Game of Gods

Chapter 686 The Meaning of Existence

Although he had felt it for a long time, it was not until this moment that Yuan Chenfei was finally confirmed.

Everything is understood.

No wonder those thought-touch particles, which were originally nothing, can form omnipotent thought-touch.

No wonder the gods encourage their detachment in the game.

Because this is indeed the experiment of the gods.

They try to find a way out of these experiments.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, it's the truth.

The gods are just pawns of others.

And those thought-touch particles are the system woven by higher-level beings. Those high-level beings have rewritten the functions of the particles, just like system programs, acting on the gods, giving them great power, and at the same time restraining the gods. They cannot be surpassed.

It is for this reason that the gods started the game of the gods.

They tried every means to treat the heavens and all races as their own guinea pigs, and used all kinds of means to test, strengthen, and promote them, all for nothing else but to find a way to get rid of the shackles.

But what is the end of the road?

What will be waiting for them?

no one knows.

Yuan Chenfei didn't know, and neither did the gods.

All they did was to get out of the shackles and see the end.

Even if what awaits them is the fate of perishing.

At that moment, even Yuan Chenfei felt desperate.

This is like a never-ending road of exploration, just like Thirteen Degrees of Death, you can only keep going, but what is waiting for you is endless exploration.

However, at the same time, Yuan Chenfei had new expectations in his heart.

He knew he was on the right track.

At least for now, on this cosmic level, he's on the right track.

He looked at Barbus.

Babos said: "Now, you know as much as we do, but if you want to get over it, you still have to beat me... Just knowing the answer is meaningless."

"Yes, just knowing the answer is meaningless. If you see the road, you have to go through it."

When Yuan Chenfei looked at Babos again, everything seemed to have changed.

Now what he has to consider is not to understand SiTouch, but to decipher SiTouch.

He cracked the wall of light by using the power of understanding Si-Touch, and after he understood that Si-Touch is a systemic existence, he could target its restrictions.

Thought touch has no limit, but the system has.

The limitation of the system and the unlimitedness of thinking and touching are also a kind of contradiction, which makes thinking and touching not omnipotent in the true sense, but few people can go beyond the limitation of thinking and touching, and touch the field of "everything they can't do".

And Yuan Chenfei destroyed it because he saw this.

But now he was facing Babos, a living god.

The field of "what can't be done" has been further elevated, and it has once again reached the point where Yuan Chenfei cannot reach.

If you want to defeat Babos on the basis of not becoming a god, it is equivalent to further transcending the system of thinking and touching while transcending the system of gods.

This is another layer of chasm.

But Brabus did just that.

If you want to pass, you have to win him.

From the perspective of the gods, the matter is very simple: as a non-god Yuan Chenfei, if he can defeat a god, it means that he has a way to escape, and even if it is not good, there is hope.

And that's what God expected!

So Yuan Chenfei didn't say anything more, for him, the same thing happened.

If you can't pass this level, there is no point in following it.

So he just continued to think and analyze.

After realizing the original nature of thinking and touching, Yuan Chenfei began to analyze further.

Now his analytical ability has reached the extreme at the microcosmic level, even a grain of sand is as vast as a universe in his perception.

Molecules are like a supercluster of galaxies composed of countless galaxies, and the atoms that make up molecules are those supergalaxies. Protons, neutrons, and electrons are like galaxies. In the smallest details, those smaller particles, It's just a star system.

Thinking particles can be regarded as the most original kind in this microscopic level. Its existence in a grain of sand is equivalent to the basic planets in the universe, and finally builds a huge group of galaxies, that is, the dust universe.

Yuan Chenfei's fine-grained ability has not yet reached the point where he can directly observe the thinking touch particles. He is only aware of its existence and composition, but he has not been able to really touch the surface of the planet.

Sensation is like gaze, it travels endlessly in the microcosm, but it is so difficult to find a momentary planet in a universe.

Yuan Chenfei felt that his mind was like a lonely traveler lost in the vast universe. He could know its existence, but he couldn't find it, or even deconstruct it.

Roaming endlessly and seemingly endlessly in consciousness, it feels like ten thousand years have passed, but Yuan Chenfei still failed to find his goal.

This is not surprising.

The universe is too vast, and the world is too vast. In a microcosm like a grain of sand, there is such a vast universe, not to mention a god.

At that time, Yuan Chenfei suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Maybe, if I go on like this, it will be impossible to find the goal in my life, let alone analyze it.

Isn't this the right way?

Is it an idea?

Still have problems with your own thinking?

If parsing can solve problems, then maybe the gods can too.

But why can't they solve it? Not only because Sitouch has formed one body with them, but perhaps also because of the limitation of thinking.

Ideas are limited!

A light suddenly flashed in Yuan Chenfei's mind.

What is it that limits thinking?

As I said before, one is that thinking and touching itself is a lie, not omnipotent, and the other is the limitation of thinking.

Yuan Chenfei once put the answer in the first place, and it also proved that Sitouch is indeed not omnipotent.

Now he suddenly realized that maybe both could be true!

The limitation of thinking also holds true.

Sitouch is restricting them!

It limits their thinking, so that they will not think of a certain possibility, a certain problem-solving idea.

Perhaps this is the biggest problem.

When you have the power of thought and touch, your thinking has limitations.

Why do the gods play the game of gods? Why are they surprised by all the results they didn't expect? Why build a system through omniscience?

Perhaps, omnipotent, thinking wherever they go, and reaching with their hands, while gaining this magical power, they also lost their imagination, the ability to reason, and the infinite expansion of their thinking itself.

This is their biggest price!

So they can only look for various possibilities and answers through the game of the gods.

Thinking of this, Yuan Chenfei couldn't help trembling.

Suddenly, he began to feel sorry for the gods.

They have great power, but they have lost the ability to think independently. They want to get rid of the shackles, but they can't.

This kind of limitation of thinking is the most terrifying.

Fortunately, Yuan Chenfei has not reached this point yet.

All along, he didn't, so he was hope.

When looking at Babos again, Yuan Chenfei could even feel the desolation in Babos's heart.

Babosi also seemed to feel Yuan Chenfei's emotions.

He smiled: "You finally understand."

Yuan Chenfei nodded lightly: "It's a big price, who would have thought that the gods would be prisoners of thought."

Babos sighed: "We have been trying to go beyond, to see the end, to understand why this is the case. But for thousands of years, no one has been able to help us. Until your appearance, no matter what, you at least helped us We found part of the answer, confirmed part of the truth."

Yuan Chenfei began to understand why the gods didn't tell him the answer directly.

Because the gods themselves are not sure.

They need the Star Luo Wan Clan to find the answer by themselves, and tell them the answer, verify it, and confirm it.

It's as if Yuan Chenfei said that thought and touch are matter and the basic constituent particles. This is the conjecture of the gods, but it could not be confirmed until Yuan Chenfei came to confirm it.

But that alone is not enough.

Even the gods don't know why the particles that make up the wonderful ability of thought and touch have such changes, and who is behind the scenes manipulating all this.

So they can only look forward to Yuan Chenfei's answer.

"Have you got an idea now?" Brabus asked.

No, not just Babs, but all the gods, roaring in the sky.

Yuan Chenfei said, "If I win, will I be able to meet the God of Apocalypse?"


"But if I know as much as you now, why can't I see him now?"

"Because Apocalypse knows more than us, you are only qualified to talk to him after surpassing us. As for the reason, you already know."

"Yes, because I am not looking to you for answers, you are looking to me for answers."

Babus didn't speak any more.

He just stood there, quietly waiting.

A long time has passed.

But the gods are patient enough.

"Analysis is no longer enough to solve the problem." Yuan Chenfei said: "Thoughts are. Instead of exploring the form of existence of thinking and touch, it is better to explore the meaning of their existence."

"Oh?" Babos looked at Yuan Chenfei: "What did you think of?"

"I was thinking, if there is a reason for everything, then maybe one problem can be solved."

"what is the problem?"

Yuan Chenfei thought for a while and said, "God, what is the meaning of existence?"

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