Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 242: "Assassin·Black Dragon", Jing Ke!

As a loyal player of the Burning Sky game, Le Gu consciously pursued a harmless clearance during the week of "Assassin".

Anyway, there is the SAVEL method, which takes more time, and it is not difficult to achieve this.

No matter how meticulously you dig into each point of the game's side plots and easter eggs, the thread length of the stand-alone game has already been determined after all.

The true story of "Assassin" is gradually coming to an end.

Under Le Gu's manipulation, after successfully killing nine targets, Altaïr realized that he had been cheated.

It turned out that ten people had found a piece of Eden that year. These ten people were the nine knights who were killed and their master Al Mualim.

The reason why he used Altaïr to assassinate the nine knights was just to swallow the fragments of the Garden of Eden by himself, and then control people's thoughts through this artifact to realize his dream of dictatorship.

After realizing this conspiracy, Altaïr hurriedly returned to the Assassin's headquarters to question his master, and the master who had achieved the goal had already ignored Altaïr's life or death, so under the conflict of ideas, the master and disciple started a desperate fight!

In the end, Altaïr succeeded in killing Al Mualim, obtained part of the Garden of Eden fragments and buried them, and became the new leader of the Assassin Alliance.

In "reality", after Animas' experiment was over, Desmond gained the ancestor's magical eagle-eye vision, through which he discovered the secret of resting in the laboratory.

It turned out that before he came here, 16 descendants of assassins had been kidnapped one after another, and they were brutally killed after the experiment, and their last words were written on the wall of the rest room.

Realizing this, Desmond tried to escape from the laboratory with Lucy’s help...

The end of the story of "Assassin" is now!

"This... there must be a sequel, right?"

Before Le Gu broke free from the shock that AC (assassins-creed = assassin) brought him, he saw the end of the CG animation.

Thinking that Altaïr's plot had come to the end, he couldn't help feeling a little bit sad.

"Congratulations to the player for completing the conditions for unharmed clearance, start "Assassin East" or "Assassin Sink"!"

The LCD screen flickered suddenly, and the music titled "Master-Assassin" sounded leisurely.

From this piece of music, Le Gu reads a sense of historical heaviness and mission.

The white and misty light is not dazzling, but it hides something like a disc, and the blue and white lines divide the world into countless small grids.

This feeling is almost the same as the situation in which the "modern protagonist" Desmond used the Animus DNA memory reading system in the Assassin's True Story!

The indifferent female scientist's voice rang in her ears.

"She has the ancestry of the Three Kingdoms, which can be traced back to the ancient Eastern Jing family according to the genealogy, but from the analysis of the gene sequence, there is some information about [the old man in the mountains] in her DNA chain..."

"Start syncing."

The soft light filled the screen like a tide, and then there were no trickles that disappeared like a low tide, leaving only a coin in the end.

This coin has a simple shape, with black dragons and hieroglyphs on one side, and a skull portrait on the other side.

"This... represents two different plots?"

Legu hesitated for a moment, then tapped the coin that seemed to represent destiny with the mouse.


The coin suddenly flew into the air, carrying a soft moan of metal, rotating 27 times, and finally traversed a beautiful arc and settled on the ground.

The side with the black dragon is facing up!

"Sync complete!"

"Time: 218 BC (the end of the Warring States period)."

"Location: Weiguo, Chaoge."

Compared with Altaïr in the main story, the protagonist of the second story is obviously more arrogant.

She was combing a lily bun, with a jade butterfly pattern swaying across her head. Holding a beautiful ivory-handled palace fan with gold woven gold in hand, dressed in a peacock-patterned brocade dress with bixia cloud patterns and beads, and a pair of phoenix embroidered shoes on his feet, beside a hollow carved silver incense ball.

A cluster of fringes, like the peerless beauties of Chen Yuluoyan, moon and shame.

The most impressive thing is that she is carrying a bronze broad blade almost equal to her height behind her back!

"The protagonist is a girl? Is the protagonist of the black dragon chapter Shi Yiguang-Xi Shi in [Goujian Dee Wu]?"

As soon as this idea emerged in Le Gu's heart, it immediately disappeared and completely collapsed.

Hearing the speech of the protagonist of "Assassin: Black Dragon", he was shocked outside and inside, as if struck by lightning.

"I am Jing Ke, the offspring of Doctor Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period!"

Ruyu beauty stood proudly, inserting the bronze wide blade into the ground in front of her with one hand, domineering: "You group of miscellaneous fish, you can call me son Qing!"

"Let me show you women... Bah... assassination skills! It is the blessing of your ancestors for eight lifetimes, so, let me listen carefully to every sentence and every word that follows!"

The elder brother of the women's clothing family has an unruly appearance, referring to cutting green onion roots and eloquent Zhu Dan, who is even more beautiful than a real girl. Unfortunately, when he speaks, the appearance of a dragon and a tiger immediately exposed himself. Essence.

"Quickly, fishes! Take action! Our time is precious!"

"You are the braves of the Yan Kingdom. You don't have so much time to hide and sneak, explode directly, and cut into the battlefield instantly!"

"We still have a lot of tasks to complete. We don't have time to assassinate a knife, just follow me with a bronze sword!"

"We don't have time to eliminate the clues and kill everyone present, so no one knows we have been!"

"We don't have time to wait for the best chance. We will fight a set of violent nine consecutive cuts to chop people into pieces and leave, hurry and complete the next task!"

Le Gu rubbed his eyes, and felt that the image of Jing Ke in his mind was a little cracked.

He must have opened the game in a wrong way!

Isn't this really "Berster's Creed"?

But having said that, once accepted this setting, Jing Ke is actually quite seductive.

Compared with the repressive and dull main line of the conspiracy in the main story, this rhythm of enthusiasm immediately cured the player's suffocation in clearing the main line.

"The game produced by Lin Yan really won't disappoint!"

Le Gu cheered up again, manipulating Jing Ke from the main perspective, completing the assassination missions one by one.

Compared with Altaïr, Jing Ke's agility is obviously a weakness, he is better at frontal combat, and a set of gorgeous combos instantly kills opponents.

"There are still ten steps left, and you must kill them. This trick is called [Ten Steps to Kill]!"

"Shenfa? No need! As long as the speed is fast enough, no one can stop me with a sword!"

"Idiot Dan, why don't you stop Fan Yuqi! If I kill Zhao Zheng (Ying Zheng), do I need to pave the way with a friend's head? Go!"

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"A map of Dukang Yan? No need! Gao Jianli, you will stay in the country of Yan honestly for me, I will be enough!"

"In this world, there is no one I can't kill, Jing Ke!"

The wind is desolate and the water is cold, and the strong man will go...

No more!

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