Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 197: Feeding on people, walking-dead!

"When being chased by a lion, I don't need to run faster than the lion, as long as I run faster than my companion."

The action of the hippie youth made this idea suddenly emerge in Xia Da's mind.

It's just that the hippies are more cruel, more direct, and thoroughly reveal the ugly dark side of human nature.

Shada's attention was not allocated to the hippies. Even, she didn't dislike this person too much.

When she was young, she watched those movies or TV series and was very disgusted with such selfish people.

But after growing up, Xia Da realized that perhaps this choice is what most people would make.

She can understand the actions of this person. If she falls into that situation, she will probably not perform better than this person.

The enemy of the Virgin has always been a virgin bitch, not a selfish person.

Although the former is speechless, she knows and does one thing, while the Virgin Mary speaks one thing and does one thing, and only asks others for selfless devotion, but she is two-sided and disgusting.

Because Xia Da couldn't accomplish others at the expense of herself, she never asked others to do things she couldn't do.

Compared with young hippies and OL girls with good physical strength, she is more concerned about the fate of white-collar men.

After pressing the white-collar man on the ground, the weird guys who seemed to be uncomfortable made a move that Xia Da will never forget!

They pressed the white-collar man to the ground, opened his blood basin and gnawed frantically!


The hoarse screams resounded across the street, but no one would help the white-collar men.

The blood is wanton, the meat flies, and the broken limbs can be seen everywhere!

His struggle didn't last for thirty seconds, and he stopped completely.

Because he is dead.

No one can continue to live after all the internal organs and half of the body have been gnawed away.

Seeing this scene, Xia Da's pupils instantly shrank into the most dangerous pin-like shape.

These weird people are no longer humans.

They, or say...


It's just a walking corpse!

These guys are walking corpses who retain the most basic desire to eat!

They are walking-dead!

"Too bloody... terrible!"

Even though she said this, Xia Da felt a burst of cold air rushing towards her forehead along the tail vertebra, but she had a strange feeling in her heart.

It is not clear whether it is nausea, fear, or curious pleasure.

In short, this kind of excitement has never been brought to her by any movies, games, or music before!

At this time, the BGM of "Prototype" was just over, and the theme song "ROCK-IS-DEAD" began to oscillate!

The super heavy metal rhythm and the drum beats that oppress the heartbeat melody form an absurd sense of black humor.

It dilutes all the nausea and fear, washes away, washes away, and leaves nothing!

The only thing left in the end is the strong stimulation to the senses!

The dramatic changes in mood caused Shada's body to rapidly secrete adrenaline and endorphins.

Under the action of adrenaline, her breathing and heartbeat accelerated, and her spirit suddenly became excited.

The endorphins gave her a strong sense of euphoria. This feeling was like breaking through the limit of fatigue during a long-distance running, and suddenly no longer fatigued, but incomparable joy and satisfaction.

CG is still going on...

The flesh and blood of a white-collar worker cannot satisfy the huge number of living dead. They quickly gnawed the white-collar worker into an extremely clean bone, and continued to chase hippie youth and OL girls.

The two ran desperately, seeming to run into a dead-end factory.

At this time, the CG lens gave a feature abbreviation.

The place where the young hippie was caught by the living dead just now became dark and dull at a speed visible to the naked eye, the flesh and blood began to die, the skin began to fall off, revealing the black and red muscles inside.

What is shocking is that the black and red muscles are obviously more powerful in contraction than ordinary red and white muscles. They quickly erode and assimilate all the surrounding cells and transform them into their own kind!

In the blink of an eye, the young hippie's bones made a burst of noise like fried beans.

His pupils were muddy, his eyes were red, and there was no more cunning and spiritual energy on his face that belonged to human beings, and he was replaced by Shenmuqi.

The original struggle and hard work abandoned all the survival opportunities in exchange for the bottom line, and it made no sense.

He has become a walking dead with no intelligence at all!

This kind of ending seems to be no better than death.

"Is this... the black light virus?"

Xia Da watched the OL girl react in time, and quickly escaped from birth, but did not feel relieved.

Even, a kind of creepy feeling arose spontaneously.

This super contagious ability of the black light virus is simply terrifying, and it can be called a world-destroying-level natural disaster weapon.

Infected people can assimilate normal people as long as they scratch ordinary people, and then continue hunting with humans for food...

And they don't seem to feel pain or reason, even in the face of guns, they don't have the slightest idea of ​​fear.

"If the black light virus is dropped into the real world..."

This idea just surfaced, and Xia Da threw it into his mind.

A self-deprecating smile appeared on the girl's face.

"Prototype" is only a game after all, no matter how real it is, it is just a game produced by Lin Yan.

There is no connection between games and reality!

After thinking about this, a light of relief appeared in the eyes of the little princess Xia Da.

As a human being, she has a natural aversion to those walking corpses, and an extremely strong desire for destruction suddenly appeared in her heart.

She wants to completely destroy these infected bodies, not one is left, all are killed!

The opening animation has now come to an end.

A group of people in uniform uniforms and Maitrav bulletproof helmets appeared in the warehouse.

They took the micro punch and pistol to wipe out the walking dead who swarmed!

The OL girl thought she had found salvation and relaxed her vigilance.

However, what greeted her was a merciless bullet that ended her life.

These people are soldiers of the Black Watch. Their duty is not to defend the people, but to eliminate all living organisms that may be infected with the virus.

Even if these people are not infected, even if these people are innocent people, they must be completely killed!

No one is the savior!

Looking around, it's all sins!

At this time, the protagonist of the game, Alex Mercer, finally appeared.

He turned his arms into black and red blades and sharp claws, and fell from the sky!

He represents death!

He represents killing!

Everywhere he went, there were broken limbs and corpses!

There is no so-called justice, no talk, no reason!

Alex’s actions to express his emotions can be described in one word...


A dawn, a new world of heaven and earth!

He is not a hero, and he never thought of becoming a hero, but in the apocalyptic world of "Prototype", he is more unique than any hero!

After manipulating Alex to kill several Black Watch soldiers and infected bodies from the West, Xia Da decisively locked the Rock V handheld and couldn't contain the emotional excitement in his heart.

She felt like a little deer bumping into her face, her face flushed, and she was so handsome by the game's settings.

Knowing that Alex Mercer is just an avatar, a non-existent two-dimensional character, she still can't help but compare it with all kinds of real handsome guys.

The final conclusion made Xia Da depressed.

Alex is more than one hundred and eight thousand times stronger than those butter niches. There is no comparison between the two. Comparing this tough and handsome character with those butter men is an insult to him. .

The only one that can be compared...

"No! If my male **** runs into the world of "Prototype" and has this kind of super power, he will definitely be better than Alex!"

As Lin Yan's little fan girl, Xia Da's faith is firm.

She believes that Alex's charm is largely due to her own ability and the wanton killing in the doomsday slaughterhouse.

Xia Da decided to buy an exclusive ARI for "Prototype".

Because of this game, it is really...

It's so cool!

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