Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 896: World of Tanks (1)

The war vehicle shooting game that was released some time ago, "World of Warships" has already achieved great success in the market, and even this game is an earthquake-like existence in the entire game market.

Although the injury lasted only a few months, or even less than a year, the profit created for Lin Yan during this period of time exceeded that of many familiar works before, and even the most popular "Tianya Mingyuedao" "It is a hierarchical existence in the profit created.

According to what Lin Yan thought at the beginning, the audience for this game may not be that many, or even a small part of the audience, even at the beginning of the production, they are mentally prepared to not make money.

But in the end, Lin Yan underestimated the influence of this game itself. Although 95% of the game content in this game is free content, it is now an average of 1,500 on the Internet every day. With millions of players online, relying on the number to pile up quickly, then Lin Yan has millions of income every day.

Although the average daily income is not much, it is only the average daily. If you calculate it like this for a month or a year, this number will hurt hundreds of times. It can be said that the value created by this game for Lin Yan is five. of.

At the same time, this game has also attracted a large number of fans in Lin Yan circle, especially the army fan group with very purchasing power. While Lin Yan has gained word of mouth, it also has a large number of firm fans. It can be said that this The game Lin Yan himself definitely made a lot of money.

As for the development of Fen Tianxia's work, Lin Yan also had his own idea, that is to develop another classic work of the trilogy, which is also the first work of the whole trilogy, the most classic, in the past lives Among the trilogy, "World of Tanks" is the most influential and also has the most players.

The game "World of Tanks" was first launched in 2010 as a war-like online game. In the game, players will play various tank driving groups from 1930 to 1960. Conduct pvp battles with players.

This game even requires cooperation and cooperation between players more than World of Warships. Before Lin Yan crossed over, there were already many countries in this game including the Soviet Union, China, Czech Republic, the United States, Japan, France, and Ying. A tank technology tree system.

In the future, tanks from several countries may appear for players to use. All tanks in this game are all highly restored results based on existing historical data.

Among them, vehicles that have real prototypes in history have achieved a one-to-one simulation in the game. For some vehicles that only stay on paper and have not produced physical objects, the game designers have made reasonable fictions. of.

At present, the total number of all vehicles is more than five hundred according to different levels, so players can use different vehicles to fight in the game according to their own preferences.

The first time this game was used in Russian luo in 2010, followed in 2011 in Europe and North America, and the exclusive agent in China is KongZhong. Although this game is not as many as some saliva online games, But the number of players on a global scale is also more than 60 million.

In the game mode, this game is divided into multiple battle modes. First of all, the standard battle is the most familiar to players.

The standard battle mode is to wipe out all the opponent’s armor and all the opponent’s active force within fifteen minutes. Of course, if you can’t do it within fifteen minutes, you can actually occupy the opponent’s base. In the standard campaign mode, all maps in the entire game will be able to be used.

The other mode is the offensive and defensive warfare mode. In the offensive and defensive warfare mode, the map is actually similar to the standard campaign mode, except that there are two bases, both of which belong to the defender. The purpose of the attacker in the game is to capture these bases. There are only ten minutes at your fingertips in the game. If the attacking team fails to win the base within ten minutes, then the defending team has won.

The capture the flag mode is the battle between the two parties in the game for the only base in the game map. The game time is much longer than the other two modes. In addition, it takes longer to occupy these bases, so many times Players must try to eliminate the opponent's vital forces as much as possible to buy time for themselves to occupy the base. Of course, in the middle of the game, destroying all the opponent's vital forces can also win.

In addition, there are training levels, which are actually teaching players how to use tanks in the game, etc. It is not worth elaborating.

In fact, no matter what the mode is, if the player annihilates all the enemy's vital forces in the game, then they will be able to win. In fact, when Lin Yan played this game in his previous life, he belonged to a group that made many people fearful. That is, the victory of the "national service to wipe out the party" in every game in the game basically wiped out his opponent. .

In addition, there are some special game modes in this game. For example, the battle for territory is World of Tanks. This game is a browser-based multiplayer military simulation game.

In the game of territorial battle, players have to make friends with their own values ​​to jointly create a legion, and fight for territorial battle with other legions on a world map with a global background.

In this mode, you must be a player with a level five or above tank, and a player who has participated in the battle with a level five or above tank for many times in order to create your own Junyuan in the game. In the game, players can obtain gold coins on the territory by occupying and expanding their territory on the map.

In the big map party of this game, it is divided into three most common map categories, one is winter map, one is summer map and the other is desert map.

There is no doubt that the summer map is mainly a game map with summer as the seasonal background, and winter is the main background with winter. As for the desert, it is the desert wasteland as the main background.

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