Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 890: Subway (2033)

For many players, among the game works produced by Burning Sky, the most popular at the moment, except for the recently released Ninja Dragon, can be said to have always existed in the apocalyptic category of survival games.

Whether it's a rotten country or an island of death, these games have affected players to a very large extent, letting players understand the charm of survival in the end. Of course, no one likes to experience this kind of apocalyptic crisis and the feeling of struggling to survive.

Moreover, Burning Sky Games has not produced games of similar categories for a while. In the online comment area, netizens from various parties strongly demand Burning Games to quickly produce a high-quality end-of-life survival game. Of course, what to make Lin Yan doesn't feel much in the game now.

It is also okay to follow the player's and easy to see. Of course, if you want to make such a game, Lin Yan often wonders if he should make a different survival game?

To be honest, the game of zombie theme is now a little numb in Lin Yan's production, it is difficult to have some good ideas, so it is inevitable to seek a certain degree of breakthrough in the genre of the game.

After all, in the world of doomsday survival, there may not necessarily be scenes of zombies rampant everywhere. In addition to loss, there are many other things that can cause doomsday scenes. Even in the second half of the last century, the crisis of world destruction once hung over our heads, that is, the destruction of the world brought about by nuclear war.

A large-scale nuclear war is absolutely capable of destroying the world. At least the civilizations of the world will be destroyed under the mushroom cloud. Although it is not as terrible as the zombies, it is closer to life than the zombie monsters. After all, the present Human beings have a large number of weapons capable of self-destruction.

Therefore, if you start with this kind of game idea, then Lin Yan believes that this game is definitely a doomsday survival game that can give players a different experience.

In other words, the theme of this game will no longer be a virus, but a nuclear war, especially the survival problem after a nuclear war. In the context of nuclear war, players will also face direct threats from residues after nuclear war, nuclear radiation, etc.

For this kind of game, Lin Yan also has a very good game in the past life that can be used as Lin Yan's own development blueprint, and this game is also one of the few post-nuclear survival games in the past life that describes scenes after the nuclear war.

"Metro 2033" is not a classic game, but in the game category full of zombies, it has its own characteristics, and with unparalleled authenticity and timeliness, it shows that it belongs to itself. Charm.

Although it is reluctant to call it a classic nine points, the characteristics of this game itself are definitely not so easy to be obliterated. It can be said that this game was very successful before Lin Yan crossed, and it showed a brand new production direction to the game industry.

The game "Metro 2033" is not a work for sale by big game production companies in Europe and America. Instead, it is a game developed by 4A, a game production company in Ukraine that has been ignored by players for a long time.

The game is classified as a first-person shooter game. It was officially released in 2010 at the beginning, and it has also achieved good sales results after the sale.

The entire game is adapted from the best-selling disaster novel written by the famous Russian Luo writer Dmitry Glukowski, which is also translated as "Metro 2033".

The story of the game describes the outbreak of a large-scale nuclear war in the near future, and the world is shrouded in lethal nuclear radiation. In the nuclear winter that followed the nuclear war and the nuclear war, mankind was close to extinction. Only a few people hid underground and escaped the initial disaster.

In the story, a small number of people escaped after hiding in the Moscow subway station after the outbreak of the nuclear war. But these people will also struggle to survive in such an environment in the future. The surface of the earth full of various radioactive materials and radioactive dust is no longer suitable for human survival, and there are even a large number of mutant creatures that have been changed by radiation. . These mutant creatures are very dangerous.

It can be said that these mutant creatures are almost human natural enemies. So the platform in the subway became the last gathering place for human beings in the game. In the story, the protagonist is a generation who grew up in the subway after the nuclear war. Of course, the protagonist was born before the nuclear war.

The protagonist's hobby of fighting is to collect those pre-war postcards, which are already very rare, and dream about what the surface looks like every day.

One day, a sudden change made the protagonist embark on an adventurous journey. Because of the approach of various mutant creatures, he must go to other platforms for help to save his homeland and the final destiny of all mankind.

This game uses a very good game engine. According to the settings in the game, as early as 2013, humans broke out a large-scale nuclear war, almost all human beings all over the world were basically killed. There is no way to survive the large area of ​​pollution. A very small number of survivors hide in the subway (the emperor penguin generally has anti-aircraft and anti-nuclear explosion designs). Until 2033, a generation of people was born and grew up in underground cities. And they have been trapped in the subway station city for a long time, and they are always eager to get out of the underground.

The world full of nuclear radiation on the surface is no longer suitable for humans to live in. Forests and fields have also become wilderness and deserts due to nuclear war.

The surviving human beings still miss the beautiful past, but the remnant civilization memory has gradually blurred, and may only become legends and stories forever. The underground city where the protagonist is located is a relatively powerful gathering place. There are the strongest people here to guard the safety. But one day, it was attacked by a group of unknown creatures. Although humans took up weapons to resist bravely, they still felt that It seems that it is only a matter of time before the line of defense is broken.

Therefore, in such a situation, the protagonist can only go to the surrounding strongholds for help in desperation, thus embarking on an adventurous journey. The player will walk through the dark subway and face many endless monsters. It can be said that this journey is not only a long journey, but also very scary.

Of course, this kind of horror echoes Lin Yan's positioning of this game.

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