Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 208: Colorful noodles, new year

"Smash his face."

Lin Yan's cold and merciless voice sounded without any mercy.

The black light prototype decently outlines a cold tear that does not look like a human: "Received."

Putting down the phone, he grabbed Pei Zhiming's face, without a word of nonsense, and slammed it up!




The dull sound of percussion kept ringing indoors.

Pei Zhiming wanted to scream and howl to attract the attention and rescue of others. Unfortunately, he felt that a group of powerful connective tissue sealed his vocal cords and completely blocked all possible vocalizations.

He panted violently, spraying bleeding foam out of his mouth, like a dying lamb to be slaughtered, he could only pedal feebly on the ground, but the polished wood did not have much friction, only causing his feet to keep slipping.

Lin Yan said, smashing Pei Zhiming's face.

As a result, Alex would completely smash the opponent's face-without hurting the opponent's tongue and teeth, nor shaking the brain, let alone swelling the opponent's nose and face.

Alex executed his instructions exactly, not more or less.

After a while, Pei Zhiming's arrogant, lofty face was completely broken.

His proud dignity was completely trampled under his feet, trampled into mud.

Pei Zhiming looked at Lin Yan like a clown, and Lin Yan looked at him as well.

Facts have proved that Lin Yanqi is high.

All of Pei Zhiming's arrogance and arrogance were shattered by Alex.

The severe pain did not make him give up completely.

Although everything that happened today caused a drastic change in his outlook on the world, outlook on life, and values, the pain in his body actually made his mind clearer.

Even if the opponent is not the real Alex Mercer, or the protagonist in "Prototype", it is just a realistic prototype of a game character, even if the opponent’s temperament is half the same as the murder in the game, it takes life as me. Kate's protagonist is similar, he doesn't dare to bet.

Kneeling on the ground in pain, Pei Zhiming pinpointed the source of the matter.

He could see that the existence in front of him that looked like Alex Moser and possessed similar abilities seemed to obey Lin Yan's words.

The person who should really call for help is not the man in front of him, but someone on the other side of the phone, who is in the east across thousands of mountains and rivers.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Mr. Lin Yan, I was wrong!"

"I really know I was wrong, please, spare my life!"

"Don't kill me! I am willing to bear all punishments, as long as I don't kill me! Spare my life!"

Pei Zhiming kowtowed his head frantically at the phone.

boom! boom! boom!

Blood oozes from the forehead, and Pei Zhiming feels that he has a slight concussion.

He dared to swear to heaven, even when he went to the grave for his grandfather, he had never been so sincere!

In order to survive, he is willing to do anything!

Pei Zhiming, begging for mercy, abandoned all dignity and tried to please Lin Yan by saying what Lin Yan liked to hear, in exchange for a chance to live.

"Chaoyue Country, no! The despicable Chaoyue Country, Goguryeo, and the lowly Xiajuli, are the worst people in the world. I feel desperate for being born in this country. The Sanming Group is also rubbish. People are different from the outside, all of them are two-sided and three-faced. I have had enough of them!"

"I beg you, Mr. Lin, let him not kill me! Your lord has a lot of it, treat me as a fart and let it go!"

There is a great horror between life and death. Those who can transcend life and death are martyrs and sages, and they often appear in the years of war.

In peacetime, the probability of such existence will be many times lower.

In the face of life and death choices, Pei Zhiming did not even need Lin Yan to persecute, so he decisively sold the country and became a "Han traitor."

"Your knowledge reserves are quite rich." Lin Yan's noncommittal voice came over the phone.

In ancient times, Chaoyue Kingdom was called Goguryeo, but in a certain dynasty named "Xin Dynasty", Emperor Wang Mang hated Chaoyue Kingdom and changed its name to the insulting "Xiaguli".

"Yes! Mr. Lin Yan, I am very useful! I give up the dark and cast my light, and I am willing to work for the great East! I will shine for you! I am willing to be your loyal dog!"

There was a long silence.

However, Lin Yan's cold voice finally came over the phone:

"Sorry, I look down on a dog like you."

"I remember you always used words like'aristocratic temperament' and'understanding' on your lips before, right?"

"Actually, I never hung up this call because I wanted to tell you..."

Hearing Lin Yan's words and feeling the tone in it, Pei Zhiming could even make up for the evil spirit rising from the corners of his lips.

The next moment, Lin Yan's voice and accumulated emotions exploded together.

beep. beep. beep……

Alex pondered for a moment, and after making sure that he had not misunderstood Lin Yan's meaning, he paced in front of Pei Zhiming and sank.

The repressive howls and the infiltrating bone cracks that make people feel horrible, go back and forth indoors...


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Opening the door, a young man appeared in front of Lin Yan.

"Yo! Busy guy, what brings you here?"

Looking at the other person's appearance, Lin Yan's smile disappeared from the bottom of his eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, I just made the noodles for you, if you don't eat it, you can't eat it!"

While speaking, the vicissitudes of Gu Yue beckoned.

The two courier boys joined hands holding an exaggerated takeaway lunch box, walked into the house, and then left quickly, without taking away any clouds.

It's not so much a bento box as a suitcase!

The corners of Lin Yan's eyes twitched slightly, bending down to pick up the bento box and put it on the table.

The noodle box is open!

The scent is overflowing, the fragrant fragrance of spices blows over the face, and the soup of the ramen is filled with intoxicating mist, making people fall into the clouds.

Its theme is divided into seven parts, with seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The layers are distinct and rich, and there is no distraction along the way. It seems that the other party is indeed bothering.

Compared with this "box" ramen, all the Big Mac burgers and the EX-weight Hercules fried rice are sprinkled with water, which is not worth mentioning.

In fact, recently because of the sun well water, Lin Yan’s appetite expansion and contraction coefficient has become very large, he can eat food for ten people, or can not eat for a few days, but Gu Yue’s impression of him still stays in Chaoyue. Before China, he was still treated as the king of great stomachs.

Lin Yan didn't treat him politely, so he found a pair of chopsticks and started gluttonous feast.

After slipping two bites of noodles, Lin Yan's eyes flashed: "I'm going! Nice boy, your craft has improved significantly, what's the matter? You learned from a teacher?"

Each of these seven-color rainbow noodles has its own characteristics. Each different color represents a different taste. It is delicious and smooth, or soft and firm, or moderately soft and hard, or spicy and appetizing, or sweet and refreshing.

The magical thing is that the taste of these noodles hasn't affected each other—or in other words, a subtle chemical reaction occurred between each other, making their taste and texture level more perfect!

"I met an old revolution and learned from him. The old man has a good life, and his children and grandchildren will make more money than each. I also like to run around the world. I just met at the airport in the capital."

Gu Yue's expression was in a trance.

When a fellow villager sees a fellow villager, his eyes are full of tears. If he sees an Oriental in a foreign country, even if there is a big age difference, it is not impossible to make a forgotten relationship.

Lin Yan ate the sea and drank, swallowed a bite of noodles, and nodded: "Aren't you promoting Oriental Ramen toward the Moon Country? Why did you suddenly come back? Hit a wall?"

After hearing this, Gu Yue glanced at him with a faint smile: "It is now close to the end of the New Year. If you don't return to the East during the Spring Festival, is it because you are fighting in Chaoyue Country?"

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