Didi! After relaxing, Tong Gu turned on his phone and saw that QQ was also shaking. Logically speaking, no one on QQ should know his identity. In confusion, Tong Gu clicked on his phone.

It is found that the class group and college group information are refreshing quickly.

"Principal Zhang Xingwen: Dear students, you have studied hard and worked hard in the past three years, and you are about to face the test tomorrow."

"Principal Zhang Xingwen: After all the hardships, the only one is death. I will place 3,423 servings of celebration wine in the school, waiting for you to drink!"

Principal Zhang is already 57 years old. Every year he sees a large number of fresh students going to the trial, and less than half of them come back. He feels uncomfortable. It is rare for a few to express their opinions in the school group. It also made many students who were going to [Game of Destiny] tomorrow feel very sad.

"Liu Zhao, Class 3, Grade 22: Okay! Principal, wait for me to drink this glass of wine!"

Tong Gu had met Liu Zhao from Class 3 several times and had given him advice on how to temper himself. Both his parents had died in the [Game of Destiny], but he had never despaired of the future. He was a very enthusiastic person. This moment is also the first one to stand up and guide the atmosphere and encourage others.

"Zhu Xiuwen, Class 5, Grade 22: Yes! We will definitely come back together to drink the principal's glass of wine. And...Tang Shutao, I like you!"

Tong Gu twitched his lips. Zhu Xiuwen was the most popular figure in the school. He practiced Jiang Guliu martial arts like Tong Gu, and was said to have caught the sense of Qi. He was carefree and liked to joke, but Tong Gu knew that he liked Tang Shutao. real.

"Tang Shutao, Class 5, Grade 22: Get lost! Principal, I'm the one who deserves this drink!"

"Dai Xiumei, Class 22, Class 13: Yes, count me in..."

More and more people began to speak, some whom Tong Gu knew and some he didn't know. Some boldly wanted to get the principal drunk, while others followed suit and began to confess their feelings. Tong Gu felt inexplicably relieved. He had not experienced this kind of student-like daily life for a long time.

Tong Gu didn't say anything, just watched them lively.

Buzz...buzz, the phone vibrated, there was no note for the call, but the number was very familiar.

After pressing the answer button, there was silence on the other end. Tong Gu didn't speak either. He listened to Ruowuouruowu's breathing on the other end of the phone. He knew she was there, but the two of them didn't know what to say. In the end, they just listened to each other's breathing. Just when Tong Gu thought he was going to This continued until the phone ran out of battery, and a crisp female voice was heard.

"Remember, come back!"


Tong Gu held his cell phone, but his thoughts were wandering until sleep hit him. For the first time in many years, Tong Gu missed the evening exercise.

That night, Tong Gu slept more soundly and peacefully than ever before. When he opened his eyes, it was already close to noon. Tong Gu's body seemed to be fully charged with enough sleep.

After getting up, Tong Gu no longer hesitated, and the agitation in his subconscious caused by Jiang Gu's death was calmed down. He ate a hearty lunch unhurriedly, performed the standing posture, and took a bath. Putting on a black hooded cloak, he went out and headed straight to the west side of the mountain city.

In the Amber Square on the west side of the mountain city, a giant portal with a diameter of more than fifty meters occupies a large space. It is said that 200 years ago, many old men and old ladies would dance leisurely in this square at sunset; but now, The atmosphere in the standing crowd was particularly gloomy. Most people covered their faces with hoods and their voices were kept low when talking.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the portal began to flash with aurora-like colors, and a tangible pressure was clearly transmitted to Tong Gu. He didn't understand what it was, but it was definitely a trace of some kind of power.

People with hoods began to approach the portal one after another. These people quickly disappeared. Twelve hours later, when the portal flashed again, they might reappear, or they might just disappear.

Tong Gu held the timer and waited for the five-forty point.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd. With Tong Gu's height, he could easily see a group of people approaching the portal quickly. The people were wearing dark red robes and white masks.

"Children! Congratulations on your upcoming [destined death]!"

"Don't resist, don't blaspheme, and don't feel resentful."

"Everything is inevitable, everything is...fate!"

Tong Gu frowned. He saw one of the men in red robes standing surrounded by others and began to chant loudly. The tune was weird and made the people around him uneasy.

It’s actually [report to the dead], these people actually dare to haunt the mountain city. Tong Gu has no good impressions of these [slanderers], they are just a bunch of scum who use panic to squeeze out property.

But what surprised Tong Gu was that none of the official personnel who were supposed to maintain order here showed up, and none of the vigilantes and heroes who gained abilities and became powerful in the [Game of Destiny] showed up.

Something must have happened.

Tong Gu had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Don't listen to these accusers! We must defeat the damn [Game of Destiny]!" Tong Gu didn't expect that there would be people who would dare to stand up alone and scold the accusers in this situation. You must know that these people can do anything. A bunch of thugs who do anything.

The red-robed informants did not expect that someone would refute them face to face. One of them stepped forward and punched the student who stood up.

Liu Zhao was mentally prepared when he refuted the opponent. When he saw the opponent punching him, he took a quick step back to dodge. Unexpectedly, the opponent would not let anyone take advantage of him, so he punched the air and quickly turned around and kicked sideways. This kick was so sharp and swift that Liu Zhao could not dodge, so he had to parry with both hands.

Bang! Liu Zhao felt a sharp pain in his arm, and he was kicked over with great force, and his face under the hood was exposed. Oops, they remembered his appearance! Liu Zhao panicked and received several punches in a row.

The red-robed informant got excited, jumped up in the air, and kicked Liu Zhao in the back of the head. Liu Zhao had lost all focus at this time and could only raise his hands to resist the kick.

Tong Gu, who had come over at some point, grabbed Liu Zhao's hood with his left hand and pulled him behind him. He raised his right arm to catch the kick. With the alloy arm guard, he didn't feel any pain at all. I feel that the power of this accuser is unexpectedly small.

"Ah!" The complainant, who literally kicked the steel plate, was holding his feet and wailing on the ground. He didn't hold back his kick. At this moment, he felt that the bones of his feet might have been broken. He was in excruciating pain!

"Are you going to resist the Lord's call? You don't know whether to live or die!" When the leading accuser saw that he had a hard time to deal with, he stopped pretending and took out a machete from his robe. The other accusers also started to take out the knife one after another.

"Ah, run!" Most of the parents who brought their children to the trial are ordinary people who can only survive by using the rules in [Game of Destiny]. There are very few people with abilities, so they all choose to quit at this time. open.

The vigilantes to maintain order still did not appear.

In the chaos, he pulled Liu Zhao while avoiding the accuser and approaching the portal. They had no way out. Liu Zhao also understood the current situation. Based on the principle of not holding others back, he signaled Tong Gu to let him go. He and Tong Gu Gu Fenfen ran towards the portal.

Tong Gu blocked another knife with his alloy arm guard, kicked the opponent over, and took a moment to look at the time, five thirty-seven.

After realizing that these people were of average strength, Tong Gu was not going to rush into the teleportation. He planned to confront these people in front of the teleportation gate and then enter the [Game of Destiny] at 5:40.

The leading informant slashed the opponent's arm guard with a knife, which made his mouth numb with shock. Then the opponent's kick made his throat taste sweet. He really didn't expect that there would be someone with such strength before entering the trial. He was only 18. How old are you? Aren't you supposed to be a child? You should scream when I hold a knife!

But he was keenly aware that Tong Gu was observing the time. Based on his understanding of this extremely potential trialist, he must be waiting for a specific world. He already had an idea in his mind and shouted out

"This kid has iron armor on him. Let's push him in and prevent him from entering the [Mission World] he prepared!"

The complainants rushed forward. Tong Gu, who was wearing steel armor, could not dodge for a while. His body was grabbed by several people. Tong Gu exerted great force, but the seven or eight complainants could not move him. He was shocked. This man was so strong!

"Get out of the way!" One of the complainants actually took out a high-tech firearm and pointed it at Tong Gu. The person pushed and retreated into the portal.

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