Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 914: Euthanasia (1)

Before Lin Yan crossed this world, there were already very clear classifications in the game industry in this world. After Lin Yan came here, he also created several game types, and these game types themselves have been affected. It’s a huge welcome. It can be said that half of Burning Games’s current market share has a huge relationship with these newly created game types.

Among these games, for players and the market, horror games are now clearly having the greatest impact on the market. Therefore, among many games, Lin Yan’s most popular games are in addition to action games such as Devil May Cry God of War. Several horror action games are also very popular in the market. It can even be said that these games have finally become the memory of an era.

It’s been a while since Lin Yan’s previous horror games were launched. During this time, Lin Yan has produced several other types of games. Although these games themselves are very popular, they are still being The degree of welcome is still somewhat different.

And now the most anticipated by players on the Internet is still the series of horror games of Burning Sky Games. When the players experience the Burning Sky game, it almost makes people feel immersive, making the player feel like me. It's like living in that world, being chased by countless ghosts and evil spirits, and constantly moving towards terror. The player doesn't know what is waiting for him, but he can feel his back every time he plays the game. A chill.

This is the charm of a series of horror games developed by Fentian. It is not that Lin Yan himself brags here, but it is also that the games developed by Fentian are better than those on the market in terms of word-of-mouth and other aspects. The products in the same list are much better. The work itself must be deep and deep, and it must have connotation. On the screen, it has reached a limit of the existing technology, and in the experience of the game itself, Burning’s work has already achieved it. the best.

Especially horror games, which require higher control and screens, are the same as action games. On the one hand, the main buying point of horror games is concentrated on the suspense of the plot and the sense of urgency in the game. Above, but on the other hand, the visual impact of the game itself is the real core experience for the player.

And now it's time for Burning Sky Games to release a new game. As for how to make this game and what the blueprint is, at least Lin Yan already has a more precise idea in his heart. This time the game is still a horror game, but this game will be very different from the previous games.

In Lin Yan’s previous life, there are many horror games, but generally speaking, there are still relatively few well-known works. However, the good games among these games are not only zero series or blood curse games. In fact, those are not played by players. Among the familiar games, there are also many top-notch masterpieces.

And "euthanasia" is one of such masterpieces, although this game is not well-known, but for those familiar with this game, this game is definitely a game that can scare people.

The game data of euthanasia is not big, only 500 megabytes in size, but this game is definitely an extremely horrible game, if the player goes to play "Silent Hill" or "Dead Space" even if it is zero In the series of games, if you feel that the atmosphere of horror is not high, and you can't even touch your own soul at all, and you don't feel fear at all, then "euthanasia" is actually very suitable for these players.

In this game, the player will play the role of a person named Sean. After the protagonist retires from the army, the protagonist leads a very dull but very comfortable life. Everyday life in the office is very ordinary, and his wife is also very vindicated. Suddenly, the protagonist suffered a car accident and lost both legs. The protagonist could not bear the fact that he could no longer stand up, and eventually caused the protagonist’s mental breakdown and was sent to a mental hospital.

A voice in the psychiatric hospital was very sympathetic to the protagonist's experience. He helped the protagonist to die, and in the end Wei Zhuang became a suicide. After the death, the protagonist was sober again and was able to walk independently, and the protagonist also embarked on an adventure .

This game is not big, which means that there is nothing special about the shaping of the game itself on the system. Even the content of the game itself cannot be too much due to data limitations, so this game In fact, it is not a big game, but in general, this game is still a very rare masterpiece among horror games.

This game is basically rough in terms of overall modeling, etc. This is also directly related to the age of its appearance, financial support and data size, but in general, although this game is not Success, the big bedroom is more because this is a low-cost game.

If this game is shaped into a large-scale production on the basis of the original, then the results of the game itself will be very good. In the new shaping of the entire game from the inside to the outside, Lin Yan believes this The game charm of this game itself is not worse than that of games like Silent Hill.

Of course, there are some things that Lin Yan doesn't like in this game, but Lin Yan believes that as long as the game is reshaped, whether it is in the plot or in some game content and game systems, Then this game will become a very good game.

In this game, Lin Yan must first redesign the story content in the game. After all, Lin Yan has said more than once before that the story of a game is the soul of the game and directly reflects the game itself. The most fundamental quality, if a work has a good game plot, then the whole game is actually half of the success.

Like the game’s own scene creation, the game story is the carrier of the content. All the game content is shaped around the story, so the game story is naturally very important.

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