Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 941: Battlefield 2)

The degree of fierce confrontation is certainly very cool for the player, but it also puts forward high requirements for the player's own skills.

In the stand-alone mode, although the player's main opponent in the game has changed from a player to a computer AI, this does not mean that the difficulty is reduced.

In this game as a whole, if 64 people are used to fight in the stand-alone mode, then the game will be a map that originally planned to accommodate 16 people and will have a density of 64 people. Combat.

In other words, the density of personnel contained in a narrow battlefield has already exceeded the originally set standard, so we can imagine how fierce this battle will be.

It can be said that in such a small map, the mortality rate of any arms is extremely high. I know that even the flexible snipers and special forces in such a map will lose the flexibility to move. It is very difficult to conduct frontal hard steel with the enemy at relatively close range. In this case, how to protect yourself while killing the enemy becomes a very difficult task.

This also puts forward new requirements for the player's own technology. The computer AI in this game has very strong combat capabilities. They will conduct coordinated operations, conduct various tactical detours and outflank operations.

If the player thinks that the computer AI robot in front of him is vulnerable, he may not even know how he died in the game.

So even when the overall tactics are not as flexible as the player's AI, the player still can't carelessly underestimate the enemy, at least the AI ​​itself in the game is quite powerful.

Of course, in the stand-alone mode, the player himself cannot obtain the various medal systems in the Internet mode, but it is worth mentioning that the player does not have so many obstacles in the stand-alone mode, whether the player is cheating or not cheating Fortunately, it will not trigger the anti-cheat mechanism of the server itself, which means that in a single-player game, the player can really create the feat of pistol hitting the plane.

However, because the map is relatively small, during the battle, the player himself will find that various vehicles are relatively small compared to the number of fighters on his side during the battle. There is no way.

After all, the original map was aimed at 16 people to fight against. After increasing the number of people, naturally more people can only rely on their legs to run.

In fact, in this game, the mechanism of the whole game is actually quite good, at least compared to many current gunfighting online games, it is quite good, and this time Lin Yan also wants to reshape this game into one. Online games.

That’s right. This time, the classic game of Battlefield 2 is still being shaped into an online game, not the game that used online battle as the main core element of the game in previous lives.

Because such a design seems to Lin Yan himself more often, the vitality itself is not high, because without a lot of publicity and capital injection, although the design of this game itself can be said to be quite excellent, The problem is that the benefits are not high.

So after this game, there will be few opportunities for promotion and product upgrades. I know that before Lin Yan crossed the world, Battlefield 2 has basically disappeared from the eyes of many players. This is the truth. .

Therefore, Lin Yan will shape this game into a profitable online game. While creating income for himself, it also gives this game strong vitality. After all, after this game is profitable, he will have the funds to carry on his own Product upgrades and high-cost publicity.

This is actually very important for a game. After all, if you want a game to have long-term popularity, attention, and playability, you can’t do without a lot of capital injection.

Whether it is to attract investment to upgrade, or to rely on its own capital to carry out various publicity and upgrades, this must be a profitable design with good quality works.

In Lin Yan’s opinion, this game itself is very suitable to be designed as an online game. As for why it was not made into an online game at the beginning, it is the benevolent who sees the benevolent and the wise. The EA company’s ideas at the time may only be known by their decision-makers Up.

But now Lin Yan will never let such regret happen. This game will inevitably become an online game worth looking forward to.

In fact, in Lin Yan's opinion, many mechanisms in this game do not require major changes, and are very suitable for production as an online game. However, Lin Yan has made some changes to some of them that he doesn't like very much.

As mentioned before, in this game, Lin Yan enhanced the sniper rifles used by snipers and special forces in the hands of snipers in previous games. Regardless of the type of rifle, when sniping the enemy, unless one If you hit the head, you need two shots to the torso to kill a person.

This is an unreasonable setting in Lin Yan's eyes. It is necessary to know that the firepower of the sniper rifle itself is very weak, and what is needed is the power of the rifle itself to make up for the lack of fire speed.

Killing an enemy with two shots is purely a joke, so Lin Yan's first thing is to enhance the power of the sniper's sniper rifle. All sniper rifles can kill if they hit the torso.

In addition, Lin Yan also canceled the sniper's own pistol and replaced it with a submachine gun, which would allow the sniper to have good self-defense firepower at close range, which is very important.

As for the special forces, Lin Yan did not change much, but added anti-infantry mines to the special forces equipment column. This kind of thing does not pose a threat to armored vehicles, but only threatens light vehicles such as assault vehicles. But the threat to the infantry itself is very huge, and one hit kills is absolutely possible.

In addition, in the weapon column of special forces, the main weapon is no longer carbines, but weapons such as assault rifles, which can give special forces stronger firepower assault capabilities.

At the same time, whether it is a sniper or a special soldier, as an absolute elite in the army, Lin Yan should have a certain advantage. Therefore, in the final setting, the speed of the special soldier and the sniper itself is set compared to The other arms increased by 15%.

In other words, in the same walking situation, special forces and snipers have faster speed and better maneuverability.

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