Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 214: Bandai Nangong Dream

"Buy DNF server?"

Lin Yan just let out the news on the official website, but he didn't expect the other party to act so quickly.


The other party's suggestion was completely rejected by Lin Yan after only a moment in his mind.

He is not short of money to the extent that he needs to sell servers. Whether it is the Liaoyuan of Haicheng Century or the Spark of DNF, the technological content contained in it is much higher than that of modern times. Lin Yan cannot give them to others.


The phone is connected.

"Hello Mr. Lin Yan, this is Bandai Nangong Dream (BANDAI-NAMCO). As early as "Sea City Century", I started to pay attention to your server, but the gentleman does not take advantage of others. We have been waiting until you have a new one. Youcai really made contact."

"Warrior's game does not need a global unified server. It can be divided into hundreds of small game channels. Your demand for Spark servers is far less than ours. As for the price, it is easy to discuss."

The opponent is the GGA Alliance two-star team Bandai Nangong Dream (BANDAI-NAMCO).

After knowing the negotiator on the other end of the phone, Lin Yan took a deep breath, and he finally understood why the phone was not intercepted.

The strength, influence, and influence of the alliance two-star team and the one-star team are far apart.

If conditions permit, he is willing to form an alliance with the other party, but unfortunately, the other party's request is beyond his acceptance.

DNF's Spark server, perhaps for this game, only slightly improves the players' gaming experience, but for reasons of confidentiality, no matter how big the other party is, Lin Yan will refuse!

"Sorry, I can only reject your proposal because..."

"Ten million dollars!"

The negotiator of Bandai Nangongmeng was very strong and gave a price very aggressively.

Lin Yan couldn't help laughing.

He now has three major companies with a market value of tens of billions. Although he is still far away from the goal of the world's richest man, it is not a mere ten million that can shake his heart.

What's more, the Spark server is made by Lin Yan using the peripheral functions of the game development artifact. The cost alone is nearly ten million, plus the mental loss fee, even if the confidentiality factor is not considered, accepting the other party’s condition is also a performance of his brain. .

"I refuse, not because the price is too low, but..."

"Twenty million! Our Bandai Nangong dream is not bad for money. If you want as much as you want, you can make a price. As long as the lion doesn't say anything, you can win our friendship."

Lin Yan was also a little annoyed when the other party interrupted her speech twice.

"Haha, is there anything else? If not, I'll hang up."

That's the end of the conversation, and on the other end of the phone, a person suddenly changed.

It's a woman, and the other party's voice is gentle, like a pure spring, nourishing people's hearts, and one can't help but listen: "Mr. Lin Yan, sorry, your personality and behavior pattern are slightly different from the information we collected before, I Colleague’s rudeness before, hope you

Able to understand. "

"OK." Lin Yan shrugged.

Reaching out and not hitting the smiley person, the other party did not do anything unforgivable wrong, and he has already admitted his mistake for his attitude, he is not a stubborn person.

"However, I still hope you can seriously consider that one server can accommodate so many players online at the same time, which is very important for one of our Bandai Nangong Dream future mecha online games."

Having said that, the other party paused for a while, as if he was hesitating to continue using the word art, or to reach the original mind.

The key to negotiation is to grasp what the other party needs.

In many cases, the reason why people pay in business behavior is not only because of their greed, but also because they ask for others.

And Lin Yan...

He doesn't seem to have anything special that Bandai Nangong Dream can provide.

Such a negotiating opponent is not the most irritating, but it must be the most difficult to start.

So the other party hesitated for a while, but decided to get straight to the point and treat each other sincerely: "Seriously, everyone is smart, so don’t go around in circles. Compared to [Spark Server], what we really want to buy is your technology. If What conditions can be met

Please do not hesitate to ask, we will try our best to satisfy. "

During the negotiation, saying this is equivalent to showing his trump card and giving the power of life and death to his opponent, but Lin Yan is like a stone, water and fire do not invade, oil and salt do not enter, it is impossible to use normal means to control the negotiation. Right, verbal oppression may even be counterproductive.

The attitude of the other party is actually quite sincere.

Lin Yan hesitated. What he hesitated was not whether he should sell the server, but thinking about how to refuse, without embarrassing the other party.

After all, multiple enemies are worse than multiple friends.

As Lin Yan's intimate assistant, Die quickly figured out a number on the display.

With a squinting glance, Lin Yan whispered: "1.3 billion euros, you know, my technology is worth this price. Moreover, this is only a friendly price, I think you are pleasing to the low price. In the future, the price may increase tenfold, also The price may increase a hundred times, who knows?"

The price he gave is just beyond the range of asking prices that Bandai Nangong Dream Group can tolerate. If the other party wants to acquire related technologies, it must sell iron or even sell some original industries.

Bandai Nangong Meng is different from Burning Sky Company. There are many major shareholders and founders. They have to conduct a long introduction to everything. They are not as neat as Lin Yan's dictatorship, and they do not have the courage to smash the iron.

For today's Bandai Nangong Dream, although they want to develop, what they want to do more is to keep their position and seek stability, which is the first element.

"The price requirement is too high for us to agree to."

Sure enough, the other party was silent for a while, and then gave a response: "Then, this negotiation ended in failure and failed to form a strategic partnership with Fentian. We deeply regret it."

"Since it’s not an ally, it’s a competitor. Our Bandai Nangong Dream is still very competitive in the strong development of Eastern countries and developed countries outside the East. In order to prevent "Warrior" from plundering player resources, we will use certain Means of competition."

"Although you have the support of Eastern military forces, our Bandai Nangong Dream is also not bad. I hope you can discuss things and don't do things that go beyond legitimate competition and cause both sides to lose."

"Then, Lin Yanxing School, goodbye."

Hearing what the other party said, a faint smile appeared on Lin Yan's face.

He doesn't care about these.

What the other party said, in his opinion, was just "correct nonsense", just to show his own position and attitude.

If the people who had opposed Lin Yan before, if they didn't end up quite tragically, and mistakenly thought that Lin Yan was really a direct line of the Eastern military, the other party might not even use this polite remark.

"Shopping malls are like battlefields. This is really true, too apt!"

Game developers are also businessmen. Unless they are the kind of game developers who don’t hear things outside their windows, they will fall into this global war.

If Lin Yan is willing, he can also stay out of the matter, but then, he can get 10% of the value of all his works, even if the collaborator is conscientious enough.

It is normal to be eaten and wiped clean.

On this battlefield, it is not an ally or an enemy.

As for Burning Sky, Umbrella, and Shenluo, it is almost impossible to cooperate deeply with anyone or the team due to technical concealment issues...

Lin Yan was silent for a while, dipped in thick ink with a wolf's pen, and wrote a majestic official script on the rice paper.

"Reversely shrink, although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go!"

This is not a difficult multiple choice question, there is only one road ahead. All he had to do was to bury his head and walk on.

That's it.

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