Game of the World Tree

Chapter 593 New gameplay: Battlefield Summons!

After returning to the kingdom of God, Eve did not immediately issue the entrustment of the dwarves and the God of Forging in the form of an oracle.

Although the Dwarf Kingdom is located in the southeast of the Death Desert, it is still too far away in terms of distance.

Although the Desert of Death now belongs to Eve's sphere of influence, and Eve has officially advanced her teleportation array system to Sandstorm City, Sandstorm City itself is also located in the hinterland of the Desert of Death...

Under such circumstances, even now, it is possible to travel all the way from Winterfell in the northern area of ​​Elf Forest to Sandstorm City by teleportation, but from Sandstorm City to Dwarf Kingdom is still a long journey.

Perhaps this journey is not a big deal for gold professionals and legendary professionals, but not for players.

If it was really relying on them to rush to fight, Eve reckoned that it would have to go all the way behind the same way as when he fought in the desert of death.

Of course, now that there are so many players, even if they are left behind by more than half, as long as there are enough people participating in the mission, there will always be enough combat power when they reach their destination.

But why?

At such a long distance, if you don't make any other preparations, the players will not have time to participate in the battle when they die, and they will simply lose the most BUG advantage...

From this point of view, it is best to build an ultra-long-distance teleportation circle like the original underground world war, and teleport the players directly.

However, the distance from the Dwarven Kingdom to Sandstorm City is much farther than the Underworld's Blade City to Black Rock City.

If the teleportation array is really used, the is estimated to be astronomical.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Eve plans to combine the power of the true God and take another more convenient and evil way...

Instead of teleporting, go to summon!

The true God...especially the belief in the true God, has the ability to accept the call.

As long as they are within the control of their own beliefs, or as long as a belief is pious enough to temporarily serve as an anchor believer in the belief network, the true gods can accept the call and deliver items or manpower to the target.

It's a bit like sacrifice in reverse, or advanced teleportation combined with the Faith Grid, but more limited.

Its essence is that the true god transmits or replaces the existence connected with his own belief network to the summoner within a certain period of time...

And this kind of summoning subdivision can be divided into two types.

One is permanent and one is temporary.

Permanent ones are often used by the true gods to reward believers, and they consume a lot of money, and are essentially space transmission.

The temporary consumption is relatively small, and most of them are believers setting up summoning circles to summon high-level "thugs", which are essentially space replacement.

Teleportation is a one-shot deal, but replacement is a "deception" of the law of space within a certain period of time, and it will be lifted after the time limit expires.

Of course, because many secular beings don't actually know the real difference between the two, they generally regard it as summoning and teleportation.

In the Saiggs universe, the evil god believers summon demons, and the church patriarch summons angels. In fact, they are all routines of space replacement.

However, for the true god, cross-border sacrifices are already relatively expensive.

And if the cross-border reverse summon, even if it is temporary, the consumption is not small.

And like teleportation, the consumption of summoning is related to the energy intensity of the summoned object, such as summoning a seraph, demigod or something, then the consumption is even more outrageous.

Therefore, even if there is such a method, few people use it on weekdays.

Not to mention that the true gods often set the conditions for summoning to a particularly high level, so that the summoner can share the consumption of the summoning...

If it is too much, some true gods will also increase the summoning consumption to a very excessive level, which in turn will rub off the magic power consumed by the summoner when summoning.

From this point of view, in general, the magic material required to request a summon from the true god is much higher than that of teleportation.

However, this is the general case.

Eve's situation is special.

Eve's body is already located in the world of Saigus, and when he accepts sacrifices, the cost is much lower than other true gods, and the same is true for reverse summoning...

At the same time, players are also different from ordinary believers.

They are all the consciousnesses that Eve pulled from Blue Star. They are essentially one with the game system, and the game system has long been integrated into her belief network by Eve...

So... the consumption of summoning players is actually much smaller, because there are fewer processes to go.

Before, Eve's belief network was not strong enough, but now that he has millions of believers, he is enough to adopt a more advanced sacrifice method to summon players in reverse.

That is to say, Eve is now theoretically able to grant believers, or to pray to themselves, a new ability...

That is to pay a certain price and summon players to their side!

This is actually something that Eve has already thought about.

With the expansion of the map, it is definitely impossible to expect players to run on one leg for everything.

And if the plan goes smoothly, Eve can also naturally promote this kind of summoning, and it is also convenient for players to "fight fire" and "experience" in various places in the world of Saiggs, and by the way, they can also gain a wave of prestige.

Of course, summoning the player is also a "replacement" of walking, which is temporary.

The reason is also because it consumes less, and by the way, it can also send players home after completing the task.

Simply perfect.

And this time, Eve planned to test the water first.

However, considering the number of summoned players, Eve does not plan to use believers as the summoning anchor, but instead plans to directly build a god statue dedicated to summoning players.

This kind of god does not need to have the ability to store the power of belief like other gods, as long as it can become a node of the belief network.

At that time, as long as you spend a certain price and pray with the idol, you can summon the player.

Of course, not all players can be summoned, and a task or subsystem related to the summoning needs to be done. Only players who have accepted the summoning task can become the object to be summoned.

"Summoning quest... Let's just call it 'Battlefield Summoning', just call it and fight it, and then retreat when you're done. It's quite like a battlefield in an online game."

"For the reward, let's focus on the silver transfer quota and the artifact exchange point scroll. The former attracts black iron players, and the latter attracts silver players."

"In addition, we also need to arrange an NPC in charge of this. That guy from Thranduil seems to have been very nourished in Sandstorm City recently. He is so idle, so he will leave this matter to him."

While Eve made a plan, she used divine power to condense the idol.

While Eve was making the Summoning God, he also released a new game announcement and put the updated content on the tube network...


The forest of elves, the city of heaven.

The original main city has been less crowded since players built the new city.

Of course, as the transportation hub of the entire "Even Kingdom" (for players), it is still the most prosperous here.

It's just that many of the bigwigs who are often active in the city are no longer there.

Such as moving to the city on the top of the mountain, Xiao Xian Miao who has been addicted to castle construction recently, and Li Mu who is increasingly salty fish, thinking about how to help his elemental fairy to hook up with Tiny Ding-dong from Natsume's house next door...

Most of these high-level players who had already reached the full level followed their guilds to build the manor in the new city, and they built the style one by one, but many players who were not high-level stayed.

From this perspective, the City of Heaven's Choice is a bit like a true novice village.

On the contrary, the central square of the Chosen City is still as lively as ever.

Here, players hang up and even enter the virtual space to learn from each other every day, and many of them are well-known bigwigs.

Every night, there are still banquets and carnivals in the central square, which has become one of the fun of players.

Maybe the people are different every night, but every night, it is very lively here.

Of course, things are not absolute.

There are also some bosses who are too lazy to move, or who are used to the convenience of the city of heaven, and still live here.

Such as Bento, and his teammates.

As a battle team that is keen to run all over the map, they still prefer the city of heaven.

Not to mention that after the artifact repair function was launched, the entry point of the Demon God's Labyrinth dungeon was also on the World Tree next to the City of Heaven. For the convenience of brushing Azazel, everyone did not consider moving for the time being.

It's just that there are now thirteen small bosses in the Demon God's Labyrinth, and it's too difficult to get rid of the old man.

According to some player statistics, often only one or two player teams reach Lao Ah's palace every week, and Lao Ah is obviously more difficult to fight...

"Hey, after brushing for so long, I only managed to get the Demon God's Palace once, and I lost an artifact repair point scroll, which is still 100,000 points. This is too difficult."

On the central square, Gourd snorted while nibbling on kebabs.

He was sitting on a small wooden chair with a bonfire in front of him, surrounded by four old friends, Bento, Optimist, Chopin, and I was invincible.

Besides them, Nightingale and several of her younger siblings were also sitting beside them.

Today is the weekend, and it happens to be night in the world of Seggs, so the lunch team did not go to the dungeon for a long time, but gathered in the central square to rest.

As for Nightingale, that was an old friend.

This is a friendship where you can eat barbecue in person, and by the way, you can make fun of each other's eating or not.

"Do you really want to earn Contribution Points? I calculated that if I want to repair all the damaged artifacts I collected, it will take a total of more than five million Contribution Points..."

The optimist said with a bitter face.

"Only five million? I'm almost ten million!"

Chopin was surprised.

"Go away! That's your good luck! All you found in the Broken Kingdom of God are good equipment, and the contribution requirements for natural restoration are high. If I found a few pieces, they all add up to less than 2 million..."

I rolled my eyes in invincible and said.

"Don't say that, it also depends on the damaged state of the artifact, right? The staff I picked up is broken into three pieces, and I can't use it..."

Chopin said.

Several players were discussing lively, they were all full-level silver, and now the only pursuit is to get enough of the six gods.

"How can an artifact be so easy to repair? Her Majesty the Goddess can give you this opportunity. If I say it, it is already a great blessing. You don't know how difficult it is to repair an artifact..."

Listening to the players' words, Nightingale shook her head and said.

"Also, artifacts also require corresponding strengths to be used. The one that suits you is the best. I don't think there is any need for you to pursue artifacts that are all over your body."

she said.

"Hey, Nightingale, you don't understand, it's feelings and pursuits."

Gourd said.

Even the lunch box nodded:

"That's right, a god outfit, perfect."

Of course, it's perfect. Up to now, some local tyrants in "Even Kingdom" have already put on a magical outfit, and through the test, the durability of the artifact is not of the same order of magnitude as ordinary equipment.

In other words, as long as you change into a god outfit, you don't need to repair it every day.

Of course, artifacts can also be damaged, and if you forcefully play the role of artifacts, it may affect artifacts.

And while a few people were chatting, suddenly, a new system announcement appeared in their field of vision...


[Announcement: "Elf Kingdom" will be updated with non-stop server version in the near future, adding new gameplay, please pay attention to the announcement on the official website...]

"Pfft... Is there any update that doesn't announce the specific update time?"

Looking at the new announcement, Hulu laughed out loud.

Of course... He naturally didn't know this was because Eve didn't know when the messenger of the dwarf kingdom would be able to reach Sandstorm City, so he used this rhetoric.

Several people smiled, but they were not surprised.

To be honest, sometimes the tasks and updates in "Elf Kingdom" are quite random, as if they were temporarily decided, and they have long been used to it.

Following the announcement, several players opened the official website, and when they found the latest official update log, they were instantly interested:

"Huh? Battlefield Summons?"

"Is there finally a battlefield mission in "The Kingdom of the Elf"?"

After that, several people looked down and saw the relevant instructions for the new gameplay...

"Huh?! You can drop silver transfer places, a lot of contribution, and you can also drop scrolls of artifact repair points?!"

In an instant, several players suddenly became energetic.


"Teacher Black Cat, Teacher Black Cat! Have you read the announcement on the official website? The battlefield mission is coming! You can still lose the silver transfer quota!"

In a hotel in the city of heaven, Cao Lingxuan pushed open the door and said excitedly towards a well-known cartoonist who was staring at the air in a daze.

"This time, we have one more channel for changing job quotas! The announcement said that the battlefield is randomly dropped, which is much better than rolling in the Devil's Labyrinth!"

The girl looked excited.

She and the black cat were level 40 when the Devil's Labyrinth version 2.0 opened, but unfortunately they haven't gotten a job transfer quota yet.

The main reason is... There are too many players who want to change careers, and the two of them are unlucky, and the ROLL point has never been reached.

I was about to find the boss group and spend money to open the boss copy.

However, after listening to the girl's words, the black cat just forced a smile:

"Well, that's fine, let's go together later. But...I have some unfortunate news to tell you..."

Cao Lingxuan's heart jumped, she glanced at the black cat, and asked carefully:

"Wouldn't it be the deadline again?"

"That's right, but no reward."

Cao Lingxuan:  …

"a few more days?"

she asked.

"one day……"

The black cat replied dumbly.

"Then do it quickly, I will open the software immediately, and try to get it done in two days!"

Cao Lingxuan waved her fist and cheered.

"Cough, I mean a day in the game."

The black cat coughed dryly and replied.

Cao Lingxuan:  …

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