After Yu Xunge hung up the phone, she went to Zelan Star to find Hufflepuff for class. Although Hufflepuff was busy studying the unknown curse recently and was only willing to attend class for two hours a day, and he would explain it to her casually while making potion orders, Yu Xunge also cherished these two hours. She usually attended the class in cat form, and then went to the restaurant to watch the chef cook. She wanted to improve her cooking skills quickly. As long as the score of the dish was above 95, there was a 20% chance of increasing attribute points after eating it! This was much more important than leveling up. The income from her few hours of brushing the book was equivalent to that of others brushing for three days. She kept an eye on the leaderboard from time to time to maintain her upgrade speed and prevent herself from falling out of the top 100. Yu Xunge settled down in J Province in the first half of March. Occasionally, he would take some time to go back to S City, do some dungeons, add some food to the cats, and check the cat beds for new things.

It was also during these days that the price of healing potions in the market began to drop. From the initial hard-to-find gold, to now, the price has stabilized at 2 silver coins and 50 copper coins per bottle. It is estimated that it will drop slightly in the future. However, even if you can't afford the healing potion, it doesn't matter. You can still go to the hospital to buy pills, injections, or hemostatic bandages, and even food therapy. At worst, you can rest at home for a while without going to the dungeons and your blood will slowly return to full. In short, no one was forced into a desperate situation.

During this period, Yu Xunhuan asked about the mechanical eyeballs several times, and Yu Xunge didn't delay for too long. He took the 80 gold given by Yu Xunhuan, went to the auction house to spend 12 gold to buy all the materials, and then made two of them and mailed them to Yu Xunhuan.

And Yu Xunhuan...

Yu Xunhuan pinched those two eyeballs and looked deeply at the God-given talent displayed on Lin Chengze's character panel.

Why, why can these rubbish also have S-level God-given talents?

Today he finally got the props that can detect other players' information. The first thing he did was to detect Su Yitong's God-given talent.

[Holy Light] (S-level)

[Skill 1] Punishment (Passive): Every attack has a 50% chance to restore 1 HP equal to the current level of the caster.

[Skill 2] Hope: Recite the Hymn of Hope. Those who listen to the Hymn of Hope have a 15% chance to increase 1 attribute point. This buff effect can only be triggered once every 30 natural days for each target.

[Skill 3] Prayer: Release holy light energy to the target, causing holy damage to the enemy. Each holy attack will reflect 20% of the damage value to any friendly target, restoring the health of the friendly target equal to the damage value. It needs to be guided, and each use consumes 10% of mana. There is no cooldown time.

[Skill 4] Penance: You can set a commandment for yourself at the beginning of each month. If you strictly abide by the commandment this month, you will gain attribute points. The stricter the commandment, the more attribute points you will gain, up to 5 attribute points.

Yu Xunhuan was so jealous that his eyes were red! This kind of talent, no matter which team he joined, he would be the core!

But he endured it, because he and Su Yitong are now barely a community of interests - even though he and Su Yitong have been married for so long, he has never heard the damn hymn of hope once! ! !

Not once!

After arriving at the studio, Ye Dong, who had the highest talent, was only an A-level talent, and the others were trash, which made Yu Xunhuan feel calmer. He subconsciously forgot about Lin Chengze until he received the mechanical eyeball.

Why is this blind man also S-level!

Is S-level everywhere? !

His fist clenched unconsciously, and the mechanical eyeball made a sound of parts twisting slightly in his palm.

——"Xiao Yu?"

Lin Chengze felt uneasy. He heard the sound of Yu Xunhuan entering the room, and the sound of parts crackling...

He didn't know what happened, but his instinct made him speak to break the silence.

Yu Xunhuan quickly calmed down, because Ye Dong followed him in. He just saw Yu Xunhuan take out the mechanical eyeball. He said happily: "Linzi, you can see it~ Ha, the eyeball is here, the mechanical eyeball you mentioned before, super cool!"

Yu Xunhuan smiled and stepped forward to stuff the eyeball into Lin Chengze's hand: "Here, hurry up! I wanted to put it in quietly while you were sleeping, so that you can have a surprise when you wake up."

Lin Chengze pretended not to notice the extremely strange atmosphere just now. He took off the eye mask ecstatically, fumbled for the mechanical eyeball and stuffed it into the empty eye socket. After two stings, he once again felt the miracle and shock after installing the magic eye.


Blind Xu

After a long time of regaining his sight, theoretically, the light should have stung his eyes, but these two eyeballs seemed to be no different from his original ones. He just blinked twice and got used to it. He looked at the people in the room with tears in his eyes.

After a few seconds, he came back to his senses and quickly opened his character panel to check his God-given talent.

When he saw (S-), his heart sank for a moment, but he was soon completely moved by [Immortality].

For a moment, he was actually a little grateful to the person who dug out his eyeballs and gave him a heart!

At this time, Yu Xunhuan also saw the curse next to Lin Chengze's name.

Yu Xunhuan really wanted to curse.

Whatever curses he wanted to say.

Why is someone else's curse immortal? Is this a curse? Isn't this a blessing?

He wanted to know where to get such a good curse, but he definitely couldn't ask. He could only hold it in, otherwise he would expose himself to the fact that he was exploring everyone's privacy. No matter how good the brotherhood was, it couldn't stand such a toss.

Ye Dong asked Lin Chengze directly what his talent was. There was nothing wrong with that. Lin Chengze answered directly. Now the studio was completely lively. With such a strong God-given talent, even if it was half a month late, Lin Chengze was destined to be a first-tier player. The future of their studio would never be bad.

Yu Xunhuan patiently celebrated with them for an entire afternoon.

After Lin Chengze returned to the Lin family in the evening, there was another round of revelry.

Although he trusted Yu Xunhuan and others more when he was blind, as if he was poisoned, it did not mean that he did not know the good of his family. He also knew the efforts of the Lin family for him. To put it another way, he was not the kind of fool who did not want a family background and liked to fight alone. It would be good for his future development to have a good relationship with the family.

After the Lin family knew that his God-given talent was S-level, they immediately allocated resources and asked someone to take him to play dungeons and upgrade, so as to make up for the half-month delay. Not only that, they also gave him a lot of equipment, potions and gold coins.

The Lin family is also a good person. After knowing that the eyeball was made by Yu Xunge, they found out that she was not only an intermediate engineer, but also had connections in the Special Affairs Bureau. Even though Lin Chengze kept emphasizing that it was Yu Xunhuan who helped him find connections and gave him extra money, the Lin family still sent Yu Xunge a gift - a sports car.

After knowing that the gift from the Lin family was a sports car, Lin Chengze did not say anything.

It was just like the bed that Yu Xunge gave Su Yitong and Yu Xunhuan back then.

It was useless.

But it was very impressive.

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