Tong Gu looked at the two untouched cups of tea on the table, but the words of Yang Yuanping and Gong Li were still echoing in his mind.

In fact, he has always known that his so-called hidden identity is not worth mentioning in front of the state machine. They have too many ways to find him out.

But for a long time, the official's failure to come forward made Tong Gu think that the other party did not pay attention to [the fraudsters] like him who were only active on the Internet and "talked on paper."

But it turned out that it was just a way for them to protect themselves...

Now think about it, if a person like Jiang Gu is willing to take the initiative to contact him and teach himself, I am afraid that the official shadow is behind him.

Thinking like this, an inexplicable sense of responsibility pressed on Tong Gu's heart. Feeling depressed, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a familiar number.


"Is it Agu? You're still alive, great!"

A strong voice came from the phone, but the other person was holding his throat, as if he was afraid of waking someone up.

Tong Gu unconsciously lowered his voice and said

"It's me, I'm back, Uncle Li."

The man on the other side of the phone let out a long sigh of relief, and a woman's voice came from beside him.

"I'm just saying that with Agu's strength, the awakening trial is really easy..."

Listening to the familiar chatter of the two of them, Tong Gu finally felt relieved after returning from the Demon Slayer World due to various death incidents. He said softly

"how is she?"

The man opposite sighed and said

"She has been restless since the awakening trial yesterday. I was worried that she would have another heart problem, so I put her to sleep..."

Tong Gu silently knew that although he was an orphan in this world, he was by no means alone. There were still these people who were always thinking of him.

Thinking of the fragile girl waiting in front of the monitor in fear, he suddenly had a plan in his mind.

"Agu, wait, I'll let her wake up now."

Tong Gu smiled and said

"No, Uncle Li, let her sleep more."


Tong Gu picked up a windbreaker with one hand, walked out of the room, and said firmly

"When she wakes up, she will see me!"

Tong Gu, who was wearing a windbreaker, was tall and handsome. He attracted a lot of attention as soon as he entered the school.

Zhai Lishan, the instructor in charge of teaching their three-year class, almost burst into tears when he saw Tong Gu appear. He waited for a long time yesterday, but did not wait for Tong Gu to appear.

In the end, he left with the disappointed parents who lost their children.

"Tong Gu, I knew you couldn't... You must be able to..."

Zhai Lishan was thirty-nine years old, but he had white hair on his forehead. He unconsciously grabbed Tong Gu's arm and was about to speak, but his eyes turned red.

"There are still forty-six classmates... who haven't come back... ugh..."

Zhai Lishan, who usually regards himself as a father, burst into tears uncontrollably. Those are the children he has been thinking about for the past three years!

Tong Gu pursed his lips tightly and supported Zhai Lishan's body with his arms.

"Teacher, look at me, look at us!"

"We people are still here."

Zhai Lishan's red eyes looked at Tong Gu, who was always taciturn in his memory. This student obviously had a strong physique and fighting skills, but he always refused to let himself appear in the spotlight.

But today, the other party seems to be different.

He only felt that Tong Gu today seemed to be about to shine.

Tong Gu helped Zhai Lishan to the school square, which was specially decorated with lights and colorful decorations.

The first and second grade students were all sitting neatly below. The high platform in the middle was filled with brown ceramic bowls.

An old man with gray hair but a very strong body was carrying a huge wine barrel as tall as a person and pouring wine one by one.

It was the principal Zhang Xingwen who said on QQ that he would serve 3,423 servings of celebration wine.

He himself is an extremely powerful "player". Some people in the Destiny Forum speculated that Principal Zhang Xingwen was a hidden gold player, but this has not been verified.

There was no sign of joy or sorrow on the old man's face at this time. He just started pouring wine silently from the front row. When he reached the middle, he suddenly put down the huge wine barrel. He turned around and looked at the dark and dense water in the square. student group.

"I said yesterday that I would put out 3,423 servings of celebratory wine for them to drink."

"A lot of people said yes."

The old principal's voice suddenly became so low that some students at the back couldn't hear it.

"But they broke the promise..."

"They didn't come back..."

The old man was a little unmotivated. As the best training college in the mountain city, as the best training college in the Eastern Xia and Southwest regions, it once again lost nearly half of its value in the [Awakening Trial].

He doesn't care about political achievements, he only cares about the lives of his students.

The dean of academic affairs at the rear saw that the old principal seemed to be in a bad mood, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him down.

But Zhang Xingwen just flicked his hand, and the director of academic affairs, who was less than forty years old, staggered a few steps and sat back down.

The old man raised his head and looked at the first and second grade students below, as well as the third grade survivors further back who had their heads lowered. He spoke softly, but his voice seemed to ring in everyone's ears.

"Stay alive, live well."

"Give me a safe graduation!"

The third graders who were about to graduate suddenly burst into tears. Tong Gu heard a female voice next to him sobbing loudly. The other party was obviously a capable and cheerful girl, but she was crying so hard at this moment.

Tang Shutao no longer had the pride and reserve at this time, she just cried and said

"Zhu Xiuwen, you bastard, you dare to confess but don't dare to come back, ugh..."

Tong Gu was stunned for a moment. Did Zhu Xiuwen, who mastered the sense of energy, actually die in the [Awakening Trial]?

He always lived apart from his classmates because he was afraid of such a day. But looking at the heartbroken classmates crying around him, he felt that he did not seem to live as honestly as they did.

After Zhang Xingwen sighed, he finally shouted:

"The third grade graduation ceremony begins!"

"Come for a celebratory drink!"

Tang Shutao wiped her eyes and ran up first. She picked up a bowl of wine and drank it. The severe discomfort made her cough a few times, but in the principal's puzzled eyes, she picked up the wine again. There was a bowl of wine next to him and he drank it down.

"Ahem... I drank Zhu Xiuwen's share for him. Principal, he..."

"No broken promises!"

After saying that, this always cheerful woman walked off the celebration stage without looking back and walked straight out of the school.

Tong Gu looked at her and felt that she was also full of some kind of determination.

Others followed her and went up to drink one by one, smashing the wine bowls. Some people drank the celebration wine for their dead friends and lovers, bearing the responsibility and unwillingness of the deceased on themselves.

Tong Gu kept standing there. When everyone had finished drinking, he was still standing there.

Zhang Xingwen had his own information channels. He looked at the exceptionally tall student below with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"This classmate, don't you want to graduate? Why don't you come and drink?"

The principal's words made the first and second grade students burst into laughter. The solemn and solemn atmosphere eased, and the attention of the whole audience was focused on Tong Gu.

Tong Gu didn't say anything. A particularly long breath of air was instantly inhaled into his lungs, and the breeze blew in the venue.


Tong Gu took a step forward, and the ground shook like thunder.


Tong Gu took another step, and everyone in the audience looked at the tall graduate in shock, feeling a beast-like aura coming towards them.


Tong Gu stepped hard with both feet, and the ground exploded instantly. He himself jumped over a distance of more than ten meters and fell directly from the air to the celebration platform.

The celebration platform shook violently and almost fell apart, but Zhang Xingwen remained motionless and unaffected at all. He just looked at Tong Gu, who had an extremely strong sense of presence, with a look of relief in his eyes.

"Who is he? How can he be so strong..."

"Is there such a strong person in the third grade of our school? Isn't it much better than those people who are called the top ten rising stars in the mountain city?"

The first and second grade students began to whisper. Tong Gu held the top of the wine barrel that was as tall as a person with one hand. In the eyes of everyone in shock, he lifted the barrel with one hand and drank with his mouth open.

Gu... Gu

Although Tong Gu doesn't like drinking, his powerful body has superhuman digestion and decomposition capabilities.


The wine barrel was smashed by Tong Gu.

He took two steps forward to the stage with his wet clothes on.

Zhang Xingwen silently gave up his position.


The whole place was shocked again, but it was Tong Gu who patted his chest hard.

"The celebration drinks are all here!"

"Their reluctance, fear, regret, and grievance can be left here!"

"I, Tong Gu, the one who seals the fraud, will officially begin to challenge [Game of Destiny]!"

The students and even the teachers in the audience had dull expressions on their faces at this time, awestruck by Tong Gu's powerful aura, and also overwhelmed by the courage shown by the other party.

Looking at the lower class students whose faces were full of shock, hesitation, and fear, Tong Gu pointed at them with one hand.

"Watch me, follow me, I will completely conquer [Game of Destiny]!"

Thanks to Infinite Rape System, oo Dao Geoo, and Lu Dongliu for their recommendation votes, thank you!

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