Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 226: Game throwing, Sanming resolution

When the event where fans from all over the world gathered together was over, everyone got an after-dinner talk.

Just as they were ready to leave, the attentive netizens suddenly discovered that the homepage of Burning Sky's official website had split into black and red after this event.

Red is very rare, occupying only about 5%, and there seems to be some text and pictures hidden in it.

Just because of the extreme compression, it is difficult to distinguish the information inside.

Some extremely boring picture gods took screenshots of the homepage of Burning Sky official website, enlarged and restored them through various picture analysis software, and finally got its content!

[Fentian New Tour, development progress: 5% (the theme has been determined)]

[Fixed feeding may speed up the progress of game development! 】

Between these two lines of text, a cute little aunt Liang is bulging her round face, blinking at the netizens with big watery eyes.

On both sides of her heart, there were two pink-toot notes posted on them, which read "1 Tiantian Coin" and "10 Tiantian Coins".

Obviously, this is the so-called feeding.

Whenever a netizen presses the feeding button, the little girl will start to eat...

Purple potato patches, egg biscuits, water buns, potato cakes, milk jelly, rainbow jelly, fried milk, pretzel fries, small pizza, blue cheese...

If you vote for 1 Tiantian coin, this little girl will eat these small desserts and other appetizers, and if you vote for 10 Tiantian coins, she will start eating hamburgers, noodles, rice, steamed buns, spaghetti, etc. Staple food.

Netizens are boiling!

"This Nima is really cute! Laozi's face is bloody! Just for this little sister-in-law, I have to throw a wave of food!"


"Hahaha good kawaii little girl, what is the red and greasy long food she eats?"

"Upstairs you really blamed others, look at the IP address, overseas netizens..."

"Although they are both girls, I still can't help but throw a wave of food... I'm afraid that I can't eat too much when I gain weight. It's great to watch her eat!"

However, within half a day, this crimson area quickly burned and spread, occupying half of Burning Sky's homepage.

To be precise, blazing pages already account for 45%!

The cohesion and unity of the netizens is fully demonstrated at this moment.

There is no need to go through the special [magnifying glass tool] and [jump website]. Netizens swipe the screen, and the frequency is even higher. Every blink of an eye, the message board will refresh a whole page.

"Hehe, keep this progress, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow at the latest, will be 100%?"

"Dad Lin Yan, just wait for the women's clothing to pay off the debt!

"Upstairs Xiao Bao, I should say so, learn something for Lao Tzu-Lin Yan Xiao thief! Quickly repay the debt, we will also consider forgiving you a way out, otherwise we will wait for you to be dice! (This user Has been banned, the lifting time is 99 hours, 999 minutes, 9999 seconds

"Horrible! (The text is funny

"There is no gloating! (Manually funny

Lin Yan just smiled indifferently to the comments of these netizens, and did not take it seriously.

In fact, this kind of activity interface is specially set up by him.

From the beginning, there was a translucent line of game rules in the upper left corner of the feeding activity, indicating that Fen Tian reserves the right to interpret this activity.

The difficulty of advancing the progress of online games will increase exponentially.

The first 50% is very easy to reach, mainly to expand this interface.

Otherwise, the interface that Burning Sky and Umbrella so many elites worked hard for so many geniuses would disappear just to exist for three or four days?

Lin Yan would not do things that cost investment and return are not proportional.

Game development artifact, start!

"Please determine the size of the game."


Game capacity does not represent the quality of the game, but it can directly reflect the details, graphics and richness of the game. Unless there are very few necessary small games, Lin Yan will directly choose large-scale development.

"Please determine the type of game."

"Imitation to develop a companion game."

Having said this, Lin Yan's thin lips were slightly pursed, and there was a faint brilliance in the dark and deep eyes.

To be precise, this game is not just a game, but will become a part of people's lives.

This is his ambition.

As for whether it can come true, it depends on the quality of the game and subsequent operations.


Chaoyue Country, Capital City, Sanming Headquarters Building.

At this moment, an internal group meeting is being held on the 13th floor. Directors, major shareholders, and CEOs of various Sanming branch companies have spoken. The crowd is excited, and all of them have a excited look, as if they can become the leader of the group. The splendid destined son one


In fact, this is the ethos required by the Sanming Group. They can be fragile, weak, and depressed, but they can never show it on their faces.

When there are outsiders, they can only show their vigor and wisdom forever, and absolutely cannot have any form of weakness.

Following the law of the jungle, which is why the Sanming Group has been able to reach the present level.

They occupy one-fifth of Chaoyue Kingdom’s industrial chain, and even the Prime Minister of Chaoyue Kingdom has to bow to the senior leaders of Sanming. Naturally, they are proud of it.

Among civilized people, they are the most barbaric.

Among the barbarians, they are the most civilized.

"Okay, let's stop here."

Li Zairong raised a hand with a grim expression on his face: "We must show our attitude regarding Jinshan. Then we decide..."

"Let's start with Lin Yan."

At present, the highest helm of Sanming Group has spoken, and the others looked at each other, unable to understand, but did not dare to have any objections, only dared to make eye contact below.

Li Jinmian, also from the Li family, did not have so many worries.

He stood up carelessly, frowning: "Why Lin Yan? Didn't it have been determined that [Jinshan Biochemical Virus Leakage] has little to do with him?"

"Today, Burning Sky Game Company, Umbrella Security Company, and Shenluo Animation Pictures have reached a combined market value of tens of billions of dollars. According to calculations, if there are no policy errors, their future market value may reach 50 times the current figure!"

"In other words, they will not be inferior to us in the future..."

Li Zairong curled his lips, looking caring for the backward, and said softly: "In fact, Lin Yan is only tenth on our list of suspicions. You can see the top nine list by yourself. ."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a series of words with magical power appeared on the projector.

These names all represent the "notorious" spy agencies in the world.

Li Jinmian gasped, nodded immediately, and took his seat again.

There must be a scapegoat for the Jinshan incident. Their Sanming Group took a big scapegoat and their reputation plummeted. Even if there is no evidence, they must find someone to show their strength.

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