It was already noon when Tong Gu returned home. Unlike his previous heavy heart, he actually felt extremely transparent at this time.

Even breathing becomes smoother and more natural.

He remembered that he still had a [Specialty Improvement Scroll] that he had not used, and was going to go back and work hard to train his swordsmanship expertise to Lv3, and then use the scroll to upgrade it to Lv4 at once.

The proficiency levels of a specialty are 1-3 for the first glimpse, 4-6 for the first step, and 7-9 for the peak. Therefore, the scroll is most suitable when crossing key levels.

But when he got to the top floor, he found that Gong Li and Yang Yuanping, whom he had just met early in the morning, were already waiting in front of the door. He couldn't help but laugh.

"You really can't rest for a moment."

Yang Yuanping looked at Tong Gu with gentle eyes at this time. He knew how difficult it was for a man of his age to make such a choice, but the other party still stood up.

Not only did he stand up, but he did so in a way that was more fierce and decisive than anyone else.

From then on, the entire Dongxia spotlight will shine on this 18-year-old young man. Once he does something bad, it will be discussed amplified and even criticized verbally.

That kind of pressure is far beyond what forum posting attacks can compare to.

Gong Li was only seventeen years old. Due to family connections, he did not enter the academy. Instead, he studied within the system and performed tasks.

He longed for the powerful S-class and Tong Gu.

"Mr. Tong Gu, we are here to take you to the press conference."

"News conference?"

Tong Gu was a little confused, but he had never prepared anything like that.

Yang Yuanping put out the cigarette butt in his hand, shook his head and sighed.

"You made the scene a bit too big, and it will attract the attention of some people with ulterior motives."

Sue the dead?

Tong Gu had some guesses in his mind, and Yang Yuanping continued

"So, what the above means is that we will help you put the matter in front of everyone's eyes and not give those institutions the opportunity to stir up troubles behind the scenes!"

Gong Li also nodded. He knew better than Tong Gu that the current dilemma faced by mankind was far more than the [Game of Destiny] itself. People's hearts are treacherous, and there are careerists and conspirators hiding in the darkness, regardless of their righteousness.

Tong Gu followed the two of them in a special car to the Arashichuan Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in the mountain city. During the meal, Tong Gu noticed that many media were arriving downstairs, which made him sigh at the power of the state machine.

At 1:30, the press conference started on time.

Tong Guduan sat in the center of the press conference, while Yang Yuanping and Gong Li were officials on both sides.

Yang Yuanping was a little worried when he saw that all the people in the audience were focusing crazily on Tong Gu, taking pictures almost greedily.

He understood that whether it was the title of [Blocker] or [S-Class], the world had great curiosity and desire to explore Tong Gu, but this kind of curiosity and exploration would give these people There is huge pressure on young "players".

Tong Gu's face remained as usual, his breathing was continuous, like an immovable stone Buddha.

Yang Yuanping felt a little relieved. He pressed the button in front of him, coughed twice and then said

"Then, from now on, reporters who need to ask questions can start raising their hands at the press conference of Shancheng City's newly promoted S-class trialist, Tong Gu."

Almost instantly, all the reporters below raised their hands. Yang Yuanping glanced around and gave the spot to the "national team". The reporter with the Dongxia News Reporting Center nameplate then stood up and said hello politely. asked

"Mr. Tong Gu, could you please tell me about the mission world in which you obtained an S-level evaluation?"

Tong Gu nodded, pressed the microphone and said

"The trial world I entered is the world of demon slayers. The trial tasks are to survive for three months and kill at least one ghost."

There were small-scale exclamations below. With the development of various super hardware in recent years, more and more images of the mission world have been revealed. The Demon Slayer World is a world with high mortality rate that is regarded as a "newcomer killer".

Immortal ghosts fight in the unequal night. All kinds of situations make it difficult for newcomers who lack the ability to carry heavy weapons to enter the mission to face the cannibals well.

Tong Gu looked calm and continued.

"I killed more than fifty ghosts in the mission world, including the Sixth One."

The popular discussion of Demon Slayer World has made some of its powerful enemies famous. Among them, the Twelve Demon Moons are mostly seen only by their names but not their bodies. There are only a few videos that witness the Twelve Demon Moons. , are also scenes where players encounter the end of their lives, and all of these players died in the end.

In reality, everyone can feel the power of the Twelve Ghost Moons just through the "live images" of these players.

The reporter who asked the question obviously knew the information very well. He also looked shocked at this time and murmured:

"Killing the string in the trial mission..."

Then she came to her senses and bowed with great reverence, then sat down.

The reporters at the venue were also shocked by the information revealed by this question.

Yang Yuanping was also secretly stunned, but on his face he seemed not surprised by this. He once again selected a reporter.

"Hello, Mr. Tong Gu, I am a reporter from Shancheng Express. I would like to ask you where you obtained the information as a cheater. Are there really closed beta players in [Game of Destiny]?"

As soon as this question came out, the noisy scene suddenly became silent, and everyone looked at Tong Gu curiously.

When Tong Gu heard that someone would ask this question, he just chuckled and said

"Who knows, maybe there will be."

This evasive attitude made the reporter dissatisfied. Just when he was about to ask further questions, Yang Yuanping had already pointed to the next person. He already knew Tong Gu, so he could just skip any questions he didn't want to answer.

In this world, the ability to read minds is not unavailable, and the truth about [The Sealer] may contain risks.

Li Mei stood up in disbelief. She couldn't believe that she could be selected from dozens of professional journalists. She was obviously just a reporter for the so-called [Youth United] publication, but even that publication had not yet printed an issue.

Li Mei took the microphone, stammered, and even tried her voice, which made everyone in the venue laugh.

The little girl's pretty face quickly turned red.

She was so anxious that she was about to cry, but when she looked at the stage, Mr. Tong Gu just looked at her quietly, neither urging nor impatient. She felt relieved, thought for a while and asked

"Classmate Tong Gu, please tell me, you said you know how to conquer [Game of Destiny], to do it?"

The face of the pretty little girl was filled with both expectation and apprehension.

Yang Yuanping frowned, this question... is very dangerous.

It was easy for someone to use it to attack Tong Gu. He immediately coughed and smiled deliberately.

"There will definitely be a charge for the guide. Little girl, you can't ask questions at this time for free."

The audience burst into laughter, and Li Mei stuck out her tongue and prepared to sit down, but at this time, a man sitting in the back seat stood up and said

"Just give me a rough idea and there shouldn't be any charge. Otherwise, who knows if the fraudster is telling lies!"

The man wore black-rimmed glasses and the nameplate on his chest read "Beijing Commercial News". The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense. Gong Li stood up immediately with a bad look on his face.

But Tong Gu suddenly stretched out a finger at this moment.

The face of the man with black-framed glasses, which was originally mocking, changed and he looked at Tong Gu in confusion.

Tong Gu pressed the microphone and said

"One month, I will completely conquer [Demon Slayer World] within one month. Do you understand?"

After a moment of silence, the press conference seemed to explode, and everyone started talking uncontrollably.

"Completely conquer [Demon Slayer World]?"

"It's still within a month, how is that possible?"

With a flexible mind, I have quickly edited the text and sent it back to the headquarters, hoping to grab the front page headlines.

Yang Yuanping looked at the scene that seemed to be out of control. He turned around and was about to persuade, but saw that Tong Gu was just stroking a golden bracelet, his eyes full of anger and determination.

Please read

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