Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 237: "Assassin" released! Yue Hongliang

"Congratulations to the host, "Assassin" has been developed!"

"Because the development progress has reached 120%! Your chance of getting advanced rewards doubled in the future!"

"The game source files and installation package have been sent to your computer, please confirm."

Compared with the "Prototype" and "Cry Ghost" series, the Assassin obviously needs to be closer to real life. Because of this, its comprehensive power level is low, so for those who draw high-level rewards from this game, Lin Yan and Do not report too much hope.

Leap of faith? There is not so much in the 21st century. I will make him jump.

Eagle Vision?

Hidden Blade Control?

The Assassin Grandmaster Altai himself? Jing Ke, the protagonist of the Easter Egg story? BOSS Zhao Gao? The commander as the background cloth is better than Qin Shihuang?

Or is the assassin's housekeeping skills climbing walls?

These options are extracted, no matter how you look at them, the practical value is not high, and even very embarrassing.

After all, the characters in "Assassin" are only different from ordinary people in some aspects, and are still ordinary humans in nature. Although these abilities are very powerful in the eyes of outsiders, they are still very general to Lin Yan.

If you don't get the characteristics of Altai's dry ducks, and are hung up with a DEBUFF "soluble in water", Lin Yan should thank God!

Even though he thought so, Lin Yan was still amazed by the results when he was actually drawing the rewards of "Assassin".


In the post-Assassins, Ezio is the "Ili Division Mentor", and the Assassin master of Altai is equivalent to the 13th century All-Olin Assassin League chief instructor.

After all, Masyaf in the Middle Ages was the most prosperous period in the history of the Olin Assassins. It is not too much to say that it was the headquarters of the Global Assassins at that time.

Before the release, perfectionist Lin Yan reviewed the details of the game he developed from beginning to end, and confirmed that there are not many logical contradictions and plot omissions before finally confirming.

"Upload, publish the game!"


The east coast of the east, the lower Huai River.

In a hidden low base in the suburbs of Suzhou and Hangzhou.

The Red Wolf girl was half lying on the armchair, her leg was wrapped in plaster, and she was hoisted high with a bandage.

Seeing the little friends getting ready to go, a look of envy appeared on her face.

"Really don't bring me with you?" She looked at her teammates pitifully, her big watery eyes blinking and blinking, like a little cute beast: "Sister Shanshan, please help me intercede... …This little injury is really nothing!"

She is a natural warrior. She is looking forward to recovering from her injuries in the base. If she doesn't go out for activities, she feels that her bones are about to rust.

Pei Shan glanced at her blankly and shook her head firmly: "This mission is very dangerous, 100% will meet with the people of GA, I heard that the other party has recently contacted the former KGB core..."

"So, Hongliang, tell me, in this state of yours, will you be dragged, dragged, or dragged back in this mission?"

When the Red Wolf girl heard this, she immediately wilted, her eyes dimmed instantly, and her ears became soft and prone.

GA, the whole course is God-arming (God Arming Alliance). It was originally established by a drug lord in the West. It was established on a small island in the Hawaiian Islands in 1930. With the development of time, they gradually grew.

Perhaps among the people, their names are not too big, but in the circle of employers, they actually exist as famous as the Blackwater Security Company.

What is the origin of Blackwater Security Company?

They were originally formed by members of the SEALs, and now they have even reached an official cooperation with the Western State Department of State. They tortured prisoners and shot civilians. They committed crimes, but there was no national law to sanction them.

The mission this time is very dangerous, but the benefits are proportional to it.

So Yue Hongliang wanted to act with his teammates.

It is a pity that in the last drug lord assassination mission, in order to pursue flexibility and invisibility, she replaced the usual bulletproof armor and chose a light body armor. The drug lord’s armed personnel used firearms to shoot the cat. A dead mouse was encountered, causing a bone fracture in the left leg.

A stupid person has a silly blessing, and she will not be amputated because of her straightforward personality, but this kind of injury, even with the best medical support and adaptive exercise, will take more than three months to truly recover.

So she couldn't participate in this action.

"Cut! Go! Go! I stay here alone, so I won't feel lonely and cold!"

"Hongliang, don't play a small temper, you should grow a little bit since you are such a big person!"

"Yeah... after we finish this ticket, let's wash our hands in the golden basin! The money earned is enough for everyone to live a life of food and clothing."

"Well, at that time, whether you want to blossom shops, make dessert shops or travel around the world, it will be ok. Everyone will gather once a year."

Watching his companions leave the base in the hope of the future, Yue Hongliang was depressed.

Many companions regard this as their final task.

After this time, everyone will withdraw from the life of fighting among the bullets, end this sturdy years of war and horses, and perhaps marry an honest person, and spend the rest of their lives plainly and happily.

Failing to participate in this mission, Yue Hongliang felt extremely aggrieved.

The girl logged into the account of "Sea City Century" and manipulated "Slashing the Crimson Wolf" to slash PK everywhere.

Her equipment, technology, and reaction speed are far beyond those of ordinary people. Those alliance players who were cut by her cried and fleeed.

It's a pity that I don't know if it was because of the short-term live broadcast that exposed his true gender. Now even if many players are killed by her, they will not roar in anger with words such as "Spicy chicken and red dog wait to die".

This makes Yue Hongliang feel very boring.

When she switched out of the game and was boring to browse the official website of Fentian, thinking about whether to open a trumpet and continue to abuse the Alliance Dogs, her eyes suddenly focused on a certain page, unable to move half a minute.

""Assassin", take you to appreciate the life of master assassins walking in the dark!"

"Cultivation and darkness serve the light."

These two propaganda words were almost printed into Yue Hongliang's heart.

She felt that this was a true portrayal of herself.

"The digital version is only 88 yuan? Buy, buy, buy!"

The soul of the chop hand was burning, and Yue Hongliang even exploded fortunately. He directly snapped up a "custom out of print".

As long as 6666 money, you can get the collection of "Assassin" out of print and the figure named "Altai" character.

"Altai? Looks like the protagonist of the plot..."

Log in to the game, gorgeous and blood-filled cutscene CG passing by, the battle between the assassin and the knight, the game between the Hidden Blade and the fire, almost makes people feel that they have returned to the medieval period of the Crusade...

The melody of "My-Songs-Know-What-You-Did-In-the-Dark" sounded in my ears.

diang, diangdiang, diang, diang, diangdiangdiang, diangdiangdiang...

In a flash, the girl's white profile had a feeling of overcharge.

Yue Hongliang pursed her red lips slightly, her eyes filled with radiance.

How could this female voice with a soft humming sound so similar to her own voice?

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