Game of Gods

Chapter 355 Going the opposite way (Part 2) (Orange Papa League Plus 2)

As the most important place of the elves, the Supreme Council is naturally heavily guarded.

The four guards standing at the door alone are all low elves with full professional levels.

They hold long-handled sabers and square shields, which are the standard configuration of shield guards. Although it is a low-level elf, its natural level has reached the limit of twenty-five.

With a guard like this, Yuan Chen, who could fight alone, was flying all over the ground looking for Ya.

"What a waste." Yuan Chenfei muttered.

Then he summoned the werewolf lord.

After tying the things he bought to it, he whispered into its ear: "I'm sorry to sacrifice you, but this is war."

"Woo." The werewolf lord moaned helplessly.

Then Yuan Chenfei turned around and left. After walking about a hundred steps, he snapped his fingers.

The werewolf lord had activated his stealth skill, and then walked quietly towards the council.

When he was about twenty steps away from the gate of the council, an elf guard suddenly raised his head and looked intently at the empty space not far away.

His eyes flickered, condensed into brilliance, and then his face suddenly became ferocious: "Be careful, there are enemies sneaking in!"

The four elves raised their shields at the same time. Seeing that the infiltration failed, the werewolf lord immediately showed his body and rushed over, heading straight for the council.


A guard has taunted.

These elf guards are well-trained and exquisitely coordinated. They were not activated at the same time, but used in sequence.

Under the effect of taunting, the werewolf lord changed direction and slapped the elf shield guard with a claw.

It's a pity that although it is a lord, its opponent is a full-level elf.

The heavy shield slammed down hard, and just a normal blow knocked down the werewolf lord, and another elf guard rushed over, attacking the lord two-on-one, and the remaining two continued to guard the gate without giving up. Responsibilities fully reflect the quality of training.

Right here, an elf saw something tied to the werewolf lord's body, and his face changed drastically: "It's Hellfire Stone, get out of the way!"

Boom boom boom!

The hellfire stone on the werewolf lord had exploded, and the impact of the strong explosion raged in front of the gate of the council, forming a storm of flames.


Coming out of the portal, Ai Milu saw an elf officer standing there waiting for her.

"Krell, it's you. How's the situation?" Ai Milu got straight to the point without exchanging greetings with her old friend.

"He hasn't been found yet, but what has been confirmed is that he has taken the holy object... He put it in Carmi's store." Krell replied.

"Carmi?" Ai Milu turned her head to look at Naga's shop.

Right next to the portal.

Emily strode over.

A squad of elves are looking at the four-armed naga angrily.

Naga's four arms made a heart shape: "Oh, you look at me like that, I'm so scared!"

Amy came in: "Carmi, was the sacred object placed with you before?"

"Oh, you've already asked this question, so don't repeat it again, okay?" Naga named Carmi was very impatient: "That's right, that's right, I helped your opponent store the holy object, but this is My duty, isn't it? Businessmen must remain absolutely neutral."

Ai Milu took a deep breath: "I know, I didn't blame you for it."

Naga muttered: "Your eyes don't say that."

Emily: "Did you give him something back?"

"God's entrustment." Carmi replied, "It's none of my business."

"I just want to know what it is."

"You know I can't answer that question, you'll have to find out for yourselves."

Emily was speechless.

At this moment, an elf soldier came over and handed over a piece of paper: "High Priest, please look."

Ai Milu took it over, looked at the content written on the note, and her complexion changed drastically.

She put the note in front of Naga: "Is this something he bought from you?"

Naga replied leisurely: "Sorry, I still can't say."

The elf officer next to him, Krell, had already taken the piece of paper, wiped the writing on it, looked at the ink on his hand, and said, "It's a new one, it can only be him."

Ai Milu immediately said: "Raise the alarm to the highest level, Yuan Chenfei wants to wreak havoc in the city, he probably wants to repeat what happened in Moonlight City, he wants to destroy Sunlight City!"

Destroy the City of Sunlight?

All the elves were startled.

Even Krell frowned and said: "The mimicry game is over, he is no longer an elemental mage, and it is impossible to use the doomsday disaster."

"He doesn't need the doomsday disasters, these things can also cause huge damage." Ai Milu shouted, shaking the note.

The purchase list above is impressively full of high-power explosives, and the quantity is huge. Once Yuan Chenfei succeeds, the fate of the City of Sunlight may be worse than that of the City of Moonlight.

At this moment, a loud explosion suddenly sounded in the distance.

The elves were stunned.

Krell was the first to react: "It's the highest council!"

All the elves ran to the Supreme Council.

Watching them run away, the four-armed naga murmured, "What a bunch of poor people."

When we arrived at the council, we saw that it was already full of elves.

Several elders of the elves were standing at the door, looking gloomyly at the corpse of a werewolf lord in front of them, besides that, were the four elf guards.

They were all full-level elves, powerful, and were not killed by the blast, but suffered some minor injuries.

An old elf headed by saw Ai Milu and said, "Ai Milu, are you here?"

"I've met Speaker Carl!" Ai Milu bowed and saluted.

She looked at the mess on the ground, and said harshly, "What did Yuan Chenfei do?"

"It should be him."

"How about casualties?"

"As you can see, his sneak attack was unsuccessful, he just destroyed a gate." Speaker Karl replied.

Ai Milu breathed a sigh of relief: "He didn't show up himself, but just let the pet attack?"

"Yes. His plan should be to let the werewolf sneak into the council and then destroy it, but it was discovered by our guards." An elf guard captain said.

"No!" Ai Milu shook her head.

"What's wrong?" Everyone didn't understand.

"This is wrong." Ai Milu replied: "Maybe you don't like what I said, but believe me, I know this guy is not simple. Since he made a move, it is impossible for him to be just such a little hand. Even...even an elf None were killed."

Despite the vaccinations, the elves were enraged by this statement.

An elf officer said: "Priest Amylu, do you think our soldiers deserve to die?"

Another elder also said: "Are you trying to attribute the enemy's failure to tricks, rather than the shrewdness and bravery of our soldiers?"

Emily sighed inwardly.

This is the permanent ill of the elves, they are proud, conceited, self-righteous, and never willing to lower their noble heads.

Although the elves have repeatedly lost in the melee of alien races, the elves believe that this is due to the low fertility rate of the elves, and push everything to the number. The disaster in Moonlight City made them think that it was caused by the incompetence of Fernando and Ai Milu, which caused Ai Milu's status to plummet, and most elves believed that she caused the tragedy.

This made Ai Milu's words immediately arouse everyone's disgust.

Fortunately, there are always people who support him.

An elegant and soothing voice came: "The enemy is very cunning and hides in the dark. If you underestimate him, you must pay the price. I believe what Ai Milu said, the behavior of the other party is indeed weird. This attack, Most likely a probing attack."

Hearing this voice, even Speaker Carl saluted: "Priest Angelica!"

There are three powerful people in the elves, namely the elf king Isolde, the speaker Karl, and the chief priest of the Temple of Nature, Angelica. They represent administrative military power, arbitration and divine power respectively, a typical separation of powers. Further down are the head of the Holy Knights Searles, the rune godmaker Blisk, the sun priest Chloe, the chiefs of various tribes, the commander of the war zone, and so on.

The High Priest Angelika who appeared at this moment is the highest representative of theocracy, and Emily is the Priest of Silver Moon promoted by her.

As the group of elves pushed away, Angelica had already walked over.

She wore a long white moonlight veil and an officiant corolla on her head. Although her face was old, she could still see the beauty of her youthful youth.

Coming to the elves, Angelica said to Ai Milu, "Ai Milu, if you have any other ideas, please speak up first."

Ai Milu took out the piece of paper: "This is what he bought from Carmi just now."

Angelica glanced at it, her body trembling slightly, but her strong self-control still allowed her to suppress the turmoil in her heart, and then passed the shopping list over: "You all have a look."

Everyone took turns passing it on, and everyone who saw the contents of the list gasped.

Speaker Karl frowned even more: "Is this guy crazy? The things he bought are enough to blow up half of Sunshine City, and the crystal coins alone cost millions! Does he have so much money? ?”

"He has." Ai Milu replied: "The news given by the God of Nature, he sold a gate to another world that only belonged to him, and made tens of millions of profits. He also used this gate before and gained tens of millions. And bought a lot of land in the high tower area. This guy's crystal currency assets may be as high as 40 million."

Forty million!

Hearing this number, everyone was shocked.

Even the veteran servants, few have so many crystal coins.

"The question is why did he do it? This time is not the last time. He has no chance."

This time it was Angelica who answered: "That's why he has to do more. The best defense is offense. Only by constantly creating chaos can we be exhausted and have no time to chase him."

Everyone suddenly realized.

In the case of only one person, Yuan Chenfei had to create as much chaos as possible so that the elves would have no time to clone and give him a chance. The number of delusion-breaking eyes is limited. In order to protect some important places, some must be kept. In this way, Yuan Chenfei's pressure will be greatly reduced.

That is to say, he bought so many things not to destroy them, but to save his life, and at a critical moment, they might die together.

That makes sense.

Ai Milu said: "But I always feel that his purpose is not so simple."

Angelica looked at Emily: "What do you mean?"

"I think he really wants to destroy something." Ai Milu replied.


"Because that's who he is."



Finally, an elf broke the silence.

"Ai Milu, do you think too highly of this human being?"

"For a person who destroyed the City of Moonlight, stole the sacred objects, and escaped our pursuit again and again, I don't think it's too high." This time, it was Speaker Carl who expressed his support.

At this moment, an elf soldier hurried over and held up a letter: "Speaker, High Priest, received a letter, it's from that human."


Angelica waved her hand, and the letter fell into her hands.

There was no content on the letter, only a map of Sunshine City, and a bright red cross was marked on a certain location.

Seeing the mark, Angelica's expression changed drastically: "He's going to blow up the palace!"

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