Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 99 Subsequent updates and new games

Facing the expectant crowd, Yang Chen didn't sell anything and switched the ppt off.

A document code-named: "Biochemical Survival" is displayed on the projector.

Of course, this is the name that Yang Chen changed after thinking about it, in order to better be able to take advantage of the popularity of "Resident Evil".

It may have another name - "The Road to Survival".

This is a very interesting game that Yang Chen felt in the dream memory, an fps type lawn mowing game.

The same is the theme of zombies. The zombies in "Resident Evil" are threatening your life, but in "The Road to Survival", the zombies are no threat.

If "Resident Evil" can make you feel an experience of being threatened with death at all times in the apocalypse, then there is a sense of humor in the zombies in "Legend of Survival".

When a piece of zombies pounces on the player, the player only needs to shoot them happily with the friends. Ordinary zombies have almost no threat, just like the miscellaneous soldiers in the mowing game, they are killed in pieces by the player.

With a slightly dark background setting, and a refreshing shooting experience, it can be said that "Legend of Survival" is an uncompromisingly cool game.

Looking at the people who listened carefully to the explanation, Yang Chen gave some introductions to the game.

"The name of the game is "Biochemical Survival". It is a game that is linked with the background of "Resident Evil", but in terms of the game content, this will be an FPS game without a plot or a detailed plot."

"Although the name of the game has survival, it is a grass mowing competitive game that focuses on pve and pvp; the main gameplay pve content is that the player plays the role of a human, passes through the corpse tide and then reaches a safe place."

"The content of pvp is divided into two types. The first type has a maximum of 64 players in one map. Among them, 6 players are randomly infected with the g virus and become mother zombies after the start. Players from the human camp need to be in the time range. Use firearms and weapons to hold on to a point, wait for the time to arrive, and get rescued, while players in the zombie camp attack human players by melee, and can infect them into zombies, and the ultimate goal is to infect all players into zombies.”

"The second is the escape and survival mode. Of the 64 players, 6 players are still infected as zombies, while the remaining players need to work together to reach the key point of the safe house, and they need to decrypt and escape along the way."

Yang Chen gave a brief introduction.

These elements are already perfect zombie gameplay in dream memory,

The pve mode is the main pve mode in Left 4 Dead.

The creativity in the pvp mode comes from the biochemical mode gameplay of a "Counter-Strike OL", in addition to the escape mode, Yang Chen refers to the zombie escape mode in the cs series of games.

After Yang Chen finished speaking, he looked at everyone's reaction.

No one spoke, and they were all digesting the information that Yang Chen said. After a long time, Chen Shu said, "Mr. Yang, is this a multiplayer game?"

"Yes, the multiplayer mode player interaction, confrontation and cooperation can be said to be the main gameplay in this game." Yang Chen nodded and said.

Listening to Yang Chen's words, everyone looked at each other. Although this gameplay sounds novel and interesting, is it really fun?

"But this multiplayer mode, coupled with the terrifying atmosphere of the biochemical series..." Chen Shu offered her opinion.

But as soon as the words were spoken, Yang Chen interrupted them: "Who said this would be a horror-type game?"


Everyone looked surprised.

"I don't know that you played the game of police catching thieves when you were young. In another way of death, it can be understood that "Biochemical Survival" is also such a type of game, but the one representing the police has become a zombie, and the one representing the thief has become Humans." Yang Chen shook his head and said.

In the beginning, he actually planned to join the confrontation in the normal fps mode, such as gangsters and police.

There is a series of games called CS in Dream Memory, which can be said to be the benchmark for competitive FPS.

But soon this idea was thrown out of his mind, because there are already many competitive games of the same type on the market.

With excellent graphics, reasonable map shooting, and well-balanced firearm data, Yang Chen couldn't figure out what the selling point would be if he made the cs series of Dream Memories.

It is impossible to fail, but it can only become a general game.

After all, such a competitive game, unless you have a breakthrough creative gameplay, it is more of a player's preconceived idea.

This kind of multiplayer game, players are very nostalgic.

As long as you don't die, players rarely abandon the pit, which is why some multiplayer games have players rooted in them even in the past few years or even ten years.

There are too many games of the same type, but there are no similar games in the entertainment market.

A game raises a certain theme and popularity, causing other game manufacturers to follow suit, but unless these games can have their own unique games, or crush the previous games in terms of quality, it is difficult to set off any splash.

"Of course, there will be some detailed plans to improve in the follow-up. This is just a first draft. In addition to the above, there are also DLCs about the follow-up of "Resident Evil", and the priority of the sequel is "Biochemical Survival" After that." Yang Chen looked at the crowd and said.

The next Nebula will be expanded again. Both projects are led by Yang Chen, but they obviously have to decide which project team to join.

Hearing Yang Chen's words, everyone present became a little excited.

As the first to join the Nebula, Yang Chen will of course give priority to letting them hold important positions if their abilities are sufficient.

After determining the basic personnel and summarizing the new project, everyone went back to their own jobs.

Some of them are responsible for the follow-up and synchronization of the sequel to "Resident Evil", but before that they have to make the dlc production of "Resident Evil".

The "Resident Evil 2 Remake" in the dream memory is on the dlc, and there is no additional plot dlc, but Yang Chen intends to do a new expansion on this.

For example, the day before Leon came to Raccoon City, let Jill appear in the game as dlc content first.

Including the sequel with Leon and King Ada as the protagonists, Yang Chen intends to let the other important characters in the biochemical series slowly appear in the plot or DLC.

However, these things can be slowly polished. After all, "Resident Evil" has only been released for less than a month now. Isn't it normal for dlc to be delayed for two or three months, three or four months?

( = )

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