Game of Gods

Chapter 500 Phase Mother Worm


Phase Mother Worm: Level 100 Lord Monster.

HP 50000, no attack power, no defense power.

Possess skill 1 reproduction: can reproduce phase beetles in large numbers and quickly.

Possess skill 2 evolution: The newly born small phase beetle is only level ten, and needs the nurturing of the mother insect to evolve and grow. Evolution skills can speed up their growth rate.

Possesses skill 3 concealment: using phase interference to destroy itself.

Possesses skill 4 Devour: restore life, reproduction and evolution ability by devouring flesh and blood.

Possess Trait 5 Queen: All beetles bred by it will be loyal to the mother to the death.

This is a monster that is very similar to the popping queen bee. It has no combat power and builds a huge force entirely by reproduction.

This is what the gods prepared for Yuan Chenfei, and Guisen and the others were afraid of what he would get. For this reason, they did not hesitate to use a special prop, hoping to confuse Yuan Chenfei. Unfortunately, apart from giving Yuan Chenfei a lord-level pet for nothing, it has no meaning.

Grabbing the female worm at this moment, Yuan Chenfei laughed, and directly released the leader monster, and took the female worm.

Not even fighting, easily subdued.

"Now you are well-developed." Xia Ning shook her head.

The phase mother worm is no better than other pets. Other pets will break free after the Yuan Chenfei mission returns to a lower level, but the phase mother worm will not.

Because whether it is Yuan Chenfei at level 100 or Yuan Chenfei at level 65, the mother worm can't beat it.

This means that it is not qualified to break free, and will always follow Yuan Chenfei until one day Yuan Chenfei doesn't want it.

"Well, there are still restrictions." Yuan Chenfei sighed.

After becoming Yuan Chenfei's pet, this female worm was actually given a passive feature: the upper limit of the number of worms it has is the user's level multiplied by ten, the child's level is the user's level minus 20, and the daily evolution time is the user's level. Grade divided by ten.

This characteristic is not normally possessed, but was imposed by the gods on purpose. Obviously, they just didn't want Yuan Chenfei to be invincible through it.

Fortunately, at least in this mission, Yuan Chenfei is at the full level.

With this female worm, Yuan Chenfei can be said to have a great harvest.

Before the liberated leader could run away, he was killed and became the food of the female worm.

The female worm devoured frantically, and then kept laying eggs on the back of her ass.

Small beetles hatched from the eggs one by one and circled around the mother.

Soon, one leader monster was eaten by the female worm, and the female worm laid a hundred eggs, and after that, it didn't lay any more eggs.

"There are still ten days left, and there will be at most one hundred babies a day. It seems that the gods are right." Yuan Chenfei said.

"The beetles that came out later didn't have time to rise to level 80." Xia Ning added.

It takes time for the beetles to hatch, and they are promoted to ten levels every day, so there will only be beetles that will be promoted to level eighty for three days, and the rest will decrease day by day.

"Enough." Yuan Chenfei didn't expect this at all.

When Yuan Chenfei came out of the ice cave, Gui Sen's face turned blue.

Obviously he already knew that Yuan Chenfei got the female worm.

"Hey, thank you for the gift." Yuan Chenfei pointed to the melting corpse beetle under his feet and said: "This thing is not bad."

Gui Sen, who was about to explode with anger, laughed and left.

Seeing his leaving back, Gui Sen looked at Zhi Yan: "Two evils are equal? ​​Huh? You idiot!"

Zhi Yan also had a gloomy face and did not speak.


The next time, it became easier.

Yuan Chenfei hunts, feeds beetles, and constantly breeds larvae.

The duel space has completely become a breeding space, and bugs are crawling everywhere. Fortunately, no one can see this scene.

In a blink of an eye, it was the twentieth day.

Last day of the Three Eyes mission.

When the scorching sun rose in the morning, everyone suddenly realized that the time for battle had come.

Yuan Chenfei walked out of the hotel first, followed by Li Zhanjun and others.

Other professionals also appeared one after another—they no longer believed in the promise of the Three-Eyed Race, and everyone knew that today would be the moment when everything would be decided.

It's just that they don't know how it will be displayed.

The answer came quickly.

Yuan Chen flew towards the Three-Eyed Pagoda.

Guisen was already there waiting.

Seeing Yuan Chenfei, he was not surprised: "As expected, you already know everything."

"En." Yuan Chenfei replied.

He looked up at the top of the Three-Eyed Tower, and at the Jade Demon Eye: "If my guess is correct, it must be the strategic treasure that the gods gave you."

Zhi Yan immediately said: "The Jade Demon Eye is one of the sacred objects of our clan, it can see through all falsehoods, how could it be a reward given by the gods."

"Pretend to be smart!" Gui Sen said disdainfully: "Since he is already standing here, do you think you can still fool him?"

Zhi Yan blushed.

Compared to Zhi Yan, Gui Sen seemed much more open-minded, or he didn't care at all.

He said directly: "That's right, the Jade Demon Eye is a reward from the gods to our clan. Although it was originally a sacred object of our clan, the gods have elevated it now. With it, our clan's territory can be expanded! "

Yuan Chenfei shook his head: "I don't know if Jade Demon Eyes has given you the authority to expand your territory, but I know that at least in my mission this time, this is not the key. Its real function given by the gods should be a certain A powerful attack power... Humph, an old trick of the gods."

On the first day of participating in the mission, Yuan Chenfei discovered a strange thing.

That is, there are only 40,000 people in Annihilation City.

40,000 people is not surprising, but according to the military power conversion rules, even if all of them are at the full level, there are only 4 million military power. The level distribution of the Three-Eyed Clan in the city, roughly calculated, is actually only 2.5 million troops.

However, the allowed offensive force of the elves is three million.

That's where it gets interesting.

Even though the Three-Eyed Clan has a high natural level, the difference in strength between the Elf Clan and the Three-Eyed Clan is not that big when the Annihilation City side cannot use any strategic defensive means. Considering that the Elf King Isolde may personally act , also sent a large number of elites, the combat power should still be above Annihilation City, coupled with the disturbance from the inside by the human race, then the advantage in this war is actually on the side of the elves.

In other words, even if Yuan Chenfei didn't do anything and cooperated with the elves to attack directly, it was possible to win.

Does this meet the expectations of the gods?

Certainly not.

Professionals enter the mission to play a role!

This also means that there must be hidden power.

The more you know about the gods, the more Yuan Chenfei knows their methods.

These guys love to play tricks on missions.

According to the mission rules of the gods, all strategic defense methods will not be available for this mission, that is to say, methods such as defensive shields cannot be used.

But just like that "Katmir and other gods", there are also literal traps in it.

"Strategic defensive means" cannot be used.

It didn't say that strategic attack methods could not be used.

So does Annihilation City have strategic means of attack?

According to previous data, no.

But it didn't happen before, doesn't mean it doesn't exist now.

The mission directly pointed out that Annihilation City had obtained a strategic treasure because of this mission.

But it didn't say what kind of strategic treasure it was.

So Yuan Chenfei immediately realized that it is very likely that the real trump card of Annihilation City is this treasure.

When the elves mean that they can attack frontally when the army is close and the defense of the Annihilation City fails, this strategic treasure will give all the elves a head-on blow.

Replacing defense with a powerful attack is exactly the consistent style of the Three-Eyed Clan, and it also fits their style.

So what the human race professionals have to do is simple.

Finding this strategic treasure and destroying it, so as to truly establish a victory, is what professionals really need to do.

This is the key to the fifth task.

It's just that the gods have hidden all of this in the mission, and they need to discover it by themselves.

Although aware of this, it is still difficult to know where this strategic treasure is.

Fortunately, after the battle of the Three-Eyed Tower, Yuan Chenfei obtained the Silver Demon Eyes.

The silver magic pupil has a function, that is, it can open the three-eyed tower.

After getting the silver magic pupil, Yuan Chenfei finally woke up.

That strategic treasure should be the Jade Demon Eye.

It has been remodeled.

Not only has the ability to break illusions in all directions, it may also have a powerful strategic beam attack.

The silver magic pupil is a necessary item to complete the fifth task, so as to explain why the gods placed this special reward in the three-eyed tower. Only those who pass the test of the Three-Eyed Tower are eligible to complete the fifth task.

The key to all this, after all, still falls in the Three-Eyed Pagoda.

Hearing Yuan Chenfei's words at this moment, Gui Sen snorted: "Yuan Chenfei, since you already understand, then you should be clear that this battle at the Three-Eyed Tower is no longer the previous trial match. As long as When you enter the Three-Eyed Tower, the guards in the tower have the right to stop you. If you want to charge..."

"It means fighting, it means that the three-eyed tower is fully open, and it means that countless three-eyed people will rush in to kill me. I know." Yuan Chenfei replied.

He shook his bright eyes: "Aren't I ready?"

Gui Sen said with a gloomy face, "You always have time to run out."

"Let's talk about it then."

"Hahahaha!" Gui Sen raised his head and laughed loudly: "In this case, I will wait for you at the top of the tower. If you have the ability, you can kill it!"

He said that he flew straight into the air and fell towards the Jade Demon Eye in the sky - as the highest authority in Annihilation City, he and Zhi Yan were the only ones who could directly go to the top of the tower.

"I'll go. If he can fly up directly, we have to take the stairs." Li Zhanjun muttered.

"This is the rule...everything has to be done according to the rules." Yuan Chenfei replied.

He said that he had come to the Three-Eyed Pagoda, and opened the Three-Eyed Pagoda with the silver magic pupil.

System prompt: Whether to turn off the monitoring function of the jade magic pupil, the silver magic pupil needs to be consumed to turn it off.

"Close." Yuan Chenfei said.

He couldn't let the three-eyed people see what he was doing inside.

The silver magic pupil dissipated in his hands.

Above the top of the tower, Gui Sen has already roared loudly: "All three-eyed people obey the order and prepare to enter the three-eyed tower!"

Mystra's voice sounded: "The unofficial Three-Eyed Tower guards enter the Three-Eyed Tower and can only be released immediately. Regular soldiers cannot exceed five hundred at a time."

"Use authority!" Gui Sen said.

He is also an authority.

"With permission, you can send up to three brigades of the Three-Eyed Tribe into the Three-Eyed Tower. You can only send one brigade at a time, and each brigade must not exceed two hundred. You can command the soldiers who enter the tower, but you cannot Any specific information can be obtained from the soldiers entering the tower, only the entry floor of the target and the number of people involved. Of course, other means are not limited.”

"Understood! The first brigade is ready to enter, and the second and third brigades are ready to fight. Other soldiers surround the Three-Eyed Tower! No matter what the outcome of this battle is, Yuan Chenfei cannot be allowed to come out alive!"

"Swear to defend Annihilation City to the death!" All the three-eyed people shouted at the same time.

"Cut." Yuan Chenfei smiled disdainfully and stepped into the tower, followed closely by Li Zhanjun and others.

Chang Mao and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing whether to enter or not.

At the same time, the elf army in the distance has slowly appeared on the horizon.

Isolde, Sayers have appeared at the same time.

They looked at the Jade Demon Eyes on the top of the tower in the distance, and their hearts were already filled with anticipation.

"Yuan Chenfei, don't let us down! Take out your cruelty to the elves!" Sairs murmured.

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