Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 945: Prince of Persia (3)

It is still a very **** plot in Lin Yan's eyes. Before Kailena died, she killed the prince. No one could change his own destiny. The final destiny of the prince no matter how hard the prince struggles, how hard he goes. Change will eventually die like Kalena.

In the end, Kelena's body, which looked like a goddess, glowed with golden light and finally disappeared. This time the prince did not change his destiny, and everything was changing in a worse direction.

When Lin Yan was playing this game at the time, he originally thought it was a huge reversal of the market, but it was not until the end that he discovered that all of this seemed to be just the beginning, and a greater reversal was still to come. .

In this world, the prince returned to the present time through the time teleportation point, but thought that everything was over, the prince who had returned to peace in life suddenly discovered that the guardian of time Dahakar was still chasing him down.

At this time, the prince remembered the official sand of time that Kai Lin Yan's body changed after his death!

According to the plot of the game, the demon prince originally thought that Time Only Kill was created by the Time Queen Kailena. As long as the time Queen was killed and the course of history was changed, the self-heating Time Only Kill would no longer exist. But in fact, the existence of time only kills, it was the prince who killed the queen Kailena, and Kailena's body became the sand of time.

The desperate prince was trapped in a catacomb in the process of being chased by Dahaka. Just when the prince was ready to meet his impending death, the words on the wall in the tomb attracted the attention of the prince. force.

It turned out that in the process of capturing the hourglass of time, King Mohammed of India was unsuccessfully killed by the guards of time, but this king was also considered lucky, and a black mask gave him a second chance...

I have to say that in many game plots, the protagonist is so lucky. In this world, the protagonist can always find a way out at the most critical time, but for the same reason, Lin Yan thinks With such a plot setting, the protagonist's plot always feels a little bit bloody.

Although there is nothing wrong with the story of the whole game as a whole, it is easy to give people an uncomfortable feeling. It can be considered that the listing will have a little impact on the story experience.

When a person is desperate, there is a ray of light suddenly, then people can often burst out with unlimited potential. The prince desperately can be regarded as the stupidest who has temporarily got rid of Dahaka, looking for the black mask in the ancient tomb. Finally, the prince himself found the black mask at the end of the island of time.

And at this time, a huge plot reversal appeared in the plot again. It turned out that at this moment the prince became a man in black, and the prince wearing a mask returned to when he first came to Time Island. , Until now, the prince understood that when he was adventurous, the man in black was actually himself.

And the man in black that Dahaka killed at that time was actually himself. In the end, after a series of efforts, the prince finally prevented himself from being killed by Dahaka.

The thing is that the prince who was originally a man in black will be killed by Dahaka, but the prince did not let this happen. Instead, Dahaka killed the original prince.

The prince changed back to her original appearance this time. Because of what he was going to face next, the prince finally used the time teleportation point to bring the Queen of Time Kailena back to the present, even when Kailena died. The sand will not threaten himself.

In this way, the prince successfully brought Kailena to real time, but Dahakar, the guardian who had not been in good times for a long time, appeared again, like a worm who walked where and where, only this time. Dahaka's goal is no longer the prince, but the time queen Kailena.

Of course, this kind of thing is actually understandable. After all, Kailena does not belong to this world. Her appearance here is completely against the laws of nature. It is also very normal to be chased by Dahaka, the guardian of time.

It can be said that the current prince has considerable feelings of guilt in Kailena's heart. He knows that the seeds of affection may have been quietly planted in the hearts of the two people, so at this time, in order to prevent Kai Kelina was killed by the time guardian Dahaka, and the protagonist traveled through time and space to find a weapon.

This is a very rare weapon that can damage Dahaka, so in the game, the protagonist controlled by the player himself took this weapon and started a cruel hand-to-hand battle with Dahaka, and passed the prince and Kailena The efforts of the two people, they turned out to be like a miracle, successfully eradicating Dahaka.

Everything seems to be over, but the biggest feature of this series of games in the plot is the twists and turns. In fact, when you think everything is over, a greater crisis is already brewing.

The victorious prince will return to his hometown, Babylon, the capital of the great Persia, with Kailena, who may already be his own woman. From then on, he will live happily and peacefully, but the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny. At this time Babylon is burning in the flames of war, the raging flames have engulfed the entire city, and Babylon is about to be destroyed.

At this moment, what the blind old man said appeared in the prince's heart again. He could not change his already destined destiny. No one could change his destiny.

After a while, when the prince took Kelena to leave the island of time and return to his hometown of Babylon, he found that the entire Babylon was already shrouded in a sea of ​​fire.

The shocked and angry prince could not believe what was in front of him, but before the ship docked, the boat on which the prince and Kelena were riding was overturned by the bandit's fireball, and the prince and Catherine were separated.

As for here is another huge reversal of the plot, it can be said that the strength of the reversal is much greater than the previous reversals.

The prince successfully rescued Kailena, the sand of time did not appear in this world, and this represented the final direct consequence is... the change of history.

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