Game of Gods

Chapter 399 Infiltrating the Enemy Camp (1)

The result given by the light of judgment is naturally positive.

After coming out of the courtroom, Yuan Chenfei said to Ai Luo: "I want to go to the warehouse to see what good things can be exchanged for."

"No problem." Ai Luo took Yuan Chen and flew to the warehouse.

Yuan Chenfei pretended to be curious all the way, looking around, and strolling around other rooms from time to time.

The goblin Arrow said angrily, "You'd better not wander around, there are some places here that you, an outsider, can't just go to."

Yuan Chenfei spread his hands: "I can't stay here like a prisoner, can I? I am free. I was sent by the gods to help you, not your prisoner."

"Then I don't care." The goblin replied angrily.

"I think you'd better pay attention to my mood. You know that every night I have to provide a message to the high priest. It may be useful or useless."

"Are you threatening me?" Goblin Airo glared at Yuan Chenfei angrily.

"It's not a threat. I guarantee that you don't know every piece of information I give, but no one can say whether it's useful or not, right?" Yuan Chenfei looked back at Ai Luo unceremoniously.

Faced with this death stare, Airl finally felt a little helpless.

"Okay, okay!" He said impatiently: "I will give you a permission badge. When you go to any place, the badge will remind you whether your permission level can enter."

"Thank you then." Yuan Chenfei replied.

As the goblins who established their country with alchemy, they have the most alchemical products in their warehouses.

Including all kinds of potions, golems, alchemy props, and of course mana machines and herbs—herbs are mainly looted from the Flower God Clan.

Yuan Chenfei saw a lot of good things along the way, but unfortunately most of them were expensive and he couldn't afford them.

But it doesn't matter anymore, Yuan Chenfei's main goal is not in these things at all.

He searched slowly, and finally stood in front of a key.

"What's this?"

"The magic key, which can open most locks, is equivalent to a thief's tenth-level cracking trap."

"Interesting, there is such a thing." Yuan Chenfei smiled: "Then what if it is used by thieves?"

"It's equivalent to improving the ten-level skill. If it is a twenty-level cracking trap, then there is no lock in the world that it cannot open."

"You actually put such a precious thing here?" Yuan Chenfei asked, quietly using hypnotism.

"It's just a fake, it's really not here." Airl replied, "This thing is used to test those with ulterior motives."

Damn, why would I tell the truth?

He was a little bit regretful, so he hurriedly added: "Don't tell the high priest, this cannot be said."

"Don't worry, you're a brother, I won't be disrespectful." Yuan Chenfei smiled, turned and left, and continued to look at other things.

Soon he saw something again.

It was a black metal object, and Yuan Chenfei could feel the huge and violent energy surging inside it.

"what about this?"

"Black water bomb, a very unstable explosive, it can send out a powerful explosion." Airl let out a funny laugh when he explained: "Alchemists love it most, even though they themselves are often blown to pieces. Bleeding. Do you want it?"

"No, I'm not an alchemist." Yuan Chenfei continued to shake his head and walked forward again.

He frowned while watching: "Don't you have anything to restrain the Flower God Clan here?"

"Restrain the Flower God Clan? Do you want to go to the battlefield?"

"Of course. I've got thirty days to go. Gotta do something, no?"

"Well, how about this? A magic flame launcher? This kind of thing can burn the flower seeds of the flower gods and destroy their spore clouds."

"No, no, I didn't come here to contribute to the goblins. I want something that can improve my personal strength, and every kill has obvious rewards."

"The goblins want something like this."

"So, are there any stronger mercenaries?"


"Yes, such as Cyclops."

Ai Luo suddenly realized: "So you want to hire Cyclops, of course you can, but it's not here, but in the giant's barracks."

"It's better to buy them outright, if they work."

"No problem, please follow me." Ai Luo took Yuan Chenfei out of the warehouse.

Arriving at the giant's barracks, Arrow yelled, "Stand up, you lowly fellows. You're about to have a new master!"

Speaking of which, Ai Luo said to Yuan Chenfei: "Choose whatever you want, these Cyclops have been given a unique curse by us, immortality cannot betray us, of course, including you."

"What curse?"

"That's the goblin's secret." Airl said proudly.

"So you don't know at all, right?" Yuan Chenfei asked with a smile.

There is a hint of hypnotism in the words, not to keep the other party under control, but to stimulate the other party's impulsive emotions.

Sure enough, Airl was furious: "Are you underestimating me? I am a loyal servant of the great High Priest Philip, and I know everything. This is the evil spell, which is the great goblin technology combined with the dream spell and curse-killing potion. Made... hell, are you telling me?"

Ai Luo glared at Yuan Chenfei angrily.

Yuan Chenfei came over and whispered: "I didn't ask you anything, I just said it casually, you are the one who speaks fast. If the high priest Feili finds out, I guess you may not have any good fruit to eat, But don't worry, I won't talk so much."

Under the effect of hypnotism, Airl suddenly tensed up.

My mind was full of thoughts of "can't let the high priest know".

The hypnotism used by Yuan Chenfei was not strong from the beginning to the end, and it only acted on the target's original thoughts.

This is the best form of hypnosis and it is almost impossible to detect.

Arrow said viciously, "You won't tell him, will you?"

"Of course, we are friends." Yuan Chenfei blinked at Ai Luo, and then said: "But I hope you can do me a little favor."


"Help me pick the best Cyclops."

Hearing this request, Airl breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he called: "Ragon! You, come here!"

Then he said to Yuan Chenfei: "Lagon is the best Cyclops here now, level 70. There are only ten giants like this in the fortress, and seven of them died in battle. He is the only one who has not been bought yet. It only takes 700 military merits to walk away."

"I want it." Yuan Chenfei said.

The Cyclops had knelt down in front of Yuan Chenfei.

Just when he was loyal to Yuan Chenfei, he suddenly felt something, his body trembled, surprise appeared in his eyes, and then Yuan Chenfei blinked at him.

The Cyclops lowered his head.

"Okay, I don't need anything for the time being." Yuan Chenfei said: "I hope to be able to walk around the fortress."

"No problem, please take this." Arrow had already handed him a badge.

The third-level authority badge of Huashen Fortress, which can walk freely in the fortress and enter and exit all places below the third-level authority.

Reminder: Since you are a Level 1 authority user, your authority is automatically upgraded by one level, and you can freely enter and exit all places below Level 4. But when you enter and leave the fourth-level places, the goblins will also record your news and know your permission level.

The reason why Yuan Chenfei was given a third-level badge was mainly because Yuan Chenfei wanted to meet Feili at any time. Without this level, it would be difficult for him to get in and out, and it would be very troublesome for him to even meet people.

But Yuan Chenfei believes that even with Level 4 authority, it is far from where he really wants to go.

So the most important thing for me right now is to raise my authority level?

Yuan Chenfei realized.

This requires some opportunity.

I don't know how Rouwa is doing now.


Rouwa was in a bad mood.

For she is now among a horde of goblins, nestled in a shack.

These goblins are dirty and smelly, unlike the high goblins, they are of a certain standard. The life of the low goblins is full of chaos, brutality and noise.

Even Rouwa felt extremely bored.

She wanted to get out of this place quickly.

But it also takes opportunity.

Fortunately, the opportunity will come soon.

A team of magic mechas slowly fell from the sky, and several goblins rushed out from the airship.

The leading goblin yelled, "Come on, bring the ammo! You lazy fools!"

A large group of goblins swarmed and picked up the ammunition and walked towards the mecha.

Rouwa is also one of them.

The little girl had set her sights on this place from the very beginning, and she was waiting for this moment.

She loaded crates of ammunition onto the mech and left.

After all the ammunition was transported, the team of mechs left again.

Looking at the mecha team going away, Rouwa snorted coldly.

"Hey, Pippi, what are you doing? Come and play for money!" the goblin called her after finishing her work.

Rouwa ignored him and left on her own.

"Where is he going?" the goblin wondered.

"Leave him alone, hurry up, Ag is going to win!" Another goblin muttered.

Going to a corner, Rouwa looked around, took out a phantom flower and swallowed it, and the next moment she turned into another goblin—although the phantom flower can only last for one day, but the accompanying other One advantage is that you can switch identities frequently.

Changing her image, Rouwa went straight to the distance.

Now she's off to wreak havoc elsewhere.


The alarm was sounded just before dusk.

Yuan Chenfei was notified immediately - High Priest Feili wanted to see him.

Fortress command room.

The high priest sat at the top, holding a scepter: "My team of magic mechs has just been attacked."

"Really?" Yuan Chenfei smiled and said, "I don't find it strange."

"Did the human who sneaked into my family do it?"

"Sorry, it's not time yet, I can't answer any of your questions about the mission."

"Then say what you can."

Yuan Chenfei found a seat and sat down: "I can understand your mood, High Priest Philip. But because of this, I think your question needs a higher standard."

"What's the meaning?"

"You also know that the gods have placed great restrictions on the information I can provide. I can't actually give any directly destructive information. Not only that, even relevant information is limited. I can't say specifically ..." Yuan Chenfei opened his mouth and came. Anyway, no one can see the undercover mission, so he said that there are any restrictions.

This is to protect the undercover agent, which in turn protects Yuan Chenfei.

He can set limits for himself.

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