Chapter 16 Two Shapes·One Foot Square

In the living room alone, with a bang, a huge backpack appeared in front of Tong Gu. He skillfully took out the hemostatic spray and the special antibiotics produced by Tiansheng Pharmaceutical and put them aside. Finally, he took out a special item from the backpack. silver metal box, about half a meter square.

Tong Gu carefully took out this big killer weapon and placed it gently on the ground.

Even though he knew in his heart that this thing would not be activated by some minor disturbances, this ultimate destructive weapon had absolute deterrence even for a genetic warrior like him.

Thermobaric explosives are high explosives rich in aluminum, boron, silicon, titanium, magnesium, zirconium and other substances. They are the finest works of human destruction art and are far more powerful than TNT.

This terrifying weapon was purchased by Tong Gu from a corrupt neighboring country after obtaining the space capsule. It has been stored in the universal capsule from the moment it was obtained.

And this is also Tong Gu's biggest trump card in hunting Shang Xian.

However, this terrifying weapon with a damage effect nearly five times that of TNT does not distinguish between friend and foe. If this thermobaric explosive of nearly 20 kilograms is not operated properly, it will turn the entire Yoshiwara Yuguo into hell on earth.

He also needs to find the most suitable cemetery for Fallen Princess and Prostitute Taro!

Tong Gu has been wandering around Yoshiwara Yuguo during the day with his Nichirin Sword on his back during the past few days. Others just thought that he was in a good mood after meeting Ferni Ji, but he was actually using the ability of the earth's breath to explore the fallen person in the original work. The location of the huge cave that Ji used to hide people.

I haven't found it for several days, but by the elimination method, I guess it can only be near Kyogoku House.

Tong Gu gently pulled out the Sun Lun Knife a little. The dark blade was extremely cold, but Tong Gu's face reflected on it was frowning.

There was always a vague uneasiness in his heart.

what exactly is it?

Did you overlook something?

Is it Kibutsuji Muzan?

He can't always stay in Youguo. If Wuhan is still in Youguo, Fallen Princess probably won't come to see him.

Did Fallen Princess discover her abnormality?

A ghost like Fallen Princess can see the unusualness of human blood and body. It is possible to see the specialness of her own body, but with Fallen Princess's arrogant attitude that lures Zhu Zhu to hunt, it is unlikely. Hide yourself.

After all, Tong Gu couldn't confirm it. He took a deep breath. The long breath made his muscles all over his body harden, like sculptures, and the movements of hundreds of meters around were reflected in his heart.

Like a mirror.

Tong Gu calmed himself down in this way.

Finally, in the night, snap, snap...

Fallen Princess's footsteps were neither urgent nor slow, and she did not bring any followers.

Tong Gu opened his eyes and happened to meet the eyes of the beautiful woman who walked in alone from the courtyard gate.

Both sides had a scarlet murderous intent in their eyes.

Sure enough, Fallen Princess found herself, she... came to hunt him!

Fallen Princess also saw the empty house. The other party did not hold another banquet as usual. Such a pretty big man was indeed the pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps!

Fallen Princess tilted her head, her fake smile no longer on her face, her pupils became sharp and terrifying, and her whole body exuded a stinking murderous aura.

"How many people are here from you this time?"

Fallen Ji gently licked the corners of her lips, her eyes greedy.

Tong Gu took off the long and narrow Nichirin Sword from the knife holder behind him and slowly pulled it out. The pitch-black blade was a color that Fallen Princess had never seen before.

"I am enough to deal with you."

The disdain revealed in the tall Demon Slayer Swordsman's tone made Fallen Girl angry. She had always been proud, so her face quickly darkened and she tapped her toes.


The large oiran robe caused the wind to whistle, and in an instant, Fallen Princess crossed a distance of more than ten meters and appeared in front of Tong Gu. Fallen Princess's right leg hidden under the gorgeous kimono tore through the air and kicked towards Tong Gu's face.

Tong Gu leaned his long sword on the ground. Facing this kick, he did not dodge or dodge. He let go of the long sword and put his left hand in front of his forehead with his palm facing outward.

Creatures like ghosts have gained too much advantage in speed and strength, and most of their physical skills are straightforward. It is not difficult for Tong Gu, who has practiced ancient martial arts for many years, to deal with them.

As soon as Tong Gu's left hand came into contact with Duo Ji's right leg, he used the opponent's strength to spin sideways. He quickly grabbed the opponent's calf with his right hand and suddenly turned around and smashed it down.


The exquisite stone floor in the small courtyard quickly shattered. Fallen Girl's eyes were confused, and she didn't understand why she was thrown to the ground. This kind of injury was not painful to her, but she became increasingly angry.


With a sharp scream, several red belts suddenly flew from her body.

Stab, Fallen Princess's exquisite red kimono was torn to pieces. Tong Gu was shocked. He held the hilt of the sword with one hand and rolled sideways several times to avoid the attack from the belt. He raised his head and saw Fallen Princess was no longer alive. Then there's that oiran outfit.

The black and red satin ribbon underwear covered the sensitive parts of Tong Gu's body, and the pink belt was wrapped around her waist. The fallen princess, who had transformed into a ghost again, was beautiful and deadly. She stood in front of Tong Gu's small single-family building. On the top of the building, Tong Gu was looked at from a high position.

"With this skill, you are indeed a pillar."

Tong Gu held a knife in one hand. The long and narrow Sun-wheel knife shone slightly in the night. Regarding Fallen Princess's judgment, he deliberately shook his head and said with a smile.

"You are wrong about that. I am just a Gui-level swordsman who has just joined the team."

Fallen Girl looked unhappy. She didn't believe Tong Gu's words at all. This physical strength was second to none even among the pillars she had eaten. How could she be a low-level swordsman.

Tong Gu added

"However, it should be enough to deal with a bastard like you!"

He deliberately bit the word "Xiaxian" very hard, and sure enough, Duo Ji's face darkened visibly.

She hates people looking down on her the most. She pointed at the words in her left eye and her tone was as cold as ice.

"What a pity, I am winding it!"

After saying that, six belts shot out from behind, drew arcs from the air, and stabbed Tong Gu suddenly.

Tong Gu stood on the ground holding a knife, holding it with both hands in front of his chest, breathing extremely long. He felt as if he was standing on the ice, his expression extremely calm.


There were six crisp sounds in succession, and six steel-like belts passed by Tong Gu. Tong Gu still had the posture of slightly bending his body and holding the sword in both hands, but he did not move an inch.

Fallen Princess frowned. She unwillingly controlled the belt and fired again. However, she saw that the tall swordsman only shook his wrist slightly, and the too long sword in front of him was flying from the belt in all directions. Get out of the way.

So much strength, such a hard knife!

Fallen Princess knew that her belt could cut off the wall with one strike, but the swordsman deflected her attack just by relying on the strength of her wrist?

A smile appeared on Tong Gu's lips. This was the inspiration he received from the Immortal Kawakawa Saneya. Since his swordsmanship was not strong enough, he simply used his strengths to reduce the number of sword strikes as much as possible.

He combined the force-reducing techniques from ancient martial arts to create this style.

The breath of the earth, two shapes·one square inch!

Use the extremely long Nichirin Sword to block all attacks in front of you, and then use the tremors of your muscles to gradually dissipate the huge force of the opponent's attack to the ground beneath your feet.

Fallen Princess has been accustomed to the sight of those swordsmen running around in front of her belt, and then being chased and penetrated by the belt. She never thought that today the opponent would actually stand motionless like her.

No matter how the belt whirls and attacks from any angle, the opponent will just change his gestures and block the attack.

"What kind of turtle style swordsmanship is this? You can't attack except for defense!"

Fallen Princess cursed loudly.

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