Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 669: History, fairy tales, reality

Because of these differences in details in history, Lin Yan will also show these differences in this game, but fortunately, this way, Lin Yan will have more in game production. Room for maneuver.

Therefore, Lin Yan's historical shaping in the game should be closer to the history in this world, rather than the history of the great nautical era in Lin Yan's previous life.

Fortunately, the artifact itself has the function of automatically searching and organizing information. Otherwise, Lin Yanguang’s history in this area will have to be found for a long time, and it is even more difficult to talk about meeting players in a short time. Up

But it was also because the search ability of the artifact itself was too powerful. When the artifact placed three G's in front of Lin Yan, even Lin Yan felt a while.

The historical materials in this section are very comprehensive, and even include many research materials on the Great Navigation Era by historians in this world, which have been searched by artifacts, including some local customs at that time.

Even some restoration maps of the architectural styles of that era, including the restoration maps used by Magellan and Columbus at the time, such as the Spanish Navy or the British Navy's ships, were also collected by artifacts.

These will be of great help to Lin Yan's modeling in the game, and will help Lin Yan to present an authentic era of great nauticals to the players.

The first thing a game needs to be produced is the production of the game scene. This is the first one, so what Lin Yan first started to make was the world map of the entire game.

This will be a three-dimensional world, not a game on a floor plan like other navigation games, so a huge world must be shaped.

So the big map of this game will be an unprecedented scale. Calculated according to the real world nautical era, the size of the entire map should include the entire Atlantic Ocean, plus the Indian Ocean, Europe, Africa every week, etc. A large area.

If calculated according to the overall area, the area of ​​this map almost occupies nearly half of the entire world.

So the area of ​​this big map is unprecedented, but this is a game after all. Lin Yan can’t allow players to move around in such a big world. In that case, players may spend a long time sailing in the game. time.

So Lin Yan made a special design for how to sail for a long time in the game, but in short, the area of ​​the entire world map will be very huge.

In the world of this game, the player will really ride in the sea, and there are many, many islands above the sea, and there are many, many cities on the road beyond the islands, so the player’s The story happened on the sea and in these cities.

Although the world in the entire game is very large, in general, most of it is the area of ​​the ocean, and the city only occupies less than one-third of the part.

And players will also truly appreciate the European culture and Islamic culture or other ethnic cultures in the Middle Ages.

In the game, there will also be a classical European society, as well as the Islamic civilization that was relatively strong in that era, and there will be some intersections and stories with this writing.

And it was the era when bilateral civilizations collided. The disputes between imperial power, religious power, and the dark age were intensifying. So in the entire game, Lin Yan’s shaping of the entire story background and even the world background was not only limited to navigation, but also I am caught in the disputes of civilization in this era.

It can be said that this is a big era game.

In this game, the shaping of different cultures must first be reflected in the architecture and clothing. In this regard, Lin Yan fully referred to the information collected by the artifact and carried out a lot of shaping, so in this world players can see The architectural styles of different cultures in different periods, as well as clothing styles, and even some cultural styles in other aspects, etc.

And relying on the industry’s top screen production technology of Burning Sky Games, the entire game world is extremely close to the real world. The azure sea Lin Yan can perform very real, when you stand on and look out. In the sea, the scenery of the entire Atlantic Ocean is actually very beautiful.

In fact, the production of water has always been the whole industry, and it is one of the most difficult places when making game scenes. However, the performance of sea water is not very difficult for Lin Yan, and for a game with the theme of navigation, the sea must be the most important performance element.

So Lin Yan himself has a natural advantage in this regard.

In the world of the game, there are not only many cities and endless oceans, but also many islands on the sea. These islands are large and small, scattered throughout the sea.

Some islands have been artificially developed, and some of the islands themselves are still primitive, and there are even dangerous indigenous people on them, but this is also where Lin Yan has carefully shaped them. Although there are no cities on these islands, they are above. Some of the things players must really want.

For example, the treasure of the mysterious pirate king, although it sounds like a fairy tale, it may not really exist in this world.

In short, Lin Yan has a very rich shaping of this game. Of course, now only the world map has been constructed, and many details have not been added, but this does not prevent Lin Yan from making everything in this game. Construct and describe in your own mind.

In the end, these imagined things will become part of this game, bringing players a reserved gaming experience. After shaping the big map for playing the entire game, the next thing that needs to be made is the main plot of the game.

After all, Lin Yan always believes that the plot is the soul of a game, and works that are not brilliant in the plot are themselves soulless works.

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