Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 235: rbq Kelly, fff cult leader Lin Yan

235RBQ Kelly, Lin Yan, FFF Cult leader

For the game "Custom Companion", the most surprising thing for players is that they don’t know what mentality, DNF and even other female characters in Burning Game have image protection. When the similarity reaches more than 85%, Will receive a warning and cannot successfully create


Only Kelly...

Only the female gunman who claims to be wandering in the heavens and the only equipment enhancer Kaili, this woman who can be called a popular lover and a perfect game role, her image is not protected.

Some players once wondered whether Lin Yan made such a move because he exploded his favorite equipment in the DNF, and even occasionally jokingly called her a little bit of Kelly.

Such remarks were quickly overwhelmed by other players and treated them as jokes.

What a joke! Lin Yan is the supreme controller behind the Burning Sky Group. He exists at the gangster level. If someone wants to play "Warrior", he needs a set of magic equipment. Isn't it OK to just use the console code to flash it? Why bother to do such a laborious thing?

What they didn't know was that although Lin Yan had very little morals left, as a player, he was relatively strong.

Lin Yan's bottom line is: When playing any game, never use plug-ins!

So... it is completely understandable that the equipment he bought with Krypton Gold and the pictures he has worked so hard to burst into a sky full of sparks in Kaili's hands.

After achieving the achievement of "Top Non-Chief" in DNF, the new hatred and old hatred were added together, so that when Lin Yan developed "Customized Companion", he protected the image of all male and female characters in Burning Sky games, but "accidentally" Miss Kelly is missing.

So the strengthening master Kelly has a glorious and unique title among the players-public RBQ!

"Custom Companion" because of its popularity and weak power system, Lin Yan quickly satisfied the comprehensive popularity required for the three draws.

However, the results of these lottery draws are very cheating, and the props drawn out are "loving bento", "fried banana" and "Sanlu milk powder."

Lin Yan treats the first two foods as extra meals, eat it

In order to make the background story of "Assassin" more convincing, and the environment and customs more authentic, Lin Yan began to drive his luxurious cruise ship around the world.

On the entire Tifa, except for the captain, first mate, second mate, chefs and sailors, he was the only passenger.

However, now that Lin Yan is rich and self-willed, he does not feel that this is a waste of extravagance.

The cruise ship was constantly oscillating and floating under the impact of the waves. Standing on the deck, Lin Yan gradually adapted to this completely different feeling from land.

The sea breeze pavement is refreshing and clean, and the lungs seem to have undergone a deep oxygen bath to eliminate metabolic waste, and the body and mind are extremely pleasant.

The sunlight is refracted by the sea, and the entire ocean is as crystal clear as a sapphire, beautiful and clear.

Enjoying the freshly caught seafood and drinking coconut juice, Lin Yan felt a little in love with this feeling.

It wasn't until he got ashore that Lin Yan finally understood why the sailors he saw would always shake their bodies unconsciously on land.

Adapting to the rhythm of the ocean, stepping on the solid ground with your feet will give people an unreal touch, just like stepping on cotton, light and light, not exerting effort, and thinking about shaking the body to adapt to the "ocean" Melody".


When he was on the sea, Lin Yan hadn't really felt too much. When he got on the shore and reconnected with the world, he realized what kind of frenzy the game "Custom Companion" has caused!

Around the world, many players are obsessed with "Customized Companion" and cannot find a boyfriend or girlfriend in reality, and their parents start to urge marriage.

This was something Lin Yan had anticipated long ago, and didn't care too much.

Lin Yan didn't understand, why these older generations of people are willing to accept the more epoch-making and cutting-edge products like "Custom Companion" when they are obviously stubborn and stubborn toward the game?

Is it because ARI makes these game characters look and act like real people?

Although he didn't want to admit it, Lin Yan silently accepted this cruel fact-no matter which world it is, it's all about the face.

Besides, with the exception of a handful of strangely crafted characters, the other half of the players will not cause tension between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law or fight between husband and son-in-law.

When they "see their parents", they behave many times better than real people.

What's even more creepy is that in reality, many boys and girls broke up because of this game.

In many countries, the birth rate has dropped significantly because of the game "Custom Companion".

Falling in love with AI has gradually become a phenomenon-level frenzy.

Lin Yan realized this problem and took emergency measures before it turned into a devastating disaster.

Ever since, a voting option appeared on the official website of Burning Sky.

Netizens have only "yes" or "no" choices.

The voting topic is-[Burning Tian Peace Foundation] 30% of the daily profit will be used as free test-tube babies and real artificial uterus funds to prevent the continued decline in the birth rate.

The decision is in the hands of netizens.

The vote was passed with a 52% approval rate after a week.

Many players who vowed to live a lifetime with their custom partners were overjoyed and submitted application forms, giving all praise to Burning's self-help "good deeds"!

Lin Yan was not unharmed by the storm of this incident.

Countless male and female friends in reality broke up because of the game "Customize Companion", and he was therefore called the FFF God Master.

Lin Yan expressed that he was unwilling to work with these single dogs, and was quite disgusted with this title.

Although he does possess the attributes of a single dog...

Just as Lin Yan was working hard for the development of the new tour, he suddenly received a text message from sister Su Xi.

The content is very brief, only four words.

"I'm injured."

Seeing the content of the text message, Lin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a group of nameless business fire ignited in his pupils.

, Who didn’t know that Burning Heaven, Umbrella, and the employees of the Shenluo Company were all his valuable assets? !

Who ate the courage of the bear-hearted leopard and dare to attack his sister?

It's like the old birthday star eats arsenic, and he is tired of life!

Lin Yan immediately responded: "Who? I immediately sent someone to beat him to death!"

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