth.

The use of Namta Massager, Genova Chocolate (Military Water-infused Chocolate in TMW), Ether Holy Water...

These infinite magical materials are supplied in limited quantities by the three major companies each month.

And among the three sister groups of Burning Sky, Shenluo, and Umbrella, there are a total of 866 employees competing with each other. For them, no matter how many points they have, it may not be enough.

Ever since, this time the navy is completely down with blood mold!

Not only did they compensate Lin Yan for a large amount of mental damage due to personal attacks, they even turned out many past violations.

The crimes of running red lights, domestic violence, drinking cough water, and disrupting social morals were magnified by Burning Sky Lawyers a hundred times and presented to the judge, portraying these defendants and navy soldiers into the image of heinous villains.

In fact, as far as the Burning Sky Lawyer Group is concerned, a "unnecessary" crime is enough.

As a result, these Internet navy soldiers took the money and flew up when they were ignorant of their conscience in posting posts, and after squatting in the prison, they were immediately caught by endless regrets.

After they were released from prison, they found sadly that their jobs were gone, their girlfriends had blown up, their wives ran away, and the children didn't recognize themselves.

Even the neighbors are watching them wearing colored glasses.

"After all, have been in jail, stay away from him."

In the East that preaches the rule of law, after serving in prison, it is not so easy to change your mind and re-behave.

Because of this, Lin Yan's "little belly chicken sausage" is known to more people, and even has the mixed title of "diamond glass heart".

Everyone knows that you can’t spray him indiscriminately-otherwise, you can’t tell when a court summons will come, and the underpants for indemnity will be gone. Month, life trajectory will also be completely changed.

The Burning Sky Lawyer Group is really cruel!

They are just like a group of mad dogs raised by Lin Yan, who bites whom! If you don't tear off a big piece of meat, you won't stop at all!

The tempters behind these Heizi Water Army retracted their minions one after another, and did not dare to act rashly.

Lin Yan's overreaction was really cruel.

He usually looks joking, and can get along well with the company employees, and looks very approachable, but when something happens, the hostility that bursts out suddenly makes it impossible to understand where it comes from.

They didn't know that the development of Lin Yan's character was not about life, but about survival.

At the beginning, he had to rely on himself for everything, no elders could rely on, and his buddies also fell into a scumbag full of lies because of taking drugs, and he could only rely on himself if he wanted to live a good life.

The first is to be kind to others, to be kind to everyone, not easy to provoke opponents, and then when things happen, when they are fierce and ruthless, others will be stunned, without sufficient benefits, and will not easily provoke.

After all, most people like to pinch soft persimmons.

Lin Yan really likes the pre-Qin [Yang Zhu Theory] preached "Pull out a profit and do nothing".

The true meaning of this sentence is: "My hair is up to me. It is my business to pull it out. It is only if I am willing." Unfortunately, it has been misunderstood by many people and regarded it as simple and simple selfishness.

In fact, judging from Yang Zhuzi's life and beliefs, let alone plucking a hair, let him shed blood for the world.

But-this is what he wants.

No one can take advantage of the world as a reason to overwhelm others with righteousness and let him pull out this "little".

During the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, Yang Zhu's theory competed with Confucianism, Legalism, Mohism, and Warring States. However, it was a pity that it had been lost by the end of Han Dynasty.

Lin Yan bought a copy of Zhu Li's theory by chance by chance.

Lin Yan, who is addicted to information gathering, is like an industrious little squirrel. He will go through any readable records.

So he studied the sheepskin scroll and was deeply influenced by it.

Because of Meng Fuzi’s saying, “Parents who are affected by the body’s hair and skin dare not to hurt”, later Confucian scholars think that a person does not belong to his own hair, skin, muscles, blood, bone marrow and brain plasma, but to his parents and family relatives. our.

Lin Yan has no opinion on Confucianism. However, the parallel world has always been lonely, standing alone, struggling for survival resources to survive, and he is totally unable to appreciate the ideas of Confucianism.

At least in this matter, he thinks Yang Zhu's theory makes sense-

Lin Yan took out the [Ethere Holy Water], and it was OK for anyone who saw it pleasingly, because that was his own will.

Want to force him to give selflessly?

Even if the whole world demands this, his answer will always be only one:

Go to sleep!

Lin Yan can live unrestrainedly and freely even when he is not famous. Isn't it true that now that he has become famous, he will be shrunk by the industry, afraid of this?


The weapon of public opinion is a weapon for gentlemen and hypocrites who cherish feathers. It is of no use to hob meat like Lin Yan!

Burning Heaven, Umbrella, and Shenluo Company are all his help, and they will never become his shackles and cages. If there is one day, he will destroy them without hesitation.

It's hard to buy a lot of money!

This is Lin Yan's life creed.

Willful, but at ease. ,, ..

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