Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 856: World of Warships (3)

Caliber is justice! Truth is only within the range of the cannon!

Many people may not know the meaning of such a sentence, but the sentence itself has a high reputation among the army fan community.

Because this sentence represents a group, it is synonymous with the artillery of the artillery giant, that is, the people who like the artillery giant the most in the navy's attention, the strength of the two fleets is the same.

Speaking of this, I have to say that in the history of the world's naval development and in the game, the most enthusiastic one is the battleship.

There are many famous battleships in history, such as the Yamato that once rushed out of the solar system in Japanese film and television dramas. Although it is not so exaggerated in the real history, it has a huge displacement of more than 70,000 tons. The huge 460-millimeter gun barrel has deservedly become the pinnacle of the battleships. Of course, the famous battleships and the Iowa-class battleships of the U.S., the Missouri not only witnessed the defeat of fascism itself, Even later, in Hollywood movies, the wonderful scene of hanging aliens was staged.

Of course, there is the invincible space battleship in the eyes of German fans, the Bismarck. Even more love has many legends, of course, it is not known whether these legends are true.

Of course, the battleship itself is the darling of many film and television works. Of course, according to Lin Yan's own ideas, in World of Warships, battleships are a very important type of game equipment in the game.

It is also one of the most core experiences in the game.

The battleship has the thickest armor and the largest caliber main gun in the game. This kind of warship has a very powerful power at long range.

Battleships are also one of the largest and most complex weapon systems in history. During World War II, the amount of tax on a battleship was often more than one thousand people can know how complicated this type of ship is. Up.

From the end of the nineteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century, battleships, as the largest armed ships in the navy, were a symbol of a country’s naval power, so they are often called battleships.

Battleships are considered the most reliable existence in the game for players. As long as the battleships in the fleet are still alive, the fighting will of the player team in the game will not be destroyed.

The formidable maritime artillery, the battleship has the main gun with the largest caliber and the farthest range in the game. Advanced battleships can even send enemy battleships to the seabed with only one salvo.

Since the battleship’s main guns will attack in a large span, the battleship’s artillery can often attack the enemy at a long distance across many obstacles, so the battleship becomes a long-range fire output in the game. Core.

With heavy armor, extremely high blood volume, and the most powerful main battery, it can be said that the battleship itself is the most powerful maritime mobile turret in the game.

The treacherous steel barriers, the huge drainage tonnage and the long hull of the battleship allow the battleship to be equipped with heavier armor, and once transformed, it becomes an unsinkable mobile fortress at sea. Advanced battleships can even be inferior and surrounded by enemy forces, relying on their own heavy armor and blood volume to calmly kill the enemy.

According to Lin Yan’s own personal experience, when Lin Yan was playing "World of Warships", he used a low-level three-tier cruiser to blast more than one hundred guns on a third-tier battleship, even half of the battleship’s health. I have not been able to destroy it, I have to say that the battleship is a very powerful battleship.

Battleships can be said to be the most core warriors in the fleet. Battleships are also the most deterrent warships in the fleet. The battle line composed of several battleships arranged together will prevent the enemy fleet from approaching or crossing this. The battle line in turn threatened the safety of the aircraft carrier.

In the course of the fleet's march, the battleship group may be called the Great Wall of the Sea that daunts opponents.

However, although battleships are powerful, they also have some weaknesses. The first point is that the speed of battleships themselves is relatively slow, especially for acceleration. Although the speed of advanced battleships in the back can generally reach 25 knots or more, However, the angular velocity is relatively slow, it is difficult to keep up with the overall forward speed of the fleet, and its bloated and long body has become the best target for fish attacks, and because its turning speed is too slow, it is avoiding In terms of attack, it is the biggest weakness of the battleship itself. It is difficult for battleships to avoid attacks from the enemy. They can only rely on their own heavy armor and super high blood volume to resist.

Of course, because of this characteristic, the confrontation between battle lines has become an existence that many people talk about.

But in the game, the battleship itself is most afraid of being close combat by ships equipped with fish. After all, although the fish has a short range, it is the most powerful and destructive attack method in the game. The torpedo can severely damage the battleship, if multiple hits at the same time, then it is definitely a disaster to settle on the battleship.

In addition, although the output of the battleship’s main gun is very powerful, it takes a very long time to reload. Therefore, at close range, if you miss a hit, at least within 30 seconds, the powerful main gun The group can no longer function.

However, the battleship itself also has a secondary battery that is fully controlled by AI. The secondary battery will fire at the enemy at close range. Although the secondary battery itself is far less powerful than the main battery, it can also give The enemy caused a lot of damage.

It can be said that at close range, the secondary battery should be the last defensive method for battleships.

Therefore, the long-range output of battleships is the best method, and the aircraft carrier is the close guard around them. The aircraft carrier has a lot of anti-aircraft artillery, and it has strong anti-aircraft firepower. Therefore, although the battleship is dangerous in close combat, it is beyond doubt as the core of the entire fleet except for the aircraft carrier.

In this game, each battleship must be equipped with a commander, that is, the captain of the warship, before it can fight. After each round of battle, the commander of the battleship will receive the same amount of experience as the battleship. , When the commander of the battleship has accumulated a certain amount of experience, it will be upgraded, and the player will be able to gain skill points after each level up.

Also opened the skill system.

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