Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 934: Battlefield 2)

As for this last profession, it is also a heavy armored soldier, and this profession can be regarded as a nightmare for any vehicle, that is, the anti-tank soldier.

The anti-tank soldiers themselves are heavily armored soldiers, with submachine guns in their hands. Although the submachine guns are not powerful, even without hand grenades, they are replaced by laser-guided anti-tank rocket launchers, which can effectively kill local vehicles and dealers. The goal, the anti-tank rocket launcher in their hands is so powerful that even if the main battle tank gets three or four rounds, it can't stand it.

These seven professions can be selected by the player in the game. In addition to the weapons and equipment mentioned above, each profession also has combat knives and pistols in the equipment. There are no special instructions for the arms. Everyone has them. Grenade.

Because of its particularity, I know that the pistols of special forces and snipers are still equipped with silencers. It can be said that the details of this aspect are considered very delicate by the producer.

And in the game, the main weapons can also be switched on the firing mode. Most of the main weapons are divided into two types: burst and burst, but the main weapons that are not divided are divided into two types: single shot and three shots. Mode, there is no fully automatic mode.

Players can also choose to unlock weapons as their military ranks in the game. There are two unlocked weapons for each class. You must unlock the first level before unlocking the second level.

During the process of unlocking weapons, the server can be controlled. The server can unlock weapons, so that all players can unlock weapons at will.

Of course, the most distinctive feature in the game world of Battlefield is the various vehicles that can be driven interactively with the player. In the game, each vehicle has a driving position and several passenger positions.

As long as there is no complaint in the vehicle, the player can freely switch positions in the vehicle. As for some fixed vehicles in the game, only one person can be seated.

Each vehicle has a logo that belongs to its own camp, and its camouflage color is the same as that of its own soldiers.

The game is mainly divided into three types of vehicles: land vehicles, flying vehicles and water vehicles. The second is the land vehicle.

Land vehicles in the game are mainly divided into tanks, armored vehicles, air defense vehicles, ZTE off-road vehicles and assault vehicles.

The model of the land vehicle itself is different from each camp, and the same type; although the model of the land vehicle is different, the performance of the land vehicle is not much different, it is just some special equipment, in some data There are different performances.

But there are many similarities. Heavy tanks and armored vehicles can fire smoke grenades to escape when fighting. The drivers of ZTE off-road vehicles and assault vehicles cannot control human weapons, but they can drive directly into the enemy.

In this game, tanks are still on the land, but in battle, they must cooperate with the replenishment to attack to achieve better combat effects. The same tank itself is not absolutely safe, such as the anti-armored soldier itself. It is a great threat to many vehicles including tanks.

The most powerful of the tank itself is the front dealer, but the sides and the back are relatively fragile, so if it is attacked to a weak point, it is still very dangerous.

The fixed large-caliber anti-tank missiles in the game have the ability to attack the tank's side and track and other weak links.

The difference from normal reality is that in the game, the tank can be driven and battled by one person. The main gun of the tank has a total of forty rounds. The coaxial machine gun has unlimited bullets and is very lethal, but it will overheat.

The second parking space of the tank is the exposed position of the machine gunner, and can only control a large-caliber dual-purpose machine gun.

The biggest feature of the wheeled armored vehicle in the game is that it can carry soldiers, up to five people at a time. It also has relatively heavy armor to protect itself. It is faster than a tank, but the thickness of the armor is only half that of a tank.

The small-caliber artillery on armored vehicles is also sufficient to deal with infantry and some lightly armored targets. I know that there are anti-tank missiles on the vehicles, which can fight against tanks to a certain extent. Of course, the loading time of missiles is very long.

Wheeled armored vehicles are amphibious armored vehicles in the game and can be launched on paper. Although the frontal confrontation ability is not as good as that of tanks, their use is incomparable to tanks, and the tank itself is very advantageous.

Combining tanks and armored personnel carriers to form an armored squad is a very good combination whether it is a frontal confrontation or a coordinated operation.

As for another heavy armored vehicle, it is an air defense vehicle. To be precise, it should be a launch vehicle with a combination of bullets and guns. This type of vehicle is a weapon against flying vehicles, but its ability to resist ground armored targets is relatively poor. There is no ability to resist heavy loads.

However, due to the high rate of fire of the small-caliber artillery, the ability to deal with some lightly armored vehicles and ground infantry is still very powerful, but this small-caliber artillery is basically not a threat to tanks and armored personnel carriers. .

The medium-sized off-road vehicle is actually an off-road vehicle in the game. The armor protection provided by this off-road vehicle itself is relatively weak. I know that even ordinary machine guns can cause great damage to the vehicle. The only source of firepower on the vehicle It is the heavy machine gun in the second position on the roof, which can carry infantry quickly and maneuver, but it is best to let the infantry get off the car before reaching the battlefield.

Because one cannon from a tank or one cannon from an anti-armor can directly take away a vehicle of people.

The assault vehicle is the most fragile ground vehicle in the game. The car body is almost a skeleton structure, which does not bring any protection to people. The only advantage is that it is fast and is the fastest ground vehicle. , There is a heavy machine gun on the roof of the car, and a light machine gun on the co-pilot. It can carry three people at a time. Its firepower is good, but its body is too fragile.

I saw that the ground vehicles in this game are still very rich, enough for players to use in a rich combination. Various combinations of vehicles are actually very fun.

Lin Yan was very hungry. He especially liked driving assault vehicles. The three people in the car kept firing two machine guns while driving. As for Lin Yan, he preferred to hit the enemy in front of him.

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