Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 905: Star Volunteer (4)

In short, if the player wants to have a bad future in the game, then the player must strictly control his behavior. Even Lin Yan has made it clear many times that it is basically realistic in the world of this game. The same in the world.

Making friends, getting married, having extramarital affairs, even prostitution, etc. are all in this game, but if you are not careful, these things will become the stain of the player's life in the game. A stain will affect the player's own vision even in the later stages of the game. The original good career may be ruined by these stains, especially when the player is on the path of an actor in the game, a good image for the player's vision It’s very important.

At the beginning of the game, the player himself was a high school graduate who dropped out. Although he had excellent grades, he gave up going to college because of the poverty of his family, and later became a small extra.

The player is an extra at the beginning, and the player needs to continue to act to increase his popularity, but when the extras themselves are not fixed, they can only barely maintain their own food and clothing. .

Therefore, in this game, there are various ways to make money such as part-time jobs, and many behaviors of players in the game can bring changes to their own attributes.

For example, if the player often acts as an extra in the game, the protagonist controlled by the player will continue to improve in terms of acting. Although the repetition of the improvement is small, if this improvement is accumulated for a long time, these values ​​are not Less.

For example, when moving bricks to the construction site, players can continuously improve their physical fitness while earning a small amount of money. For all walks of life, the physical fitness of players is very important. If the physical fitness of players is not high If this is the case, then the player’s own game is likely to end in a premature death after less than ten years.

So in this game, no matter what the player does, he can increase the corresponding ability, but in the same way, after the player improves the same ability after doing one thing, it will correspondingly reduce the attribute of another ability. .

There are a total of several attributes in the game: physical fitness, physique, acting, singing, manners, emotional quotient, IQ, and creation. Each attribute is listed on the line of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, but when the player starts, All the ability attribute values ​​are only one hundred.

Among these skills, physical fitness determines the player's ability to withstand work. When the player is working in the game, the player will consume different physical strength. When the physical strength is exhausted, the player will live and there will be a period of time. Cannot work and study.

A reasonable grasp of the player’s physical strength in the game is the key to making full use of the game time. After all, although the game time of this game is very long, the time of each day is very important. Any time-wasting behavior is not worth the gain. .

The physical fitness in the game should be more precisely the player's health value. The physical fitness directly determines the amount of physical strength that is restored each time during the rest. And the higher the physique value, the shorter the time for the player to recover after being sick.

But it is worth mentioning that if the player is ill during the game, the physical attribute will be reduced by 50 points each time, so the player must adjust the balance of all work and rest time during the game.

Acting skills are naturally acting ability. When players are making movies or TV shows, acting skills are a very important ability attribute, which can be said to be the foundation of making movies.

Singing represents the singing level of the player. When the player wants to make a record or something related to singing, the singing attribute is very important.

Deportment can be said to be a multi-faceted attribute. Whether it’s filming a movie or some print advertisements, it needs to have a certain degree of deportment attributes. After all, these performances work, in addition to acting, etc., their own image and temperament are also very important.

Emotional intelligence in the game is the ability of interpersonal communication. The higher the emotional intelligence, the easier it is to get the goodwill of others, especially in the communication with the heroine and others who are more difficult to master. Naturally, the importance of emotional intelligence does not need to be said.

The IQ determines the efficiency of the player’s work, and if the player’s IQ is high, then the money and attribute income that the player can get during work and study will also increase, and when creating his own work, it will also There is a higher possibility of being appreciated by investors.

As for the creative ability, the player can create some scripts or write some lyrics, compose music and so on in the game. Even in the end, players can sing their own songs, star in movies adapted from their own scripts, or even sell them, which can also bring huge returns. It can be said that creation is a very important attribute in the later stage of the game. .

In the game, players must have a certain level of balanced development of these attributes. Of course, in the early stage of the game, players can focus on the same alive attributes according to their own small goals, but in the middle and late stages of the game, Other attributes must also be completed.

It can be said that in the first two or three years of the game, the players are the most difficult time, because the player's own attribute growth is relatively slow, the player is always a low-level person, so the player must do concentrated work at the same time, and continue to be an extra Wait to improve your attributes.

When the attributes reach a certain level, players can sign different companies according to the direction they want to develop. If the player wants to act, then sign a contract with a film and television company; if he wants to be a singer, sign a record company.

In this regard, players have absolute freedom in the game, but in the middle and later stages of the game, according to the development of the player's own attributes, it is inevitable for the player to develop in many aspects.

For example, if the players themselves have already had relatively great success in the film and television industry, they can consider developing in the music world after their attributes reach the standard, so that the player's vision development will also enter a new height.

But in the early stages of the game, the most important thing for players is still to continuously improve their attributes.

Although working in attribute improvement can improve attributes, there is still a faster way to improve attributes in the game itself, that is, to learn related professional courses.

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