Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 212: "Warrior", 120%!

Game development artifact, start!

"Please confirm the game type."

"A 2D scroll-style horizontal version of fighting through online games."

Lin Yan gave the answer without hesitation.

DNF has inherited a large number of features of home consoles and arcade 2D fighting games. Although there are many 2D horizontal games in this world, compared with the original milk powder, the gap is huge.

What's more, what Lin Yan wants to make is more than just the original DNF.

"Please confirm the name of the game."

Originally, Lin Yan was still thinking about making fun of it, coming to a drop city and weak warriors, milk powder, Olin people, and local tyrant warriors, but on this issue, he thought a little bit, and still didn't make any tricks.


"Please confirm the game running platform."

"PC host, Panshi v handheld, let's take these two platforms first."

Although the quality of mobile phones of major brands is very good and the performance is extremely strong, even medium-sized games can run, but the mobile phone itself still has defects, many games want to be transplanted to mobile phones, they must be streamlined, at the expense of some performance.

So Lin Yan does not intend to transplant "Warrior" to the mobile game platform for the time being.

"Please imagine the details of the game in the host's mind. This artifact will greatly reduce your workload and time spent on game development."

"Thanks a lot."

Lin Yan replied, and immediately received a polite answer: "Serving the host is the only meaning and purpose of this artifact."

Hearing this, Lin Yan was stunned for a while, always feeling that something was wrong.

The [Controllable Hypermemia] from Shishi God Cai Wenji started to work, and Lin Yan immediately recalled that he had heard the words that were almost the same.

Think about it carefully, the game development artifact and the dark tone are the same, but the former is like a program that has been set thousands of years ago, rigid, rigid, and without any emotional fluctuations.

The dark is more humane, with more "popularity".

Thinking of this, Lin Yan couldn't help but show a playful smile.

"It seems that the study during this period of dark is still useful. The simulation of human nature sometimes confuses me and treats him as a human being."

Shaking his head, leaving this idea behind, Lin Yan's eyes lightened, and he went all out to develop DNF!

Game background, interface, character creation, occupation...

Ghost swordsman, fighter, priest, sharpshooter, magician...

Arad continent, heaven...

GSD, Kelly...

Main task system, side task...

PVE, PVP, title achievement system...

Secondary professions: enchanter, alchemist, disintegrator, puppet master...

The details of the game, frame by frame, were perfected by Lin Yan.








At this point, the game has been developed, and the finished product can be produced.

But Lin Yan is not satisfied. He feels that there are still many details that can be improved in the game. He doesn't want to be flawless, at least he will try to be perfect.

"The city of the sky that disappeared has reappeared on the continent of Arad. With its emergence, various evil forces are ready to move: the black plague envelops the human village, and all the people in the village die, and none is spared; the dark elves take advantage of it. Chaos wages war on mankind; shellfish

The territory of the Principality of Ermar was invaded by neighboring empires. "

"Skasa, the ice dragon in the northern part of the Stru Mountains, also woke up from hibernation at this time. Its powerful ice power plunged the Stru region into a world full of ice and snow. Bantu was devastated by cold and hunger. The tribe crossed the Stru Mountains and brutally invaded Belmar’s

Imperial defense.

"The chaos caused by the mutation spreads across the Arad continent, and the reappearance of various void outside worlds has caused the whole world to fall into madness..."

The DNF version currently produced by Lin Yan is the first chapter version, titled "Departure, Toward New Hope"!

However, the content of the game is not only the first chapter, but also the content of the first chapter (continued).

The shallow habitats, spider caves, lava caves and related tasks of the Dark City are all open to players.

In this way, players have more options for upgrading when they are refreshing the map, and there is no need to brush the ice heart.

At the same time, this version also opened the "Skyshroud Giant Beast Dungeon" [Abyss Mode].

When the development progress reached this point, a flash of memory flashed across Lin Yan's eyes.

The opening of the low-level abyss allowed many players, including him, to appreciate the charm of epic equipment for the first time.

However, after some thinking, Lin Yan still did not join the infamous "Blazing Star Magic Box".

The cheating box is something that is quite annoying in his parallel world. Do not do to others what you don't want, Lin Yan will naturally not take Xiang Xiang into the mouth of the players.

There are countless ways to make money. There is no need to exchange your reputation for money-that is the act of killing chickens and getting eggs, the most stupid act, unless you plan to do it and run, otherwise it is meaningless!

Lin Yan remembered that the original version of the first chapter of the national service DNF lasted for more than half a year. For the Arad veterans, it was a very memorable and valuable past.

In this milk powder version, there is no cd in the sword soul, roaming round kick plus instant kick...

The ammunition expert was unable to compare the electric grenade later, and the two robots of the mechanic smashed each other's blood...

The paladin has an external BUFF bonus than an external one, the provocation of the Street Fighter BUG, ​​the almost invincible dazzling pattern and pseudo-connection, and the ten consecutive throws of Judo...

These beautiful memories made Lin Yan want to enter the game immediately and take a good swim.

When people are immersed in their careers, they often forget the passage of time.

For Lin Yan, games are his poison. Whether they are developing or playing, they can completely ignore the flow of time.

When Lin Yan came back to his senses, he suddenly found that the game development progress bar had reached 120%!

This is far beyond the initial prediction of the game development artifact!

"Warrior", the theme song of the first version is tentatively set as "Warrior in the Wind", "Song of Celia" and "For the Coming Moment".

However, Lin Yan thought about it, and deleted "For the Coming Moment".

The Great Transfer and the destruction of Arad will only remain in his memory, so the song "For the Coming Moment" has no meaning for its existence.

"Congratulations to the host, the "Warrior" has been developed! Because the game development rate reached 120% for the first time, when the "Warrior" lottery starts, the chance of getting a premium reward will double!"

"The game source files and installation package have been sent to your computer, please check!"

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