Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 1169 Interactive operation method

With the beginning of the technical exchange exhibition, there were joint demonstrations and displays by several internationally renowned professors.

The giants in the industry who were invited also felt a little shocked at this time.

Brain-computer interface is nothing new.

But this is the first time that commercialization has been fully launched and international safety audit standards have been passed.

Of course, what is mainly open is the non-invasive brain-computer interface, which is a device similar to a headband or helmet, not the kind of intubation in the back of the head like in science fiction movies and novels.

And this is also due to the improvement of AI technology.

The biggest difficulty in brain-computer interface technology is how to detect and analyze the collected brain wave signals, and then feed them back to the program, giving a feeling of having your wishes come true.

Thanks to the latest AI technology, it is completely possible to do this in analysis.

This is also a strong technological breakthrough.

Even imaging is not just a technology of brain-computer interface.

Including driverless cars, home robots, and other industries, a series of shocks have also occurred.

Even various countries are involved.

When technology develops to a certain level, it is not just a business issue.

However, it involves too many places, and the companies involved are not only domestic, it can be said to be quite complicated.

As for the exchange of interests behind these countries, and what kind of distribution of interests was finally reached, this is not too important to Yang Chen.

Because of this deeper content, Yang Chen didn't pay much attention to it.

In other words, I don’t really want to pay attention to it.


"It's really amazing!" In the rest area of ​​the exhibition, Grayson and Yang Chen were discussing.

They had just experienced this kind of non-invasive brain-computer interface for themselves.

It's a little different from what I imagined, but it's shocking enough.

"It's indeed amazing, but whether it can be applied to game technology is still debatable." Yang Chen nodded in agreement, then shook his head.

"Huh? What do you say?" After hearing Yang Chen's words, Grayson next to him looked at Yang Chen curiously.

Unlike Yang Chen, who is not only the boss of Nebula Games but also a legendary game producer in the industry, he is a simple helmsman of the company.

After hearing what Yang Chen said, I was a little curious.

In other aspects, he felt that he should be able to match Yang Chen 50-50, and maybe even be stronger.

But when it comes to games, he is ashamed of himself.

"If it is really like science fiction or movies, and can be acted upon by a thought, then this will definitely lead to a new generation. But at least judging from the current performance, it is still difficult to reflect overly complex instructions, and at the same time, it is difficult for the user to There are also certain requirements for attention," Yang Chen explained.

This is what he just experienced in practice.

For example, action games such as "Dark Souls", "Devil May Cry", "God of War" and competitive games such as "DOTA" and "Warcraft".

At least for now, Yang Chen can be sure that players who have used brain-computer interface technology will definitely return to the keyboard and mouse of the PC platform and the controller of the VR platform.

Of course, this is mainly limited to games. If it is system operation and other software applications.

So the mature application of this kind of brain-computer interface technology can be said to be quite convenient.

"Aren't you optimistic that this technology will be used in the gaming field?" Grayson looked at Yang Chen and asked curiously.

If it weren't for Yang Chen's words, Grayson was actually planning to set up a special team for this type of game as soon as he returned inside.

Because of the price of the equipment, everyone present at this technical exchange meeting had already gotten some news.

It is completely different from the expensive cost as expected. The mainstream low-end version is priced at US$199, which can be said to be quite affordable.

And it can be used with mainstream VR equipment and PCs currently on the market.

Previously, VR platforms had limitations for a period of time, and the main core point was not technical issues.

It's a matter of price.

Just like LCD monitors and LCD TVs decades ago, they have gone from being rare gadgets to becoming normal mainstream products.

What limits its development is none other than the core price.

If LCD monitors are still many times more expensive than previous CRT monitors, then the latter will definitely occupy a huge market share.

Embrace the times instead of being eliminated by them.

A technological change may make the original industry giant fall.

Just like the arrival of the smartphone era, the old industry giants who were not ready for it fell and a new king came to the throne.

The same is true for the gaming industry.

"It's not that I'm not optimistic about it, it's just that it's worth debating, at least based on the actual experience I've gotten so far. As for whether it's really suitable or not, you still have to get a prototype, and then do some content development and test the interaction of the actual experience. Sure." Yang Chen shook his head, but he didn't say anything.

This is also his feeling.

Just like a computer game, using keyboard and mouse as the operation method, and then putting it on the handle, the operation and interaction method must be changed.

As for brain-computer interface technology, in Yang Chen's opinion, it is different from the change of platforms such as PC and VR.

It is more like a change in the way of interactive operation, from keyboard and mouse, controller to brain waves.

How to allow players to better feel the interaction in the game through this method.

In other words, how to make the game more adaptable to this new operating method is the most critical thing.

Just like real-time strategy, MOBA, and FPS games, they are more suitable for keyboard and mouse operation.

Because when these games were first developed, they were produced using keyboard and mouse as operating tools.

Including the later addition of controller operations, most FPS games use large crosshairs and automatic micro-aiming to optimize the FPS operation experience of the controller. There is a reason for this.

Because FPS requires precise aiming, and the controller is inherently weaker in this area than the keyboard and mouse.

This is also the reason why some dual-port VR and PC platforms will isolate the controller from the keyboard and mouse.

And will this brain-computer interface technology bring about an innovative change to the gaming industry?

The main decision depends on whether changing the operating mode in the game will make players feel convenient or cumbersome.

And this is the biggest thing that game manufacturers like them need to try right now.

In other words, it is something that not only their game manufacturers, but all companies in the IT industry should try.

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